Chassidus: Heichaltzu #4
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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This class was presented on Monday, Parshas Devarim, 4 Av, 5782, August 1, 2022, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Chassidus: Heichaltzu #4
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Claudio Barria -2 years ago
Any chance for the source sheets to be translated into English or in Spanish for jews who cannot read Hebrew ☝️☝️??? Remember diaspora ? Not everybody can read Hebrew or speak it ☝️☝️. Thanks
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Jacquelyn Contreras -2 years ago
Shalom is just so BIG! And may you have all of it.
So grateful to breath the breath of heaven with You today. Even my yidfush is improving! And I was raised in Sunday school singing Jesus loves me. My hebrew name is Shirah Y'Israel and everday I am priveleged to the spring at Great Hill Pond and draw living water. Then I do mikvah. Every day I must confess, who am I, that my Belived would speak to me face to face? And then I float, weightless, empty on the waves. If storm or snapping turtle comes, I am out of the water. Its so complicated!!!! Live 4 final wish. And please, remember me.
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Valerie Jo BAKER Baldenegro -2 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Anonymous -2 years ago
Creation was made to be a pendulum
Like creation itself which was from one oneness came diversity, and our job is to put the puzzle back together to go back to oneness (and Moshiach); so too all parts of creation go from diverse parts to unuty and from unity to diversity and so on back and forth .
There are 2vgenders. From the 2 they produce a single child. That.singular child must in turn unite with another singular entity to create yet another unity. The unities can be either gender but both are needed to create any of that gender or the other gender.
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Jacquelyn Helene Contreras -2 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Sara -2 years ago
Paradoxes are ...
a necessary reality of life. They are conflicts that are an integral part of human experience. As I realize this more and more, and it isn't always and hasn't been easy, it actually makes life easier. I just have to remember the realization when it happens.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
Yetzer Hara -the word Yetzer comes from the word yetzira and rah is brokeness I create a picture in my mind that I am broken and this is all before I do any actions. The Chet adam chava came before actions it was what they saw.
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