Chassidus: Heichaltzu #14
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Baruch Yosef Markoff in honor of Fraydel bas Sarah and Aharon HaLevy ben Sarah, may HaShem bless them with a refuah shelaimah with many more good long healthy years filled with nachas and simcha
This class was presented on Monday, Parshas Shoftim, 2 Elul, 5782, August 29, 2022, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Chassidus: Heichaltzu #14
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Baruch Yosef Markoff in honor of Fraydel bas Sarah and Aharon HaLevy ben Sarah, may HaShem bless them with a refuah shelaimah with many more good long healthy years filled with nachas and simcha
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Aharon ambassador of love, light and hope -2 years ago
Shalom to all. Thanx Rebbe for the personal greetings. I miss the great people at the shir and of course being in the presence of our teacher and guide Reb Jacobson. May we all continue to receive the positive hashpah of love light and hope from Reb YY and spread iit on to othersl I'm in Jersey city medical center having some pretty heavy work done on my leg. Been here for a while. Look forward to getting out and being home. trying to keep up with shirim - on pretty strong pain meds so it's up and down. Ezrie Engel mazal tov and we should all share many simchas together and truly be happy and content with the knowledge that Reb Jacobson is sharing with us. thank you for any positive thoughts sending love from my deep heart place from Aharon
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Chaim.S -2 years ago
Rabbi Y.Y ,you mentioned the 14th century Kabalist, who so eloquently put it, that part of being perfect and infinite is to be able to be finite also.
That reminded me hearing once a brilliant solution, to that age old conundrum about YEDIAH and BECHIRA, our free will and God knowing what we will do in the future.
Basically the problem is,that humans having absolute free will and free choice is imperative because if not the whole concept of reward and punishment fly out of the window,and the whole reason of creating man flies out the window. Now the same time we say God is perfect and all knowing and omnipotent, therefore if God is perfect and knows what we will do tommorow, there goes away our free will,therefore either we have free will or HASHEM does not know the future.
The answer is a simple one, in order for us to have free will (which is an absolute must) HASHEM decided not to know the future, exactly because he is perfect and omnipitent , because being perfect entainls to be able not to know the future if he does not want to know.
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Valerie Baldenegro -2 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Pinchus Krieger -2 years ago
It's 3:08 local time Jerusalem (8:08 am NY time). Waiting for the shiur.
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Sara -2 years ago Not available on site, but it's on youtube. Follow the link
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Feliks Leybovich -2 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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