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The Therapeutic Benefits of Sharing Your Painful Emotions

Why the Disunity Among People Dedicated to Serving G-d?

1 hr 10 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Thursday, Parshas Devarim, 7 Av, 5782, August 4, 2022, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    What do you do if you know a narcissist for 40 years. He made his wife to such a nothing, she is dead inside.

    He has his kids wrapped around his finger because he has money and they cannot protect their mother. He keeps his kids down so they need him. I could go on but you get the idea.

    How does this miemer deal with a person like this.

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  • K

    Kj -2 years ago

    Why can you not talk to Gd about your painful experiences.  He knows it all.  Don't you think He might have the best and most complete answer, not sullied by the flesh?

    Dint Psalms say He is a counselor.  

    Warning, His rates for discussion are cheap, $0.00, but His answers will cost!

    But, you will not go away disappointed!

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  • MS

    MORDECHAI STRASSER -2 years ago


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  • YG

    Yochanan Gorfon -2 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    On the topic of ישיחנה לאחרים I’d venture to say, and there is support for this idea, that it helps to talk to oneself as well. Perhaps this is the value in the breslov form of התבודדות.

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    The maamer helps us understand ourselves

    And where baseless hatred comes from inside.

    But....what if the other has such baseless hatred abd takes it out, at least in part, on you? I.e. you are the victim of his baseless hatred.  How to fix that? What does Zelensky do? The baseless hatred comes from Putin, of what help is it for Zelensky to examine himself? Ask what he did yo deserve this? No. It's BASELESS hatred, i.e. it has no reason so don't look inside yourself to see why you deserve it. 

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    • K

      Kj -2 years ago

      There is no such thing as baseless hatred.  What appears to be baseless hatred is often the jealousy of those who can't access the relationship with Gd a committed Jew can access!  Or, maybe, Gd allowing enemies to succeed for sin.  Or, Gds punishment of others, and you are caught in the middle.  

      Jews bring the blessings.  At the mountain of curses, those blessings are gone, and all suffer.  All people can bring the mountain of curses!  All people can suffer together!

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    • K

      Kj -2 years ago

      People missed the point, the Jewish community is given by Gd to bless the nations.  If the nations sin, or attack the Jews, the people cannot access the blessings or protections Gd provides through the Jews.

      Read it, those of the flesh and those who didn't want to live in the land of Israel, were on the mountain of curses!

      The question really is to the world, do you want the benefits of the mountain of curses or the mountain of blessings?

      That is what freewill is really all about in a nutshell!

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  • T

    Tzvi -2 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Amalek also had sinat chinam. They had no reason to confront Israel in the desert. What is the difference between Kelipat Midian and Kelipat Amalek?

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Chassidus: Heichaltzu #6

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • August 4, 2022
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  • 7 Av 5782
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Dedicated by Yisroel Kaplan in honor of the birthday of his wife, Chanie bas Charna Leah, Menachem Av 3

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