Chassidus: Heichaltzu #15
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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This class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Shoftim, 3 Elul, 5782, August 30, 2022, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Chassidus: Heichaltzu #15
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Anonymous -2 years ago
Chochmah and binah are opposites but
Work together.
This is no surprise. Look at any of the forces Hashem created. Electricity. Magnetism. Rotzov v'shuv. Male and female. The structure of a cell with protons and neurons. The list is endless.
Every force has opposite extremes that work together to bring about a third item that is dafka the result of those opposite forces.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
We all start off from a little drop, a yud
And then that drop spreads out, develops many limbs and parts. Into a full fledged body with its trillion parts coordinated to function together. That's the drop of chochmah being spread out and developed into binah with all the details.
Then, at the other end of life, i.e. Petira, that selfsame developed spread out body with all its parts begins to shrink back to its original seminal point, the physical body deteriorates and only the neshoma remains. This is binah going back to chochmah.
An idea is first a flash of insight, chochmah, which is developed into details by binah. But then, that developed idea must be able to be condensed and contracted back to a seminal point of chochmah.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
What's the mission statement?
What's Hashem's mission statement for Creation?
The Era of Moshiach which is synonymous with the Era in Gan Eden with Adam and Chava before the chait aitz Hadass.
I.e. He created a perfect world. People broke it, made it imperfect. Which He knew we would. The whole purpose of Creation is to put this Humpty Dumpty broken world back together to its primordial pristine perfect state.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
To build a new building one must first
Clear the land, clear the trees, demolish the old structures. I.e. one must make a clear empty space upon which to build.
The same is true for ideas, for learning and new insights. One must make an empty space devoid of everything before the new ideas and learning can take shape.
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Sara -2 years ago
I'm thinking that ...
all people probably have both Chochma and Bina in them, to some degree or another. maybe only 1% in one or the other and 99 % of the other
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Anonymous -2 years ago
Bring binah into chochmah
Chochmah is the masculine. Binah is the feminine. To create a new male or female one must integrate both the female and the male. So too, to create new ideas or projects both in theory and in actuality one must have both chochmah and binah.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
The chocham sees the future, the long term
The ultimate long term vision is the Era and fact of Moshiach, the purpose of Creation.
Every thought we have, every word and every act should be in furtherance of bringing Moshiach. That is the ultimate chochmah
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