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Why Do We Hate? Yetzer Hara or Trauma?

When We Crack the Shell of the Ego, We Can Greet the Sun

1 hr 29 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Matos-Massei, 27 Tammuz, 5782, July 26, 2022, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

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  • D

    Deborah -2 years ago


    Dear Rabbiנ''י,

    Blew my mind!

    I have to listen to it again, even if ihave rewind it several times whilst listening and wrote some critical sentences in order to read them again and again.

    I must say that if one takes, (I take), this shiur only and apply it MAMSH to (my) life, one (I) will probably experience the real geula. Life changing. 


    One (I) must pray for the teaching of this shiur become part of our (my) daily consciousness and not ח''וש be ... Like so many other good shiurim forgotten in the rush of life.

    לך בכוחך זה.... 

    Thank you, and thanks to Hashem for the treasures He has given you.

    For so many it is really Life saving!!!

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  • T

    Tzvi -2 years ago

    Amalek also had sinat chinam. They had no reason to confront Israel in the desert. What is the difference between Midian and Amalek? 

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  • T

    Tzvi -2 years ago

    עולם התוהו = עולם הנקודים

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  • HS

    Heather Steinhoff -2 years ago

    Thank you Rabbi.

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  • C

    Chaya -2 years ago

    Dial in possibility?

    Extraordinary insightful shiur! I have a cousin who would appreciate this, but she doesn't have Internet access. Is there any call in number + code for this? Thank you very much!

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    • C

      Chaya -2 years ago

      Never mind, I found the call in info!!

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    With regards to the Rabbi YY's comment regarding The Rebbe advising someone to see a therapist who is a believer- see link below for story 


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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    Klipas are necessary for a time

    The shell protects the growing chick inside. The "beard" of the wheat protects the grain inside. The womb and later the parent protect the fetus abd the baby.

    But....eventually, at the right time, the lpila, the shell is no longer necessary abd must be discarded to allow the protected item to grow to maturity and flourish.  The klipa, the shell, the protective cover is absolutely necessary for a time but becomes an obstacle at a certain point in time.  

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  • SS

    Shoshi Schapiro -2 years ago

    Addition to question

    I also want to add that we tried in all different nice ways to speak him .. he couldn't care less 

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      Susan -2 years ago

      I agree this is very hard. And first and foremost it's important to see yourself and give yourself the understanding and love that this deserves. 

      after you genuinely feel understood and compassionate towards yourself you may then feel ready to look deeper in and see the part in you that is broken that this fellow is reflecting to you. Good questions to ask yourself are 'what is this guy or situation bringing up in me?' 'What trait, action or inaction in him am I despising here' 'what is the feeling that's rising up in me and what is it reminding me of'  'how is this person or situation a direct reflection of me, now or anytime in my past, and what is this all coming to point me to' 

      As you continue to be open to seeing how it's a reflection of and for you rather then focusing on him and his blank blank behaviors or blank illness etc.. you will find what the mirror is coming to show you. And you will have opportunity to heal it. It's then that the mirror in time disappears. 

      loads of Hatzlocha and syata dishmaya.   I can be reached if you'd like help or to hear more. 646-554-6058

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  • SS

    Shoshi Schapiro -2 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    We have a Nighbore in the country directly across from us that for the last 15 years he parks his 2 huge vans in front of our bungalow instead of his own driveway - we checked with him and he replied that many years ago we had guest by us and they parked on his side of the road and therefore he is punishing us. He isn’t a well man obviously although he seems very functional … He fights with the entire colony but we suffer the most because we live across from him. What about ME is broken according to you that It drives me crazy? What can we tell ourselves? How Is this שנאת חינם ? On my part ?

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    What if no yetzer Hora?

    If there was no yetzer Hora there would only be the yetzer tov.

    If there is only there is the yetzer tiv, there is no test or challenge. Only abd precisely we are pulled in opposite directions by the 2 yetzers are we tested. 

    There is only free choice if there are 2 or more choices. One choice means bo test or challenge. 

    No test or challenge means no reward or punishment  

    So the yetzer Hora isabsolutely an essential part of the system whereby we are tested, challenged, hopefully pass the test, rise to the challenge and earn our reward. 

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    Is it trauma or is it the yetzer hora?

    Because we are imperfect and life will always present us with obstacles and challenges, we will all be inflicted with trauma of every flavor and type, large or small, constant or intermittent, surmountable or not, etc.

    Even birth is traumatizing 

    So the inevitable trauma  is bound to happen. But that trauma is only the grist fir the mill.

    After the trauma occurs the yetzer Hora has what to work with. He takes the trauma and tries to  use it to ensnare and trap the person.  Sometimes successful, sometimes not. 

    So trauma is the fuel for the yetzer Hora to use to do its G-dly appointed task like the king who hires the harlot to test the prince.  

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    Trauma causes baseless hatred?

    Sometimes. But a traumatized person doesn't always turn that trauma into baseless hatred. One can just keep that trauma, can turn to addictions that don't contain hatred to another, can "hate" themselves, etc.

    I.e. trauma may cause baseless hatred but nit necessarily. It can manifest in other ways, even sometimes with no outward results 

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    Baseless hatred can be overcome by

    Baseless Love. Unconditional love 

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    Can it be said that the current epidemic of

    Crazy angry young men who buy automatic gins and kill many in a school is an example of sinas chinam?  They don't hate the kids but just hate, period.

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    Klipa of Midian is sinas chinam

    That's bad so must wipe it out.

    But, what about Amalek who tries to cool us off? 

     It waa said that nowadays baseless hatred is rare. Yet, that is the reason given for the destruction of the second Bais Hamigdash and this current longest darkest golus. So it must have existed then

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  • S

    Sara -2 years ago

    I think there is something deeper to sinat chinam than baseless hatred

    It's more about a kind of misplaced righteous rage.  It is not necessarily hatred without cause; there's always a cause. It is hatred that cannot adjust downward. It is disproportionate hatred, hatred whose degree is baseless. Yes, you can be angry or hurt but how angry is ok.

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      Sara -2 years ago

      *but how much anger is ok?

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago


    Altho all comes from Hashem, and Hashem only wants good for His creations. Sometimes the good is revealed and sometimes it's hidden by seeming negative.

    What seems as negative covers and obscures tge true inner good. It must merely be removed

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    Fragmentation versus Unity

    In the world of fragmentation there are many parts. But each part is for itself, selfish. 

    The world of unity also has parts, different from each other. BUT they are united in purpose so altho different they act in unison for the common goal

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Chassidus: Heichaltzu #2

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • July 26, 2022
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  • 27 Tamuz 5782
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