Chassidus: Heichaltzu #3
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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This class was presented on Thursday, Parshas Matos-Massei, 29 Tammuz, 5782, July 28, 2022, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Chassidus: Heichaltzu #3
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Tzvi -2 years ago
WOW Wonder Of Wonders
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Paula Sevier -2 years ago
What were the 3 types of soup?
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chava -2 years ago
Hi I'm following along with your morning classes and I really enjoy it. You explain a lot of Deep chasidishe concepts in a way that is very clear to understand. So thanx for that.
You were mentioning in one of your recent classes about the idea of separation that is either harmful or it can actually be helpful to understand how we are all one and a part of infinity. I was just thinking to add that it's interesting that the word "Apart" can be read to mean separation and division, but actually if you "split" the word it can then be read as "A part" which means that all the parts are actually a part of one infinite light! Just sharing my thoughts, and thanx again for your amazing classes!
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Sara -2 years ago
Diversity creates harmony ...
or diversity creates conflict. It's all about how a person interprets what is happening. Positively or negatively. Being vulnerable or not. Having trust or not. Being secure with oneself to be open to whatever or totally not.
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Sara -2 years ago
Given how you are talking about the coexitence of the midos
it is interesting that while midian means strife, it also according to the Ari and kabbalah, there is a holy Midian as well. "It is the place in the human soul of unconditional love, love that has no reason other than it is divine to love one another." Again another paradox in life full of paradoxes.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
There are many arguments in Mishna and gemora
But, Rabbi Yehuda Hanasi broke a fundamental rule to NOT write down the oral Torah precisely because differences in memory of the law from the original Oral Law began to creep in as yeshivas began to be spread out.
Originally there were no debates or arguments in Oral Law (especially in the midbar when all yidden were in one yeshiva with one teacher). After entry into EY, with many teachers in different locations, discrepancies crept in. R. Yehuda broke the rule and wrote down rhe Law and its full range of opinions at that time to limit further debate and arguments. The Gemora merely discusses that range.
The point is that Originally in Oral Law there was no machlokis
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Anonymous -2 years ago
Chesed and gevurah could not coexist
The process of creation itself was a series of divisiveness. Light separated from dark. Water from earth. Upper water from lower. Adam from Chava. Etc.
Oneness is the puzzle of creation at the outset. Then, it's broken into pieces. And the person must put the pieces back together. This is the whole purpose of it all. To put it all back together.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
Seeing and hearing are different.
Like chocohmah and Bina are different. One grabs the whole and works toward the parts, the other grabs the parts and works toward the whole.
But, generally we BOTH see and hear a thing at the sane time. Certainly at Har Sinai we both heard abd saw simultaneously although the senses were transposed.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
The fetus learning Torah has no words yet
And therefore deals with infinity. Words limit infinity, like the various parts of creation limited the ein sof prior to creation. Both start with infinite oneness abd then both creation and words are subdivisions of that infinity and oneness.
What then, of a child born who is unable to speak? Who grows up non verbal? Dich a nonverbal person lives their whole life with that infinite noverbalness.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
A name of a thing kills the curiousity
But, without a name or a word we cannot communicate our thoughts inside the brain to another. Facial expressions can communicate feelings but not thoughts.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
To grasp anything it must have borders
The borders it must have are letters.
In reality every letter of the alphabet is by definition a limit on the unlimited supply of ink. An aleph is defined, a beis is defined. All letters of all languages are defined. And then, further, all words are defined.
No letters or words means no definition.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
The moshel of the egg is very good physical , but
The maamer about the "beard" of the wheat that first protects and then departs to allow full growth is a chassidic precedent.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
Sinas chinam means baseless hatred
That implies no reason for the hatred.
But sometimes the hatred comes as revenge or payback for a harm done by another.
There are cases like when someone slashes the tire of another for no reason whatsoever. That would be true baseless hatred
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