Chassidus: Torah Ohr Beshalach Vayaar Yisroel #6
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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This class was presented on Friday Parshas Yisro, 19 Shevat, 5780, February 14, 2020 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY
Chassidus: Torah Ohr Beshalach Vayaar Yisroel #6
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Anonymous -4 years ago
the Rebbe is the Moshe of our generation. no big mystery.
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Anonymous -4 years ago
ורב שלום בניך אל תקרי בניך אלא בוניך
What are the tzaddikim building? They are building that chibur to the one above.
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Anonymous -4 years ago
Why do grasshoppers not need shechita?
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Danny Bergson -3 years ago
on simple level they dont have trachea or eusophagus like mamals but you must kill it first based on prohibiton baal teshaktzu
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Moshe -4 years ago
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Moshe Isenberg -4 years ago
How do you know Freud didn't learn the Alter Rebbe's chassidus and plagarized?
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Moshe -4 years ago
Correction: all creatures sing Perek Shira
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Moshe -4 years ago
Not only the sea split but so did the heavens
And even a handmaid saw up there what no novi ever saw.
So why didn't we also sing a song about the heavens splitting, a more fantastic event than water splitting? After all cynics say it was explainable and just low tide.
Maybe because we are physical bodies in this physical world and can better relate to the miracle of physical water splitting for us, especially cuz it saved us physically, than we can to miracles about supernatural levels we cannot easily or normally relate to.
Was it a recognizable miracle for the fish in the yam suf? The sea is only a cover for us, not for them. For them a recognizable miracle might be to somehow be able to see the land split, like for Korach. If they saw that maybe the fish would sing (tho all creatures do in Shir Hashirim).
Real emuna does not come before the full exhaustion of using our seychel, that's stam immature belief like an obedient child. True emunah comes only after the full exhaustion of all the faculties of our mind, and then going beyond that realizing that there is much truth behind that which our mind can possibly ever grasp.
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Moshe -4 years ago
Not only the sea split but so did the heavens
And even a handmaid saw up there what no novi ever saw.
So why didn't we also sing a song about the heavens splitting, a more fantastic event than water splitting? After all cynics say it was explainable and just low tide.
Maybe because we are physical bodies in this physical world and can better relate to the miracle of physical water splitting for us, especially cuz it saved us physically, than we can to miracles about supernatural levels we cannot easily or normally relate to.
Was it a recognizable miracle for the fish in the yam suf? The sea is only a cover for us, not for them. For them a recognizable miracle might be to somehow be able to see the land split, like for Korach. If they saw that maybe the fish would sing (tho all creatures do in Shir Hashirim).
Real emuna does not come before the full exhaustion of using our seychel, that's stam immature belief like an obedient child. True emunah comes only after the full exhaustion of all the faculties of our mind, and then going beyond that realizing that there is much truth behind that which our mind can possibly ever grasp.
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Moshe -4 years ago
A bracha draws down from above, doesn't create
The goodness.
There are water towers up high everywhere. When we open the faucet we draw down, literally, the water from the reservoir waiting to be drawn down. Like a bracha. Made by ourselves for ourselves or others or given to others.
There are also fresh water rivers, lakes and underground waters, but that's a different story.
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