Chassidus: Torah Ohr Beshalach Az Yashir #2
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Rochel Blasenstein
This text-based class in the Maamar of the Baal HaTanya Az Yashir, Torah Ohr Parshas Beshalach, was presented by Rabbi YY Jacobson on Thursday, Parshas Beshalach, 15 Shevat, 5781, January 28, 2021, live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.
Chassidus: Torah Ohr Beshalach Az Yashir #2
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Rochel Blasenstein
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Pinchus Krieger -4 years ago
Does the Baal HaTanya mean that the Bnei Yisroel went into the Yam Suf and at some poinr turned around and went out the same side they went in?
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
The hidden world of the sea was revealed
So too, the hidden supernal worlds were revealed as Hashem gave the 10 commandments.
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
Bittul can be pronounced several ways
Someone pointed out to R. Shais Taub that one pronunciation can be:
Be. Tool. Be a tool. Be a tool in Hashem's hands. Like Avraham being a chariot.
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
If I am not connected and attached I can't truly be me
Because I am only half a neshoma.
On the other hand, to be connected and attached I must FIRST truly and completely be my half.
Only when both halves are first their true and complete half can they, together, re-create the complete whole they were before they were split (like the sea).
All of creation seems to be unified, then split and differentiated, and the job is to re-unify and re-attach those separated parts. Same for all "sparks".
Hashem took the unified puzzle of His world, broke up the pieces and left it to us to put it back together.
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
Hashem could have fashioned the miracle any way
He could have had the yidden walk or swim through the actual water. Like a fish.
He didn't.
The yidden walked on dry land in the midst of the sea with walls of water on either side.
Surely there is a significance in this. We didn't actually go through the (wet) water, we walked through dry land in the midst of the water. The water pulled back
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
This comment made before the vort of R. Elimelech was given
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
Fish didn't sin and weren't destroyed in the mabul.
All animals did sin and were destroyed.
Strong minhag to eat fish on Shabbos.
They now have discovered that some animals have contracted Corona. So far as we know no fish have contracted Corona. They exist in a different world, a different existence.
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
So far as we know fish don't make sounds and "speak"
So far as we know fish don't make sounds and "speak" either.
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
The individual fish are invisible to us and not differentiated
But, to each of the fish, they see the other individual differentiated fish and other creatures of the sea. In fact, they spot their prey and eat each other.
Ditto for angels and other creatures of all hidden worlds.
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Anonymous -4 years ago
Aren't we supposed to strive towards bittel and not diversity, Why then do you say that alma deisgaliya should stay in diversity?
In other words: are we supposed to make peace with our diversity and self centered needs or strive towards a place of unity?
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