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How Do We Listen to the Same Song 1000 Times?

When the Ultimate Essence Emerges, Attachment and Individuation Can Fuse

1 hr 32 min

Class Summary:

This text-based class on the Maamar of the Baal HaTanya, Az Yashir, in Torah Ohjr Parshas Beshalach, class #3, was presented by Rabbi YY Jacobson on Friday, Parshas Beshalach, 16 Shevat, 5781, January 29, 2021, live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.

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  • M

    miriam -4 years ago

    1) in the class "singing 1000 times".....  you talk about the power of a nigun. Do you always mean without words or can a song with words also be/have the same power as a nigun?

    2) what about the songs composed with p'sukim that are sung with jazzy or even rock tunes... do they also have value and if so what is the value?

    3) why at weddings when the (mostly) bochrim want to get lebedik they need such loud jazzy music? wouldn't it be more appropriate at such a spiritual and holy event to just sing negunim?

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -4 years ago

    Someone commented

    Perhaps the pruning of zimra is removing obstacles to reach the core of cores.

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -4 years ago

    Someone asked...

    Which part of the neshama is iskasya and which is isgalya?

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago

    Singing comes from a deeper place than words

    With instruments or without? 

    Many frum yidden listen to classical music written by nonjews. Is that music from a holy deep place or not? 

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    Chagiga 15b

    אחר מאי זמר יווני לא פסק מפומיה

    Revealed that deep in his heart he was rotten. 

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -4 years ago

    Do you think

    that talking about and understanding the paradox is a way to get to that synthesis or rather it's a feeling, an emotion one has to experience instead?

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago

    Paradox, the separation of a unified entity into 2 opposite poles

    Is just part of the breaking down of the kelim, the differentiation Hashem created from an absolute achdus.

    Our job is to reassemble this broken up puzzle, to gather the  sparks, to return the differentiated pieces of the world into a unified achdus. 

    The reconciliation of any paradox (male-female, magnetism, electricity, rotzo-shuv, etc.) Is merely the very first step of the reassembly and reuniting mentioned.  

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago

    If song is deeper than words,

    Why didn't Hashem create the worlds with song and not words? Why didn't He give us 10 songs (explicitly, don't say that the 10 commandments are really songs or have songs inside) instead of  10 commandments comprised of words? 

    Why is Torah shebskav or baal peh comprised of words not song? 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago

    When we are submerged in the hidden liquid world in the womb

    We are taught the whole Torah. 

    It doesn't say that we are taught any songs. 


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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago

    If pisukei d'zimra is about song,

    Why don't we just sing at that part of  davenning? Even songs fixed by Anshei Knesses haGedola. 

    Why then, put words into pesukei d'zimra?

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago

    Perek Shira is the songs of all creatures

    These animals instinctively sing just like they institively eat and drink, instinctively etc. No need for mommy to teach the young to sing.

    But humans do not sing instinctively. Would we ever  sing if not taught how to sing? Does a child of  tone deaf nonsinging parents ever sing if not taught by another? Would a infant  on an island by himself ever sing? 

    If so, then noninstinctive singing must be, for us, a type of Torah she'bal peh. 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago

    The avoda of the Cohanim had to be perfect

    Even an errant thought would disqualify. 

    But the Leviim who sang did not have to be perfect. A tone deaf of off key Levi or one who had errant thoughts did not disqualify.  

    Also, the highest point was the Cohen Godot on Yom Kippur in the Kodesh Kedoshim, not any avoda of a Levi.

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago


    (התוועדות סלבטיצקי, שבתי)

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    • Anonymous -4 years ago

      power of music

      Vilna Gaon (brought in sefer Paas Hashulchan)

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    End of Maamar

    End of Maamar

    "Vezehu benahar yavru etc. (very bekitzur here)

    See previous Mammar that right now it is only bechinas emunah and we can't experience the simcha until the future. 

    Yet we find lehalacha 

    ויאמר שירת הים בשמחה וידמה בדעתו כאלו באותו היום עבר בים והאומר בשמחה מוחלין לו עונותיו

    How does one tap into this simcha if it is only shayich to the future world?

    Perhaps the answer is that the way we are able to reveal this giluy is explained there as well through teshuva and maasim tovim. These are the avodos of bitul and hamshacha of bracha (torah and mitzvos). There it seems the ikkur is through Bitul (even though both bring the giluy through sur merah and aseh tov).

    The avodah of teshuva/bitul is to admit to that which is beyond your understanding - admitting to the truth even though it is beyond your sechel. See shiurim about the maan earlier this week. 

    When passing through the Yam each day which represents the yezer harah chasing us (paroh) and the difficulties of life that leave us perplexed and in doubt, anxious etc.  we can escape to the olam that is hidden, we enter the world of bitul to be modeh and admit to the situation in front of us and take it with simcha -this will create a mechila of avonos that as if we are a new creation (mechadesh kol yom tc. ) to be able to approach the challenge with a new outlook to become one with infinity. 

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Chassidus: Torah Ohr Beshalach Az Yashir #3

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • January 29, 2021
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  • 16 Sh'vat 5781
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לע״נ פרץ בן יהושע ע״ה 
וחי' יוטא בת חנוך הענעך הכהן ע״ה
מוקדש על ידי בתם מרת רחל תחי' קפלן 

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