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Transcending Language Allows for Healing

Dissolving into Oneness Is Life or Death? Depends Who You Are

1 hr 30 min

Class Summary:

This text-based class, the 5th and final class on the Maamar Az Yashir, Torah Ohr Beshalach, was presented by Rabbi YY Jacobson on Thursday, Parshas Yisro, 22 Shevat, 5781, February 4, 2021, live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago

    After the devastating Hurricane Sandy,

    NJ came up with a slogan: "Stronger than the storm"

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  • DB

    danny bergson -4 years ago

    re: victimhood

    “...(S)uffering is universal. But victimhood is optional. There is a difference between victimization and victimhood. We are all likely to victimized in some way in the course of our lives. At some point we will suffer some kind of affliction or calamity or abuse, caused by circumstances or people or institutions over which we have little or no control. This is life. And this is victimization. It comes from outside. It's the neighborhood bully, the boss who rages, the spouse who hits, the lover who cheats, the discriminatory law, the accident that lands you in the hospital.

    In contrast, victimhood comes from the inside. No one can make you a victim but you. We become victims not because of what happens to us but when we choose to hold on to our victimization. We develop a victim's mind -- a way of thinking and being that is rigid, blaming, pessimistic, stuck in the past, unforgiving, punitive, and without healthy limits or boundaries. We become our own jailors when we choose the confines of the victim's mind.”
    ― Edith Eger, The Choice: Embrace the Possible

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago

    It was said that because the yidden had Torah and mitzvos,

    Chesed and Gevurah, positive and negative mitzvos, they were able to pass through the sea. 

    But... they didn't! They were at the 49th level of Tumah. They were steeped in avoda zora as the angels argued. 80% didn't want to leave. Brsides the 7 Noahide laws, they only had the mitzvah of rosh chodesh and the requirements of the first seder and other things surrounding the killing of the first born. 

    Or.....was that enough  because they listened and obeyed?

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago

    The yam suf was on either side

    So we went through. 

    But at Mattan Torah we didn't go through a split mountain, but it was held over our heads

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago

    The beginning of ego starts with one's name

    When we receive a name, and as we mature we identify with it, it separates us from others. 

    So why are we given names? Maybe better never to get a name, to stunt the growth of ego, and to remain as part of the entirety of man.

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago

    Letters are imperfect

    But when it comes to describing or communicating the infinite, any tool or medium will necessarily be imperfect.

    Letters are imperfect but it's the best we have. 

    Even Hashem didn't create creation with His thoughts but concentrated His thoughts into very specific letters and words. 

    Letters and words translate the infinite into finite. 

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    • SG

      Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago

      And this is not only true about creation but also in giving over the Divine Will via Torah which is very specific letters and words. 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago

    Krias yam suf is the revelation of the hidden

    In a way, all of creation is the revelation of the hidden. From an absolute unity which contained all diversity and differentiation in potential, there began a process of revelation. 

    The same goes for the continuous parallel revelation of the infinite layers of the onion of Torah she'b'scav and she'b'all peh. 

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    What would a nameless reality help in a place of real evil and pain? Is it about living in delusion and denying it? and if it's not then what does it make a difference that theoretically this reality excites?

    If it's just about a raisin or a cup that's fine, they won't do evil, but for other people wouldn't that be naive?

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    On the topic of music: according to the way you explained the meaning of a song composed by a tzadik, would it be correct to educate children to refrain from listening to music from sources (even jewish music) other then tzadikim?

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    Isn't it usually explained that פסוקי דזמרה is related to ממלא כל עלמין? and here it connects it to עצמות? 

    Or is it the ability to relate to עצמות through ממלא?

    Thank you.

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    end of Maamar

    End of Maamar

    "Vezehu benahar yavru etc. (very bekitzur here)

    See previous Mammar that right now it is only bechinas emunah and we can't experience the simcha until the future.

     Yet we find lehalacha ויאמר שירת הים בשמחה וידמה בדעתו כאלו באותו היום עבר בים והאומר בשמחה מוחלין לו עונותיו

    How does one tap into this simcha if it is only shayich to the future world?

    Perhaps the answer is that the way we are able to reveal this giluy is explained there as well through teshuva and maasim tovim. These are the avodos of bitul and hamshacha of bracha (torah and mitzvos). There it seems the ikkur is through Bitul (even though both bring the giluy through sur merah and aseh tov).

    The avodah of teshuva/bitul is to admit to that which is beyond your understanding - admitting to the truth even though it is beyond your sechel. See shiurim about the maan last week.

    When passing through the Yam each day which represents the yezer harah chasing us (paroh) and the difficulties of life that leave us perplexed and in doubt, anxious etc.  we can escape to the olam that is hidden, we enter the world of bitul to be modeh and admit to the situation in front of us and take it with simcha -this will create a mechila of avonos that as if we are a new creation (mechadesh kol yom tc. ) to be able to approach the challenge with a new outlook to become one with infinity. 

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    • Anonymous -4 years ago

      vort from rav yechiel michel leiter

      (1st half)

      We have to take the evil from within and hide it within the sand-  take the evil and make it part of the olam hiskasyah. Use it as a spring board for avodah torah and mitzvos to become one with the divine. Do not let the mitzry overtake you rather strike it down and then convert into a way of becoming greater and one with Hashem

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Chassidus: Torah Ohr Beshalach Az Yashir #5

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • February 4, 2021
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  • 22 Sh'vat 5781
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Dedicated by Todd and Raphaela Stern in memory of our beloved father
Seymour Emery NewmanShimon ben Yeshaye Berel, who lifted all of those he encountered. May his neshama have an aliyah and be a meilitz yosher for all of klal yisroel in this most challenging time.

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