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Why Are Celebrities Depressed?

Do You Know How to Allow Someone Into Your Mind?

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Thursday Parshas Beshalach, 11 Shevat, 5780, February 6, 2020 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY 

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  • A

    Aharon -5 years ago

    Shir summary

    Thursday    Feb  6 ‘20

    “And the people feared H” and they believed in H’ and in Moshe his servant”

    3 x mention H’ name Havaya

    Second name includes Moshe also.   “Believed in H’ and Moshe His servant.”

    Same letters but not same words,

    Seems like some sense awareness should preceed an emotion – fear

    should follow emunah, not vice versa?!

    Two concepts of Havaya –

    HaShaim Havaya L’satta – the way divinity is manifest thru existence     – how H’ constitutes the DNA of life , the way undefined reality assumes the reality of existence ex. is electricity, imprint of H’ in the world in whatever unique way it is brought into the world  

              HaShaim Havaya L’aila –

    Represented by a process thru these 4 letters -

    6:00   “boshes” – ego loses itself, “yiras boshes” – tremendous

         awe/embarrassment from my essence – reverence – in presence of

          greatness – don’t want to feel self cuz then u can’t feel what you’re

         experiencing – transcendent and infinite

              Can be manipulated thru lies and one can be misled.

    1030 ”v’yaaminu b”H’ and Moshe”

    12:00 each existence has its full reality – a cow, mosquito, man, a plant, a rock, etc


    16:00   Havaya when compared to Ain Sof is called “ayin” – has to go thru

    a great condensation of reality from Ain Sof to reach Havaya thru the

    4 letters

    Tzimtzum thru the yud a tiny point – mashal of teacher to student so

    student can m’kabel

          Hay then gets expanded, still idea is not fully developed        vav is the

    communication        final hay is the receiving

    Shaim Havaya K’sidro       or        loh k’sidro

    BShemTov:  by tzedeka, initiate the giving. Take out a coin, it’s a yud/a point, put in your hand like a hay,    stretch out arm – a vav    give to poor man’s hand which is a hay  -- that way one  brings Havaya into the world!

    Shomo K’villeer    & Houstaner Rebbe (Ruzhin – very royal chassidis) in

    Yerushalayim when Rommel was close to attack – went to Ohr Chayim’s

    kever and said Tehillim, till Houstaner ended – said “the Deutsch will not enter Eretz Yisrael – cuz when I finished Davening I saw the 4 letters in order”


    “mayin l’yaish” – relative to pure ain sof it’s very condensed

    ie how much of sun is coming thru the window in the kitchen relative to the

      whole sun?  “ayin”

    Imprint of the creator in the created – the poal in the nipoal

    27:00   all names are relationships to identify it.    If one’s on an island, don’t need

    a name.  tools of communication – name also equals reputation

    Shaim havay a- the way H’ is in relationship with creation

    HaShaim Havaya L’aila – daydreaming – creating in the mind, got to have

    a plan, first in the head before it goes onto paper, music sheet, blue print, business plan

    31:00   alma diskasya “concealed world” ascended in His will to create a world

    33   mashal by people- only know one by what one sees externally of another

    person, fr the outside then you go in deeper into the inside, intimate place

    Deeper rel’ship – invite into more intimate space, see things fr my inner world –

    vulnerability of seeing inside

    1. Know an author fr his book but limited – sometimes the further a famous

    person is fr you the greater they remain cuz of their mystique/aura/halo – get closer often get disappointed

    35:00 don’t see king in mikvah, at the barber, in bathroom   - in halalcha

    Celebrity – fans treat them like a g-d at a concert, lick their saliva – wife says take

    out the garbage, why were you late

                Am I a G-d or am I not a G-d?    so get divorced yet desperate for real

         rel’ships         failure to be able to go into a real rel’ship – don’t let anybody

                    inside your life cuz of vulnerability

    R Tzaddok says:   this was Yushkie’s problem, Sabbsei Tzvi and OsehIshes‘s

        Very deep people and very powerful and forgot humanness

    Emunah – deeper than yirah (fr to see) – fr far away can’t experience awe as well

    as being very close up


    43      remain in own ego = yirah

    Emunah – be in a rel’shiip w/one can’t even see or put in any context, very deep


       Emunah Shouldn’t compete w/intelligence

                – ie “I don’t’ want my brain to limit what I want to experience“

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  • Anonymous -5 years ago

    Rav Shach in his sefer אבי עזרי (hilchos teshuva) brings in the name of rav chaim that the mitzah of Emunah starts where our knowlege ends. 

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  • E

    Eliot -5 years ago

    From a documentary I saw on Rommel.
    Rommel was no longer able to maneuver as the Desert Fox once a breech in British intelligence was rectified.
    Also he was aware that an assassination attempt was going to made on Hitler.
    Since he didn't report it, he was considered an accomplice. He was given the choice of being executed or suicide.
    He chose suicide so that his family would not be shamed.
    Keep up the good work!

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  • M

    Moshe -5 years ago

    Perhaps a definition of "yiras boyshis" is

    The feeling one had being close up face to face with  the  Rebbe, if one was  zoyche.  If not, or too young, just look at almost any picture of  any chosid face to  face close up with  the  Rebbe. You can see it easily..

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    • M

      Moshe -5 years ago

      For an example of yiras boshis look at  the picture of  the boy in front of  the  Rebbe on the site above:


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  • M

    Moshe -5 years ago

    Perhaps a definition of "yiras boyshis" is

    The feeling one had being close up face to face with  the  Rebbe, if one was  zoyche.  If not, or too young, just look at almost any picture of  any chosid face to  face close up with  the  Rebbe. You can see it easily..

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Chassidus: Torah Or Beshalach Vayaar Yisroel #2

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • February 6, 2020
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  • 11 Sh'vat 5780
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