Chassidus: Torah Ohr Beshalach Vayaar Yisroel #3
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Susan Goldberg, in honor of the blessed memory of Aryeh Lev ben Zev Wolf and Yocheved bat Matityahu Goldczer, May their neshamahs have an Aliyah
This class was presented on Tuesday Parshas Yisro, 16 Shevat, 5780, February 11, 2020 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY
Chassidus: Torah Ohr Beshalach Vayaar Yisroel #3
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Susan Goldberg, in honor of the blessed memory of Aryeh Lev ben Zev Wolf and Yocheved bat Matityahu Goldczer, May their neshamahs have an Aliyah
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Anonymous -5 years ago
Someone asked in the shiur why does it say the name 3 times. In the Maamar he seems to explain that the 1st time is refering to the name of L’aila- al yedey bechinas mitzrayim- that in order for one to recognize this name there has to be סור מרע a bitul and a tzitzum. Later on he quotes the other two times. The one by yirah is the name of L’satta and by Emunah it is the name of L’aila. He seems to say that when the yam turned into yabasha they now had Emunah that there could be a revlation of the name of L’aila (which is usually concealed) in this world. Meaning alreay in Mitzrayim they had a realization of the name of L’aila, but by the Yam they were able to realize a new aspect of the name of L’aila that is it could reveal itself in the lower world. Is this a correct interpretation? Would Rebbe be able to explain the idea of סור מרע and the idea of the name of L’aila being revealed?
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Anonymous -5 years ago
Yes, well said. We weill still explain more beizer Hashem.
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Reb Aharon -5 years ago
Shiur summary
Tues Feb 11 ’20
Concretization - bringing out from inner potential to actualization – from olam d’ayal to olam d’sata
yud – condensing & filtering into a point - yaish from ayin (relative to ain sof)
Hay – Vav – Hay -
Paro doesn’t know Havaya – even Yosef used only the name Elokim –
Havaya d’l’tata Paro may know, but not d’l’ayil
Why does yirah come before emunah?
Two realities l’tata & l’ayl: Yet, Hashem echad u’shmo echad – really one
yet important to see two ie the distinctions bet H’ l’ayil & H’ l’tata to see
what we’re experiencing at different points in our lives
Mashal of a builder – 1st in mind before it’s actualized
Successful operation requires a good plan
Yiddishist author – bro was Rav of Yerushyalyim – wrote Yoselle Rokaver Speaks to G-d about Warsaw ghetto
Shir Hashirim – people translated acc’g to deeper meaning, not literal cuz
Rashi says its all a mashal –
He was upset & wrote an article – shame that Shlomo Hamelech wasn’t on
such a high level of yiras shemayim to write such a translation, but he didn't
Jew in Warsaw, translated Romeo & Juliet – “translated and enhanced by
Yankele Rosenzweig“
External wisdoms – chohmah chitzonios – secular knowledge
Tzemach Tzedek: it is the chochmah of the yaish
Torah is chochmah of the ayin that preceeds the yasih
“outer” – chitzonios” – relative to something else
R Yonasaon b’Uzziel – bird burns above
2 bochurim – one = wow one = what’s the halacha
Havaya l’tata divorced from Havaya d’layil
Anger – secondary emotion chitzonios
On one level what is penimius is on a deeper level chizonios and then on a deeper level etc – peeling the layers
If the author speaks to me thru the world – ie l’ayl into l’tata - that's good
“Anochi” - anah nafshi kasavas Yahavis“ – “I have written my soul into the text”
G-d speaks thru every creation.
Can I see the ayin behind the yaish?
Chochma chizonios = yaishis – “look what I know” pompous – study of yaish brings more yaishis
Chochma Torah - it is in the ayin = creates bitul –
Psychologist – fr LA – Freud's talmid speaks at a seminar re: flood story in many cultures – cuz of ego/ID/repressed fears – Yiddisha Dr. says maybe cuz that is what happened it is history in all cultures – Freud’s student “we will never know who is stronger a polar bear or a tiger cuz they can never live in the same climate” and that’s you and me and he left – ie the scientist’s ego is so great he can’t even discuss if someone disagrees with his dogma
The moment science becomes associated with dogma, it’s not just unscientific – it is a war on science.
The moment seichel becomes associated with dogma ......
Dogma – A set of knowledge or truths given over by an authority and accepted by people without questioning or investigation
Essence of Torah – looking for the ayin, not the yaish
What’s the ayin? The singular core that encompasses and integrates all of existence.
Mashal – author wrote a 1000 books then I meet the author, where this writing was born
Lub Rebbe: Secular Yidden developed science so much cuz they have a Yiddisha soul - they had the courage to go back to the ayin and the only way you can really change something in science is if you’re ready for a real paradigm shift, must go out of box to see it in a completely different way and that means you’re not defined by the yaish, you’re ready to go back to the ayin which is the source where everything can be recreated.
Dogma – stuck in yaishis
Emunah is the opposite – connected to the ayin
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Mrs. H -5 years ago
The Bear and the Tiger
okay, I see it at 31 minutes
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isaac -5 years ago
From the Article:
A tremor of shock rippled through the assemblage of mental health professionals. The ineffable had been uttered. The room was silent while the great man pondered. Finally he said this: “My teacher Freud told us that we will never know who is stronger, the polar bear or the tiger, because they can’t live in each other’s climate, so they can never meet. You and I are the polar bear and the tiger. In my world the possibility that a Flood occurred cannot be considered."
But there are Siberian tigers!
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Yisrael -5 years ago
Dont worry, “concretization” is a real word :)
Concretization is more commonly used to refer to a particular embodiment of a general concept or to the process which creates it. Concretion is more commonly used to refer to a physical, especially geological, object or to the physical process which creates it.
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Moshe -5 years ago
"concretization" is the result when kids step into the fresh wet concrete owned by someone who had claimed he likes kids, but only in the abstract, not in his concrete!
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Moshe -5 years ago
Hashem had the idea of creation as a "project" in His mind before creation, Havaya Elyona. Did the project come out as planned? It is said that Hashem first created the world according to strict din, gevurah, but it couldn't and didnt last, so He destroyed it.
Plan A scuttled.
Then plan B was to create the world with chesed, rachamim. And so it was rebuilt.
Not always does plan A get executed to original design, even by Hashem.
Ohr Chaim itself seens to be a project without a plan!
Next. Even according to plan B, the world was created to be without death, without sin, without toil to live, without pain of childbirth. So even plan B was scuttled by Adam and Chava.
After He created the world by His plan, the "cat was out of the bag" and people given free choice to further or hamper the plan. Golus is the result of hampering.
Should R Yochanan pay for the bird burnt by the fire over his head from his learning? Silly question. The bird was hefker, ownerless, and one doesnt pay damages to nature, (present environmental advocates who sue for damages on behalf of parts of nature excluded).
A chocham's chitzoinius is like the Alter Rebbe's beard, his nose, etc., just a part of him but not the real him.
Joseph Campbell, the master mythologist, wrote that every world mythology and culture has a flood story. Every culture had same warped explanation or it happened to the whole world?
Most people including top scientists have an internal bias to include facts, opinions and theories that fit and support pre-existing theories AND reject those that don't fit.
Can it be that even some giant Torah scholars are yeshidik like secular scholars?
Can it be that "yesh " and "ayin" are items here and there while "chitzoiius" and "penimius" are descriptions and adjectives of both?
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