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Torah Or Beshalach Lechem Mishnah #8: Two Equal Breads

In the Source, Diversity Is As True as Unity; Identity Is as Real As Loss of Self

1 hr 6 min

Class Summary:

The 8th and final class in Torah Or Beshalach Lehavin Einyan LEchem Mishneh. In the Source, Diversity Is As True as Unity; Identity Is as Real As Loss of Self. This class was given at Or Chaim, Monsey, NY, in Adar 5777, Feb. 2017.

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  • O

    Odom -7 years ago

    As per the explanation of the Maamar that lechem mishna represents two equals side by side why is it that on Pesach we hold the two matzos one on top of another (if I am not mistaken we do so even on Shabbos and all the Yom Tov meals as well besides for the Seder where it is for sure that way)? Could it be because the bitul of the matzos allows the oneness of the level of complete achdus to permeate even into a reality where different levels are experienced?

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Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • March 6, 2017
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  • 8 Adar 5777
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