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Torah Or Beshalach lechem Mishnah #6: The Secret of Shabbos

When All of You -- And the Entire World -- Become One

2 hr 20 min

Class Summary:

Understanding the secret of shabbos: when the world becomes one and all of you becomes one

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  • O

    Odom -7 years ago

    The end of the first shiur in this recording is cut off and left with a question, how does Rabbi Akiva's answer to the roman apply to other halachos of Shabbos besides for carrying?, Rabbi Jacobson graciously provided the location of the answer, it can be read here, http://www.hebrewbooks.org/... (link doesn't go to proper page its page 76)

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Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • February 22, 2017
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  • 26 Sh'vat 5777
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