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At the Core of Every Temptation You Will Find Holiness

Can You See the Angel Trapped in the Marble?

1 hr 26 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Monday, Parshas Pinchas, 14 Tamuz, 5783, July 3, 2023, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

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    Andy Snow -1 year ago

    Lions and Eagles and Owls, I Love you Hashem, and thank you Rabbi YY for constantly uplifting my soul, heart and mind, glory be to Hashem for gems like you...

    If I was a lion I'd look up at the beautiful night sky, and if I was an Eagle I'd look down at this beautiful creation and maybe in my nest at night I would look at the stars, or an Owl who thirves in the night and it's eye's glow like gemstones of different colors

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    Andy Snow -1 year ago

    What is ra?

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    Andy Snow -1 year ago

    Mountain gorilla

    Feirce and protective but gentle and loving to those who know how to behave in front of a giant silverback who could tear a lion in half or a person....killer whale hunt great whites in packs and unfortunaltly whales and recently 8 great whites devoured 2 children.....just relflecting on how things seem so much more mysterious.  Oh Rabbi you have taught me so much from the 7th day cult I grew up in from 4 to 19ish and kept all the Holydays well there were so many left out and so much confusion although H.W. Armstrong the crazy cult the chess champion went to, we started going after his first predicton of the return of Messiah, we concentrated on the book of Revealations and from age 4-5 I started hearing the terrifying visions of John of Patmos who I beleived also was deeplly affected by PTSD....it scared so me so much and asked dad why do grandma and grandpa have to burn in the lake of fire and be erased from the Book of Life and though I know the corruption of christianity from Nicea and learning the differces in the Diaspora, so I'm just 3.5-7% Jewish but my heart is being called....when my physicall pain isn't so intense I cannot even function, walking, communitcating and connectiing to the part of me that used to feel so connected and close to Hashem and I'm trying so hard to deal with the fact the whole state of hawaii has let 2 people they charged with 2 attemped murders, witnessses, cameras, and the hospital kicked me out with brain injury that caused terryigying hallucinations, a couple beautiful, but the fear overtook me and the cop who first got there picked up a rock! I thought he was going to bash my head in, I asked him in a voice and understanding of old macdonald had a farm....no propler pronouciation and he put down the rock a kicked me in the upper chest, with a size 15 easy I wear 13's and he was well over 6 foot and 320lbs cause I am now 250 and seem small to his size....anyways the whole state refused to help me with justice, the hospital promised a place to be safe, with a nurse, cook, and rides to court instead the took me to the bus stop and left me to die, I have been praying forgiveness of my sins and the people who broke all their oaths to pay, each attorney who rejected me help, every cop who swept it under the rug and the Detectives who didn't do their jobs and one tried coercing my mom into dropping the case of the man who left me, without a spleen, teeth, every rib broken or fractured, a. broken neck and one of. the ribs deflated my lung....I came back with my family and they took alll the medicine that was giving me the ability while I heal to focus, have endorphines to feel the relief from the pain so I can pray in a place of more peace... I need so much help and a good attorney, sooo many broken oaths, from an island Maui who made 50.2billlion offered 10grand then 100dollars???  I need help...please pray for me or connect through my mother at 503-9339-2731 her name is Cindy Snow, I am Andy and my father is Stephen....my Roth family came outta Allsaice/Lorraine, to Odessa before WW1, Liverpool, New York to Portland Oregon and my Grandma Baraba Roth married Morris Kellog Snow a cowboy from the thousands of acres we lost to the elders of the family who had all said yes Aunt Una we will keep this in the family for all those who need to get away from the city....and live a simpler life....prayers of healing from whoever Rabbi, please it is so hard to live with all the pain and it sucks I have to take meds to even walk upright, my father says your just an addict...I want healing not drugs that I for 13 years 10 of which I've was excruciating pain so am on meds to help me not fall into despair, I am feeling the Jewish blood calling me back to Torah and learn all that I was lied to about and am in search of how to get the muck/pain/darkness under control, I'm a walking miracle I don't know how I survived my foolishness and seem I shold be dead 10x or more easy.....I love the way you teach and am 48, and always wanted sons and daughters, but became an adulterer trying to find my soul mate and have children at least a son and a woman who really loves me the way I did my best to love them...I need a good Jewish woman who will help teach me Judeism along with a son..we could learn together...I love to a fault seems to me because the more I gave the more people treated me like doo doo....please help me and my family and get to someone who emenates love and light like you do... Thank you Rabbi, I just want to return to worshiping and glorifying my Creator but haven't been taugth properly for my fathers inferited lies and I the black sheep or goat...really need help.....Baruch Hashem...

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  • AS

    Andy Snow -1 year ago

    kadusha is divininty, pure divinity? in everything even the stone?

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    • Anonymous -1 year ago

      .Yes. See Tanya section 2 ch. 1 from the Arizal.

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  • R

    Rachel -1 year ago

    Thank you!

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Likkutei Torah Zos Chukas #2 5783

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • July 3, 2023
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  • 14 Tamuz 5783
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Dedicated by Nora Zarifpour in memory of her parents, Guity and Noury Bakhchi

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