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The Path of Healing: Discovering the Raw Core of Your Animal Soul

The Secret of the Red Cow: Understanding Temptation

1 hr 17 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Thursday, Parshas Chukas, 10 Tamuz, 5783, June 29, 2023, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

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  • C

    Chaim -1 year ago

    Is Chomer&tzuro same as or&keilim?

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    • YJ

      YY Jacobson -1 year ago

      No. I don't think so

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  • ML

    Marc Lowen -1 year ago

    The last 2 minutes of yesterday women's section did not record well.....and i always enjoy your conclusion 

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  • R

    Rachel -1 year ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Thank you so much!

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    Are.animals good or bad?

    Angels, animals, fish, bugs, vegetation and the inanimate ALL do NOT possess free choice.  Only free choice can lead to "bad" choices.

    ONLY people have free choice. Ergo, only people can be or do "bad". or "good" for that matter. 

    And that was His plan, His purpose and  intent in this whole set up. 

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  • S

    Sara -1 year ago

    So is this about

    everything is for the good? OThat we have control over how we see what happens to us, Or that we just shouldn't have any reaction to anythihg that happens to us?

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    The caterer didn't bring enuf forks.

    thats the chomer, the event. What is the tzura, the interpretation? For most, especially the host, it's a problem. For those who like to eat with their hands, it's an opportunity to do as they please without feeling embarrassed! 

    Even the late Queen, when hosting a disabled guest who couldn't use cutlery to eat the chicken, also picked up the chicken with her hands once! 

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    "Chomer" is the event. "tzura" is the

    interpretation we give it.

    notice that the word "tzura" is very close the the yiddish word "tzuris" which means "problems". Problems then don't come from the event itself but from the interpretation! 

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    What is left when a person is burnt up?

    This disturbing question occured in the crematoria in the Holocaust. What was left when ym"Sm burnt up the victims? Apparently the "luz" bone in the back of the neck does not burn. And from that bone the dead will be resurrected. 

    So even those who commit the grave sin of cremation presumably leave over the Luz bone so even they will be resurrected from. it

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    • ZZ

      Ziporah Zien -1 year ago

      The beauty of Hashem's plans to elevate creation is toooo beautiful! 

      Honored and revered Rabbi Yosseif Yitschak Jacobson, I am so thrilled to find in this Ma'amar the explanation of the way the chomer and the 'chomer hachiuli' are utilized to create the actual forms (Zura) of matter which transform the chomer from the bottom up into the organisms which manifest as creatures in our transient world.

      Ever since I heard that fascinating exposition of the 4 makkot or 5 makkot at Yam Suf (was it Pessach 2022 or 2023?) I have been wondering how long it would take until I would hear a more detailed explanation. 

      I cannot tell you the level of Joy I am experiencing just relating my gratitude to Hashem for revealing this essential piece of "When the floodgates of knowledge will open up", that's when the Zohar will be revealed and made available to the world.  

      Is this not a glorious sign that there is none other than OUR Eloikim? The One Who completed his input in the Creation when He took us out of Mitzrayim in order to be OUR Eloikim?  The whole parsha of Creation uses only that manifestation, that Name, which at Sinai is repeated, He is the Creator of Am Israel at Sinai. We are now Tzurah of divinity?  From a higher sphere than Briah? is that a clue to  the pintele Yid?

      So He revealed His control over all creative powers at the Yam Suf, showed those who lived through it, more prophecy than Yecheskel ben Buzi, and then brought them to Sinai, so that they could experience, each individual, how He would fashion them into receptacles, vessels worthy of reflecting His Kedusha, the chelek Eloka miMa'al!  

      Sorry if the details are wrong here and there.  Please correct.  This is just a smidgen of the glory of the Rabbi's shiurim which I have tried to put into one piece.  One sincere and deeply felt sense of gratitude.  Thank you so much!  

      Please continue to enjoy your Shabbos delights!

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    Ashes are the leftover part of whatever

    didn't burn or "go up". 

    Try "burning" water, the other component of the mixture of ashes of the parah adumah and water. Nothing left when you "burn" water. 

    so the mixture of ashes and water come from one component that has a non'combustible part, the ashes, and another component that does not have a "noncombustible" part.  i.e. opposite types of matter combined. 

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  • K

    Kj -1 year ago

    Can only jews offer their animal on the altar?

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    The parah adumah is burnt with regular

    fire, i.e. wood. And ashes remain,  But, when the fire is "hotter" like in a furnace or atomic blast, even ashes don't remain. 

    so the ashes are not just that part of the animal that doesn't "go up" but the result ofvan "inferior"/ cooler fire. 

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  • K

    Kj -1 year ago

    Offer your animal on the altar of sacrifice to build the third temple?

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  • K

    Kj -1 year ago

    Really, Gd was exceedingly angry....Gd had an ego that needed stroking.  Is that scriptural or flesh?

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    We burn the parah adumah,

    why weren't the ashes of the Beis Hamigdash holy also? It was holier before the fire than an animal 

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Likkutei Torah Zos Chukas #1 5783

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • June 29, 2023
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  • 10 Tamuz 5783
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Dedicated by Yaffa Popack in loving memory of her dear grandfather, Mordechai ben Chaim Eliyahu, z"l

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