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Every Breakdown Contains a Child Waiting to Be Born

Whatever Comes Your Way In Life, Search for Its Innermost Core

55 min

Class Summary:

Likkutei Torah Chukas Vayaas Moshe ​#3. Every Breakdown Contains a Child Waiting to Be Born. Whatever Comes Your Way In Life, Search for Its Innermost Core




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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    In The Maamar Sam Nafshenu Bechayim it brings the saying that the shoresh of gashmiyus is greater than ruchniyos. The Darkness of Gashmiyos(olam Hazeh) has the infinite light concealed within. SImiliar to what we are saying here that the malach hamaves on the outside is really tov meod and has the infininte light concealed within. 

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Likkutei Torah Chukas Vayaas Moshe ​#3

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • July 5, 2017
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  • 11 Tamuz 5777
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