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How to Integrate the Opposite Forces Within Yourself

Every Emotion that Comes up Has a Space within G-d's World

1 hr 13 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Monday, Parshas Vayechi, 9 Teves, 5782, December 13, 2021, live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.

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  • R

    ralph -3 years ago

    Q: we find 600,000 is a wholesome number klal yisroel,  Torah letters, etc sounds like it's a positive number.  On the other hand, some hold a reshus harbaim is created thru 600,000 that sounds like a negative number.  Which one is it?

    think the answer is one of the biggest yesodos in Judaism u cnt get to love and wholesomeness Without self-realization and brokenness ....by putting all 600k pieces back together.....that gufa is the shliumus of klal Yisroel .... but when it is broken up feels separated that makes reshus harbaim.

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  • K

    Kj -3 years ago

    If you focus on pleasing GD at all times, how will that happen?

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  • K

    Kj -3 years ago

    Stand still and see the salvation of the Lrd.

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  • K

    Kj -3 years ago

    The lie of psychology....beating a pillow or destroying a printer does not fix it!

    GD fixes it.  Vengeance belongs to Gd, not you!

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  • K

    Kj -3 years ago

    You should judge yourself, lest GD do it.  Learn how to judge according to the law of Gd, not what you have heard.  And, heard Gd's take in it!

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    Originally, Hashem was One. The ultimate One

    And from his Oneness He created infinite diversity.

    We ate each one of those diverse creations. 

    And our job, individually and collectively, is to "reverse engineer" and take the multitude of diverse creations and put it all back together into One.  Tp recognize that each seemingly different piece us all part of One.

    We are pieces of a broken apart jigsaw puzzle trying to fit ourselves back into the reconstructed puzzle. 

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  • K

    Kj -3 years ago

    Emotions are holy, and created by Gd!  They are given to protect and grow, like hand on hot stove!  

    It is how you respond.

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 years ago

    Someone asks...

    So who was right Yehuda or Yosef?

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    Yes, Fire must realize it needs water and

    Water must realize it needs fire. Yehuda must realize that he needs Yosef and vice-versa.

    But.....Yosef's dream was NOT about just getting along with his brothers but to dominate them (and even his father) by the fact that they all bowed down to him in his dream. 

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 years ago

    Someone commented...

    There was a rebbe who had a kaas coat. He kept it in the closet. When he felt himself getting angry he would go to the closet and take off his coat he was wearing and take out the other coat and put it on. Before he even got the kaas coat on his anger would subside and he would be able to express himself in speech or action (or silence) in a more effective way.

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 years ago

    Someone commented...

    But how do we calm down ourselves at the heat of emotions and think it's for better and this challenging conflict is there to make us better? we know it once our emotions cool down but not immediately...should we go with our instinct and go with the flow

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    Fire and water can get along thru the medium of a pot

    Both fire and water can each, in the extreme, be destructive. Tho in moderation each is essential to life.

    Notice we say on Yom Kippur "who by fire, who by water" because they each can be lethal.. We don't say "who by a pot"! 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    A "machlokis" where you fight for what you want

    And the other does the same, is obviously NOT a machlokis l'sheym shomayim.

    Only when you fight for what (you think) Hashem wants, for the emes, not in your subjective, perhaps erroneous opinion, is it a machlokis leshaym shomayim. 

    The catch is to be honest with yourself and ask whether you are fighting for what you personally want OR what Hashdm wants which is always the emes.

    That said, it is still, nevertheless true, that "these and those ate the words of the Living G-d". I.e. Hashem's Truth can encompass not only one emes but even what appears to us to be contradictions and paradoxes. 

    It is true that the Aron had specific dimensions but it is also true that upon measuring,  it tool up no space 

    I.e. Hashem endorses quantum mechanics! 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    How do we harness opposite forces within?

    How did Hashem harness the opposite forces within Himself? 

    How to reconcile His chesed with His Gevurah? 

    Easy. With Tiferes. 

    Tiger's, the Great intermediary,  balances the opposite forces of Chesed and Gevurah.

    Yakov balanced the differences between Avraham and Yitzchak.  Therefore he was to be the builder of Israel. 

    The same is true in all of creation. Rotzov v'shuv. Positive and negative electrical energy. Hot and cold. Gravity and thrust.

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    ישמח משה, ויגש י״ג:ב׳ או יאמר ולהחיות לכם לפליטה גדולה (בראשית מה ז), על פי המבואר במדרש תנחומא (ויגש סי' ה') כי פרחה נשמתן כשאמר אני יוסף, ונעשה להם נס וחזרה נשמתן. ועל פי הקדמה מנזר הקודש דלא עביד קב"ה ניסא להחיות אם יהיה לו לרוע, כי מי יודע מה יולד יום. לזה אמר ולהחיות לכם, ר"ל שכיון שהיה רצון השי"ת להחיות לכם כנ"ל, בודאי הוא לפליטה גדולה, והבן.

    When we see the contradictions in our lives we want to escape ( parchah nishmasan) but hkbh brings our neshamas back saying it is exactly through these contradictions that you will have a great salvation. The experiences and journies you went through is what will bring out your greatness. The darkness was a catalyst for even greater light and redemption.

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    • K

      Kj -3 years ago

      If you think about it, there are contradictions in GD too!

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Chassidus: Sfas Emes Vayigash

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • December 13, 2021
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  • 9 Tevet 5782
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Dedicated by Dr. Michael and Liz Muschel in loving memory of her father, Rav Yisroel Yitzchak haLevi ben HaRav Binyamin, who passed away twenty-two years ago on 11 Teves. Rabbi Irving Levy was a respected Talmid Chacham, legendary Baal Chesed, and one of the earliest founders of the Monsey community.

Dedicated by Baruch Yosef Markoff, may HaShem bless Fraydel bas Sarah, Ayala bas Yosefa and Aharon HaLevy ben Sarah with an immediate refuah shelaimah with many more good, long, healthy years filled with simcha, nachas and continued growth in Torah and Mitzvahs.

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