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Every Jew Is a Witness to All the Claims of Judaism

The Torah Is Here to Jog Your Unconscious Memory of the Infinity of Your Soul

1 hr 33 min

Class Summary:

This weekly women's class on Sefas Emes Parshas Yisro was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Yisro, 20 Shevat, 5781, February 2, 2021, live from Rabbi YY Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.

Every Jew is a witness to all of Judaism’s claims. For its truths are imprinted in the core of every Jewish soul. The Torah is here to jog our unconscious memory, reminding us what we always knew about who we always are and who we will always—conduits for Divine infinity.


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  • AL

    Anna L -4 years ago

    Thank you for the wonderful, deep and insightful lecture on Parshat Yitro.  The reference to 600000 letters of the Torah / 600000 souls at the Mt. Sinai triggered my further research that brought me to the following discovery:
    There are "5,888 or 5,845 verses in the Torah."
    I'm quoting this website : 


    So a couple of questions here:
    1. So how many verses are really there?  5888 or 5845?

    2. Why the discrepancy?

    3. Do you think that this number gives us a hint regarding Moshiah's arrival?
    Thank you once again for your continous flow of wisdom!

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  • G

    Gelly -4 years ago

    thanks for all these classes. I always enjoy these types of classes.

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  • S

    Sara -4 years ago

    If we are all witnesses

    which is what GD says, and Torah is the document we have to refer to , then we should all be able to serve as a witness, no? 

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -4 years ago

    Someone commented

    They way we approach the position and task assigned to us can determine how we handle the engagement of activity and the result that will either produce hundred, sixty or thirtyfold.

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  • A

    Alter -4 years ago

    A witness may have his memory jogged by a document he wrote

    When Hashem testifies to us at Har Sinai as what He did 7 weeks earlier in Mitztrayim,  is He testifying as a witness relying on a document (the Torah)? 

    I suppose He qualifies as a Talmud Chocham for whom the rules about testifying are relaxed.  

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  • S

    Sara -4 years ago

    If we are (all) witnesses (according to GD)

    why then is it only the tzaddikim that can testify without necessarily remembering at first the event or even be reminded by the litigant?

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    • A

      Alter -4 years ago

      There are witnesses who remember without a trigger, who need a little trigger and others who need to be reminded of the story.

      Some souls need no reminding about yetzias mitrayim, some need a little trigger and others who have no independent recollection.  

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  • S

    Sara -4 years ago

    HIS plan was that

    we are divine!!! But he gave us all our challenges, our natures, the human nature, the thing that has flaws, the thing that we have to overcome. The dissonance was injected by Who? By us? Did GD put that into the reality? Wasn't that dissonance part of HIS plan?

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    • A

      Alter -4 years ago

      See parsha Berashis regarding the snake.

      We are Divine, yes, but not divine robots with no free choice or temptations. That would defeat the purpose. 

      The "kuntz" is to overcome the yetzer, the snake, the temptations. 

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -4 years ago

    Can you explain...

     the part about us “not having intermediaries:? GD is who we are supposed to talk to. No intermediaries, and yet we are “allowed”? to have a tzaddik pray for us eg. Moshe Rabbeinu was like an intermediary, the Rebbe too, and other tzaddikim. How can that be ok if we are supposed to talk to GD directly?

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    • A

      Alter -4 years ago

      We daven to Hashem directly and also ask people alive or not to daven for us, on our behalf, to be messengers for us.

      In the chevra Kadisha (burial prep group) we ask that the mais (deceased) be a "Melitz yosher" a good intermediary for us

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  • CL

    cirel lipskier -4 years ago

    Interesting that Rav Kahana lived during the same time as Rav Ashi

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    • A

      Alter -4 years ago

      Hello Auntie.

      Regards to  your dear husband.  

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    Question for Rabbi

    Dear Rabbi,

    Can you say something what we can learn about this week when 3 big Rabunim passed away in the same day, and all in Yerushilayim, intrasting that one was from the Yeshivash's world, and one from the Litvishe and one from the Chasedisha world. also can it be that it was a sign of mercy from Hashem?  and BTW. my grandftaher who is still alive and lives in Jerusalem says a story that when he was a child one of the big tzadikim said that there was suposed to be a big decree that year in israel and instead Hashem took away the decree and there will be a massive snow storm, and he remembers the snow storm which was pesach time, so i was wondering if the snow in America (which mainly hit NY where is a big Jewish crowd) is also a sign of mercy,

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    • C

      CHAIM -4 years ago

      it means that all three of the rabbonim had baruch hashem ARUCHAS YAMIM ,all of them passed away in their nineties and had a long and fruitfull life.

      As far as the 18" of snow here in the northeast of the U.S,is a sign for the happy kinderlech that there is no school for that day (my great grandchildren were absolutely delighted)

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Women's Class Sefas Emes Yisro

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • February 2, 2021
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  • 20 Sh'vat 5781
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Dedicated by Nathaniel Yitzchak Grynpas, in loving memory of his wife, Talia bas Rachamim and Rivkah shlita, who passed away on 19 Shevat, 5778, at the age of 36. A pillar of wisdom, humility, faith, and kindness, Talia's dedication to her family and community in Sederot was awe-inspiring.  
And in the merit of her children, Hadassah Malka, Israel, and Meir Chayim.

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