Women's Class -- Sefas Emes Beshalach
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated in honor of Rena Schleifer, Rochel bas Baila, for her birthday on 6 Shevat. A very special mother who devotes her life to her family, and people in need. May Hashem grant her many more years of health, happiness, and abundant nachas from all her children.
With love, from her children.
This weekly women's class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Beshalach, 13 Shevat, 5781, January 26, 2021, live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.
Women's Class -- Sefas Emes Beshalach
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated in honor of Rena Schleifer, Rochel bas Baila, for her birthday on 6 Shevat. A very special mother who devotes her life to her family, and people in need. May Hashem grant her many more years of health, happiness, and abundant nachas from all her children.
With love, from her children.
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Esther Balban -4 years ago
There was a request from a person to learn more maimorim on this level. How can I join with this person to recieve more directions. Thank you, Esther
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Anonymous -4 years ago
thanks for this shiur
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Rabbi Danny Bergson -4 years ago
Wow so powerful and so relevant to every single human being
it definitely is a matter of training
Emunah from uman a craftsman that must develop a skill and talent
Our emunah is innate but requires bringing out and application to real life
thank you For this needed inspiration
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dinah -4 years ago
The more Chassidus I learn, the more I realize how little I know and understand and how much I have yet to learn on a foundational level.
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Sara Metzger -4 years ago
Someone asked
How so we put into practice? How does a person know when their intelligence is bringking them close to Hashem? How does a person know when their pursuit of learning is right for them Faith begins when intelligence ends? Is it bringing me closer to Hashem or distracting me?
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Sara Metzger -4 years ago
Someone asked
Brilliant, brilliant class as usual. The piece of Tanya you brought in spoke directly to me. What I understand from this class is that intelligence and understanding is limited vehicle. It can bring us to the precipice of Emunah through yedias hashem but to experience transcendence, we need to let go of all definitions, perceptions, expectations. Is this the idea of shivras hakelim as experienced by human beings here in this world?
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Anonymous -4 years ago
Dr. Brawer article on this subject:
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
The mann had no real name
The mann had no real name.
But the water did have a name! "Miriam's well".
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Sara Metzger -4 years ago
Someone asked...
Please say again the name of the Rabbi that the Rebbe constantly quoted
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
2 fish are swimming along and talking.
One asks the other: " do you believe in water?"
The other answers that "I don't know. My father believed in water, but I'm not so sure!".
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
Emunah is beyond seychel. So why use seychel?
If emunah is beyond seychel and logic maybe we shouldn't even bother and try to expand and utilize our seychel?
2 types of emunah. First, Emunah from laziness or inability to use the seychel, by simply saying "I believe". This is the minimal level.
Second, higher level is pushing yourself to the limits of one's seychel and from that maximum point, realize, know and feel that emunah is way beyond and not graspable.
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Sara Metzger -4 years ago
Someone said...
We are forever students.. learning daily with every experience we encounter
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Aron Hershkop -4 years ago
Mann is everything that Hashem does. When we will sustain from within you will taste it.
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Sara Metzger -4 years ago
Someone asked...
Could a less spiritual reason for naming Man “what” be that it didn’t have a definite taste, but could be whatever one wanted.?
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G.W -4 years ago
in hebrew ma means what
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Sara Metzger -4 years ago
Someone said
Allowing Hashem to guide us, even though uncomfortable and the fear of the unknown is the right thing to do.
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Sara Metzger -4 years ago
Someone said
To name something is to limit that thing, to put it in a box?
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Gina Rubinsky -4 years ago
Just wonderful and so inspiring especially during these challenging time. Thank you so much Rabbi Jacobson.
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Sara Metzger -4 years ago
So it seems
that we needed those 40 years of wandering in the desert and eating the manna to get that emunah into our DNA. Wondering if it could have happened any other way. Thinking maybe not. Thinking maybe that's what we needed.
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Alizah Hochstead -4 years ago
Picture froze and I had to switch computers
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
The yidden didn't know what the mann was
They also didn't know what awaited them in the Midbar. What they would eat. Where they were going ultimately.
When accepting the Torah they didn't know what it contained.
It's all "Naaseh v'Nishma".
Like getting married. Like having a child.
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
They named it "mann" = "what?"
Today teenagers call everything WHATever!
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ALizah Hochstead -4 years ago
watching from beitar good morning
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