Beshalach Women's Class/ Israel-Hamas War
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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For the first yartzeit of Hanna bat David z"l, a woman of tremendous chesed, dedicated by her daughter and grandson from Sydney, Australia
לעילוי נשמת הרה"ת הרה"ח ר' אריאל רב-נוי ז"ל, לרגל היארצייט ח' שבט. מוקדש על ידי ולזכות אביו ד"ר שאלתיאל זאב רב-נוי וכל המשפחה שליט"א
Dedicated L'zecher Nishmas Rav Chaim Weldler, Chaim ben Michoel z"l, on his 20th yartzeit Yud Beis Shvat.
This class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Beshalach, 13 Shvat, 5784, January 23, 2024, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Beshalach Women's Class/ Israel-Hamas War
Rabbi YY Jacobson
For the first yartzeit of Hanna bat David z"l, a woman of tremendous chesed, dedicated by her daughter and grandson from Sydney, Australia
לעילוי נשמת הרה"ת הרה"ח ר' אריאל רב-נוי ז"ל, לרגל היארצייט ח' שבט. מוקדש על ידי ולזכות אביו ד"ר שאלתיאל זאב רב-נוי וכל המשפחה שליט"א
Dedicated L'zecher Nishmas Rav Chaim Weldler, Chaim ben Michoel z"l, on his 20th yartzeit Yud Beis Shvat.
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Yaakov Ben Leah Malka shvartsman -1 month ago
Wow, amazing and thank you. So much Torah and hashkafa in 1hr19min. This lesson, (these lessons), should be taught in every yeshiva! Incalculate Jewishness. May G-d bless you Rabbi Jacobson with tremendous blessings in everything gashmi and ruchni. I love your teachings and I need your wisdom to be a better Jew.
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Yaakov Schwartzman -1 month ago
Weeping while listening to You. As usual your compassion and depth of love and kindness are amazing
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Anonymous -4 months ago
G-d's Personal Service
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ruth arons -1 year ago
As usual, i find Rabbi Jacobson's shiurim informative, dynamic and always worthwhile listening to.
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Anonymous -1 year ago
Does yeshiva.Net have an app?
I'd like to access there amazing shiurim without going on the browser/internet.
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ADMIN -1 year ago
We're working on one!
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Anonymous -1 year ago
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Sara -1 year ago
Interesting that
Dasan and Aviram weren't killed in the Plague of Darkness given they were so against leaving Egypt.
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Anonymous -1 year ago
You explain per Rabbi Diskin that because Dasan and Aviram actually did care for their brothers, as you explained that they were the Jewish "policeman" who were beaten because the Israelites weren't producing the bricks for the buildings. This is the reason they weren't killed in the Plague of Darkness and were given a chance to live. Interesting commentary.
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YY Jacobson -1 year ago
Yes amazing insight. Thank you so much.
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Anonymous -1 year ago
Of course we have to be grateful foe and
Thank the IDF soldiers for their sevice, their willingness to risk life and limb, etc.
But......what of the Israeli soldier who would draft dodge if he could, who's against the army, the state, being a soldier, but knows he will be court martialled if he refuses?
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Elijah -1 year ago
There is a much bigger problem that must be addressed everyone agrees that the IDF soldiers regardless who they are are great heroes and lions but we are being led by a government and a war cabinet that has no intention of real victory they are just going in shooting a few terrorists here and there but plan on leaving Gaza as it was before the question is should any soldier be willing to risk their life for anything less than a full victory the entire leadership of Israel has to be changed right now and put in young people who know what a real victory means and that is complete evacuation of Gaza destroy the place evacuated and resettle it with Jews. The only way the enemy will know that there is a punishment for what they did is that they lose the territory and right now the government has no intention of taking away the territory in fact they're talking about giving them a Palestinian State therefore they want to reward them for what they did on October 7th we are all insane to allow this to continue I would encourage soldiers to all leave the battlefield now until this change happens
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R Tauber -1 year ago
You are not correct. The unity government wants a complete victory and do not want a Palestinian State.
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Anonymous -1 year ago
Thanks for the wonderful Shiur
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YY Jacobson -1 year ago
Thank you so so much to you and for all comments and feedback!
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Rachel Machlev -1 year ago
Thank you!
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