Women's Beshalach Class/The Emunah Series
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Maeira Werthenschlag, in loving memory of Shmaryahu and Aryeh Leib ben Mordechai Dov and Baila.
Dedicated in loving memory of Yehuda Nosson ben Yisroel, for his yartzeit, 9 Shevat
This women's class was presented on Tuesday Parshas Beshalach, 9 Shevat, 5780, February 4, 2020 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY
Women's Beshalach Class/The Emunah Series
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Maeira Werthenschlag, in loving memory of Shmaryahu and Aryeh Leib ben Mordechai Dov and Baila.
Dedicated in loving memory of Yehuda Nosson ben Yisroel, for his yartzeit, 9 Shevat
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Chana -9 months ago
I meant the shiur on Miriam and her emuna וצצה אחותו מרחוק
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Chana -9 months ago
Just came back from yet another challah bake for the return of the hostages and blessings for all Am YIsrael. Israelis desperately need to hear this class
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שמואל -4 years ago
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Sholom -5 years ago
A possible answer to q about Miriam and the women singing publicly.
It says in the posuk that all the women went out and followed after Miriam.
You could say simply, where did they all go to? They went to a spot where they could sing, dance, etc where they would not be heard by the men. That's how I always understood it. Correct me if this is incorrect.
Thank you for the lovely, insightful shiur as always!
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Nunya Biznes -5 years ago
Serenity Prayer
G‑d, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
courage to change the things I can
and wisdom to know the difference!
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Sara -5 years ago
Miriam connected with water at every step
These comments were written by Moshe
Long list of connections of Miriam and water. So much so that the letters of her name are also connected.
Recall that the avodah zora of the mitzrim was the Nile, i.e. water. Their water. their only source of water. Their lives depended on the Nile overflowing annually.
When Miram was born the boys were drowned in the Nile. (Question: were the leviim exempt from that? If so why wasn't Aaron drowned or saved? If Miriam had been a boy would she have been drowned or saved as well?) So the lifelong connection of Miriam and water was a type of antidote or rectification of the avoda zora of the mitzrim, who later drowned after attempting to follow the yidden into the surf.
Moshe also connected with water throughout. Besides begin saved from the fate of other boys being a literal "Basket case". (no pun intended) several of the makkos connected with water (blood, frogs, etc. ) so Moshe had to abstain from implementing as a sign of gratitude that he was saved by the water of the Nile. And eventually Moshe had to pass and was disallowed from entering EY because of his "sin" connected with water as well.
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Moshe -5 years ago
"If there's something to do, one must do"
But if there's nothing that can be done, then we let Hashem do. So Miriam just stood by and watched the basket.
But, there were different opinions as to what to do at the yam suf. One opinion was to fight. That would have been a more realistic alternative than what Nachshon did, i.e. just walk into the sea.
So the yidden actually didn't take the path of do what you can do.
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Sara -5 years ago
Options, jump into the sea and die (let's not go back as slaves, better to die as free men), surrender (at least we will live), let's fight, let's pray.
And Gd gave the fifth option. "I gave you what to do. I told you to move forward. I know what I'm doing. I gave you a mission to go to the mountain. Have you reached the mountain yet? No! You're on a destination. Move Forward! I have given you all the resources, tools, skills, gifts, everything including the challenges in order for you to fulfill your mission. You don't have to figure out the end game. Don't question your mission! or your power to reach your destination to reach your mountain, to reach your promised land." This applies to each and every one of us, no?
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Sara -5 years ago
No, they didn't take the path of "do what you can do" except for Nahshon. The People thought that they had 4 options: 1) jump into the Sea and die. Let us not go back and become slaves. Better to die as free menl 2) surrender and go back. At least we will not die; 3) fight, if we lose we lose, but maybe we'll win' and 4) pray.
Gd gave them the fifth option. HE tells Moshe at this moment, Move Forward! I gave you a smission to go to the Mountain. Have you reached the Mountain yet? No. that is your destination. So Move Forward!. You are on a mission, a destination. If Igave you a mission, I know what I'M doing so go. I have given you all the resources, the tools, the skills, etc. and the challenges for you to be able to fullfill your destination for I who created you sent you! You don't have to figure out the end game or the nuances of everything and how it will happen. Don't question your mission or your power to reach your desination, to reach your mountain"
Very inspiring words from Rabbi YY's shiur presented on Tuesday, Parshas Beshealach 7 Shevat, 5778, January 23, 2018 at Ohr Chaim, Monsey, NY
The challenge for us then seems to be that we have to figure out which option to take in life at which moment, time and place. Which option to take! Or is it alwasy Option 5?
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Anonymous -5 years ago
Thank You for a beautiful class!
I was wondering if perhaps, according to the Lebovitcher Rebbe's explanation Miriam and the women were able to sing in front of the men without an issue of Ervah because of the tremendous giluy shechinah post Kriyals yam suf similar to the way that Adam and Chava were able to be without clothing until the cheit of the etz Hadaas.
Thanks again!
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שמואל -5 years ago
אמן ואמונה
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Rachele -5 years ago
My take away
Thank you for your class today, it was so inspiring, rich and freeing....
The message I took home today:
When our mind tells us that our situation is one of hopelessness, and when left alone at the mercy of the narrow confines of logic then unfortunately often no other possible logical perspective can exist, but one of impending doom. However you made us aware today that there is a much broader reality than the eye or the mind can meet. An Infinite reality and perspective that sits in the depths of our soul. When we get this awareness we can begin to tap into this much greater Divine reality, of who we are and that allows us to view the perspective of our journey with different “eyes”, eyes of the soul.
The shackles from the narrowness and boundaries of our finite perspective, mind and logic loosen and we can embrace a new freedom.
We are not doomed to view the journey of our life with one perspective. To be liberated from the bonds of Egypt is to be free to choose how to view every situation and circumstance in our life. We can choose to see ourself in the journey of life from the perspective of victimhood or from the true perspective that I’m an Ambassador of God sent to an unknown journey by Infinity and even when we find ourselves in a dead end road we know in the depths of our souls that the Master of the world has a master plan for us and not to allow the mind’s perspective and logic to master my reality with interpretations of my journey.
We can choose, how to view our journey. One way is from the perspective of Infinity and with the understanding that God is the only Master of my journey or to give power to my mind and logic to be the master at will and interpreter of my journey. I understand that I cant stop the chatter of my mind.
But in-spite of all the voices I have the freedom to choose to whom I give the steering wheel and the direction and destination I want to pursue.
Thank you so much for this very profound and important message.
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