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What Does Real Jewish Unity Look Like?

What's this Story About 12 Rocks Uniting?

1 hr 7 min

Class Summary:

This text-based class on Sefas Emes Vayigash was presented on Thursday, Parshas Vayigash, 5 Teves, 5782, December 9, 2021, live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.

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  • LB

    Leah Beyer -3 years ago

    What time please est ?

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    In terms of unity this is a struggle we can all relate to. We all face people who are different than us. Some deal with the struggle by eliminating otherness, some by eliminating the self. Both are attempts at unity.

    Hashem should help us to find and appreciate our own purpose, along side that of each individual operating within the larger organism of humanity. To integrate and celebrate diversity in a cohesive way where diversity creates a healthy organism as in the individual organs working in G-dly synchronization to create a healthy body.

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  • K

    Kj -3 years ago

    To accomplish things sometimes, one needs the hand of flesh as well as the hand of the infinite to prevail.  For the 13th gate, it appears all of the rocks should be holy and in their place, as placed by Gd, no?

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  • S

    Sara -3 years ago

    As long as the "arguments"

    and the paradoxes don't result in eternal conflict.

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    I love Chaasidut it applies to all of life...it seems to me the origin of all that we do not know or have yet to discover

    in psychotherapy there is a modality which understands that within us there are emotional parts which have different rolls, and are in opposition to one another... the ultimate task is for our higher self or adult self to integrate these parts into unity and wholeness with the higher self "soul" which is never wounded...

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  • S

    Sara -3 years ago

    I don't want to be negative...

    but if two great tzaddikim weren't able to pull the two groups together, what hope do we have.  There are still many profound misunderstandings between Jews. Hopefully we start getting the point. What can we do to get there?

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    • K

      Kj -3 years ago

      Maybe, GD was not ready for them to come together.  If the foundation has not been built properly, when the righteous come together, all things will collapse.  Sometimes, it is better not to causeore judgment on the community by doing without!

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    12 gates to the Temple Mount

    Where is the 13th? The "Shaar HaKol", the all encompassing gate of unity?

    It is the opening of the Bais Hamigdash to Shomayim Above. 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago


    At first Hashem was One. (without illusory subdivisions). Then, even in essence remaining One, He subdivided so to speak, created Creations with all its levels and components  

    He made a 1,000 piece puzzle so to speak. 

    Our job, as one of those parts of the puzzle is to put it back together. To gather the sparks. This is the story of the stones becoming fused as one. This is marriage. This is achdus. This is the  historical task of the yidden to put this puzzle back together and reveal what once was before Creation.  This is Moshiach times. 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    When Yehuda approached Yosef he had no idea

    Who yosef actually was. He thought he was a leader of a small family confronting the viceroy of the major power of the day.

    What strength, courage, braveness, chutzpah and idealism that took.  

    The appearance that the viceroy was an enemy turned out to be an illusion,  revealed only that act of extreme courage. 

    We are all Yehuda ("yehudim"), who must gather our strength,  courage, braveness, and holy chutzpah to confront what only APEEARS to be an enemy. But those opposing forces (the enigmatic Zona hired by the King to test the prince), will likewise be revealed not to be an enemy at all, but only an illusion of one and sent to test and challenge us. 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    A machlokis lesson shomayim

    Ends with peace and an integration of both opposing opinions.

    Because...."these and these are the words of the Living G'd". 70 faces to Torah.

    Ie. Both opposing opinions are true but just reflect different perspectives, perhaps based on different neshomas, experiences, etc 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    Please mention 5 Teves for those unaware


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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    ישמח משה, ויגש י״ג:

    ב׳ או יאמר ולהחיות לכם לפליטה גדולה (בראשית מה ז), על פי המבואר במדרש תנחומא (ויגש סי' ה') כי פרחה נשמתן כשאמר אני יוסף, ונעשה להם נס וחזרה נשמתן. ועל פי הקדמה מנזר הקודש דלא עביד קב"ה ניסא להחיות אם יהיה לו לרוע, כי מי יודע מה יולד יום. לזה אמר ולהחיות לכם, ר"ל שכיון שהיה רצון השי"ת להחיות לכם כנ"ל, בודאי הוא לפליטה גדולה, והבן.

    When we see the contradictions in our lives we want to escape ( parchah nishmasan) but hkbh brings our neshamas back saying it is exactly through these contradictions that you will have a great salvation. The experiences and journies you went through is what will bring out your greatness. The darkness was a catalyst for even greater light and redemption.  

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Chassidus: Sfas Emes Vayigash #1

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • December 9, 2021
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  • 5 Tevet 5782
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Dedicated by Alina Rutstein in memory of Penina Lulu bat Reuben and Ra’hel, tehei nafsha tzerurah betzror hachayim

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