Chassidus: Likkutei Torah Behar Es Shabsosai #4
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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This class was presented on Monday, Parshas Behar, 15 Iyar, 5782, May 16, 2022, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Chassidus: Likkutei Torah Behar Es Shabsosai #4
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Racheli Snovsky -2 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Sarah Goldberg -2 years ago
Why did Hashem need a name before creation?
Perhaps He was preparing His Name on advance of creation, especially people, so that when He did create creation we all could have a Name with which to relate to Him?
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n.barak -2 years ago
מה הענין שאדמו"ר הזקן מביא פסוק מישעיהו - האותיות שאלוני על בני
האותיות של תורה ותפילה מביא את האין סוף לנפש של האדם.
על פניו, נראה שעצם אמירת האותיות מביאות את האור אין סוף לנפש האדם.
אני שואל, האם האלטער רבי אינו מתכוון לכך שעצם אמירת האותיות, יש בהן סגולה עצומה להאיר את האדם?
כמו הסיפור שמספר הריי"צ על היהודי שאמר תהילים כל הזמן, אפילו במקומות לא טהורים, והבעש"ט הציל את עם ישרא'ל עם התהילים הזה.
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Sarah Goldberg -2 years ago
Wd see a cup and we recognize it, so it's no big deal
But a child examines it because he has no name or recognition of it.
Imagine if we could transport a simple everyday disposable unimportant plastic cup back to Avraham Avinu 's time!
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Sarah Goldberg -2 years ago
"Every es is extra abd indicates something else"
I believe the father of the Sheloah Hakodesh says that every "es" in the list of Haman's sons that were hung hints at ten more sons of Haman who will be hung. Thwn he goes on to say that the 3 small letters in the list of names hints at the year this will occur. (Tof, shin, zayin). Indeed on the year aka October 1946 Hoshana Rabba 10 naziis ym"S were hung after one committed suicide. One even yelled out "purimfest". See the front page of the NY Times that day.
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Sarah Goldberg -2 years ago
Nothing exists unless Hashem wills it
Even the ohr before the tzimtzun. Even the tzimtzum itself. Even the kav ha'ohr after the tzimtzum. That sounds like the opinion that the tzimtzum was not, and by definition cannot be one of essence. Also it means that the tzimtzum was not literal. What then is meaning of tzimtzum and what existed before and after? Perhaps it means that Hashem just, according to His will, changed the nature of what was before the tzimtzum and afterwards?
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Sarah Goldberg -2 years ago
Scientists talk about the Big Bang
Torah talks about the beginning of creation we call the Kav ha'ohr. But before the Kav ha'oher we say that that there was a tzimtzim, a retraction of the light that filled everything. Can we call that tzimtzum the "Big Suck"?
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Sarah Goldberg -2 years ago
Doesn't it say often that Hashem spoke to Himself
Iike we do on a lower level. Perhaps before creation when it says that there waa only Hashem and His Name, the Name was that Name with which He spoke to Himself?
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