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Feel the Pain of Your Life's Story, Cry Your Heart Out, then Immerse in Torah

The Journey of Life: Planting, Grinding, Kneading and Baking; Yosef's Tears for Binyamin

1 hr 52 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Thursday, Parshas Behar, 15 Iyar, 5784, May 23, 2024, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.


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  • Anonymous -9 months ago

    One small thought on your wonderful shiur which really seemed to have even your regular audience spellbound. 
    The vulnerability and humility you describe followed by the intense connection is exactly the feeling which any "normal" am Haaretz can have when he is performing the odd half-baked mitzvah.  
    That's the way we were brought up.  The yiddishkeit was an inch wide and a mile deep.  So deep.  The connection was so emotional - even with a questionable mezuza or a simple cheftza d'mitzvah.
    It has long been a struggle for me to accept the difficulty experienced by the "shomer Torah uMitzvos" world when it comes to this subject.
    You are doing a great job.  On me too!!

    There just seemed to be an aura at the end of the shiur - no one wanted to teave after 2 hours and it felt like there was  an atmosphere of acceptance/ bitul/ wonderment, in line with your message.

    (Of course I am sat here in Manchester so might have misinterpreted.)  I always find the seed moshul very powerful and if you add in the earth and the bread baking it is very direct.  
    People tend to feel the need to stay "put together" but end up stuck behind a false facade. You give them permission to melt down and disintegrate in front of everyone else in the aim of finding  a deeper inner truth, connection and purpose. This is very empowering IF the penny drops and the audience become willing to let everything go.  My perception from afar was that this shiur succeeded and nafal asimon. 

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  • RB

    Rifki b -9 months ago

    Was awesome!!! TY!!!!!!! 

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  • Anonymous -9 months ago

    "Tefilla is us speaking back to Hashem"

    Right. But the overwhelming majority of yidden just read the script, er, the siddur. Sure some really pour out their heart, and Breslovers talk to Hashem. But, most just read the script.  That's not "speaking to Hashem". 

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Likkutei Torah Behar Ki Savo'u #5 - 5784

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • May 23, 2024
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  • 15 Iyyar 5784
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