Likkutei Torah Behar Ki Savo'u #3 - 5781
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Marcia Rubin
This class was presented by Rabbi YY Jacobson on Friday, Parshas Behar-Bechukosai, 25 Iyar, 5781, May 7, 2021, live from his home in Monsey, NY.
Likkutei Torah Behar Ki Savo'u #3 - 5781
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Marcia Rubin
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G. Schindler -3 years ago
There were three items placed in - or before - the ark: 1. the tablets in the ark 2. a jar of manna, and 3. Aaron’s blossoming staff
Three items, each matching up with the teaching of the Alter Rebbe:
The tablets written by the Hand of G-d. Like the earth. Pure Spirituality.
The manna – " like coriander seed". The seed – the embodiment of potentiality. Torah.
Aaron’s staff, which budded overnight bearing blossoms and almonds. The fruitful, nourishing tree that miraculously grows if we immerse ourselves in Torah.
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Anonymous -3 years ago
אבל פירוש הדבר כי התלמוד לא שהוא הכנה בלבד למעשה, רק שהוא עצמו מוציא המעשה לפעל כמו שאמרנו, כי התורה היא ההתחלה וכל שהיא התחלה גורם שיצא גמר הפעל, א"כ היא פועלת המעשה בעצמו. כמו הזרע שבהזרעו גורם שיצא הענף לפעל, כך התורה בהזרעה באדם פועלת הגמר וגמר שלה הוא המעשה, שלא נתנה כי אם לתכלית המעשה לא לזולת זה כמו שאמרנו. זהו שאמר שהתלמוד מביא לידי מעשה, ר"ל שהתלמוד בעצמו פועל וגומר גם המעשה כאשר יפעל הזרע הצמיחה לאילן. ומצד הזה ראוי שיהיה תלמוד גדול כי לעולם האב גדול מהתולדה היוצאת ממנו:
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
The soil is the Keli for the seed and all attributes of the eventual product
Are contained in the DNA within the seed.
Yet, consider that expert winemakers know that not only is the exact seed that they use to create a vineyard crucial, but that the choice of location of soil is also important.
Ever notice that wine mayvinim say that their wine has "notes of leather, notes of strawberry, etc., etc"?
Where do these various foreign notes come from if not the seed? How can the same seed planted in different locations have different "notes"?
It comes from the different types of soil in different locations. The ground contributes to the final product like the DNA within the seed
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Sara -3 years ago
The process of botany ...
started in the late 18th century when specialist journals began to appear. Even so, botany was greatly stimulated by the appearance of the first "modern" textbook, Matthias Schleiden's (1804–1881) Grundzüge der Wissenschaftlichen Botanik, published in English in 1849 as Principles of Scientific Botany. per Wikepedia
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Anonymous -3 years ago
Learning from the Leaf
Let’s say you’re walking in the autumn and you’re breathing the brisk fresh air of autumn as your feet are wading through the leaves – you’re kicking the leaves on the sidewalk. Isn’t that fun? So you think, “Didn’t Rabbi Miller say that I shouldn’t waste the opportunity?” So you look around at the beautiful colors of the leaves and you’re thinking that every leaf that falls from the tree is a neis. Why did it fall? You think the leaf got tired and finally fell down? When a leaf falls from a tree, it’s a neis. Abscission cells develop at the end of the stem where it’s connected to the twig and these cells do a most purposeful performance of cutting off the leaf from the twig. When it falls, it’s a marvel! A marvel of complicated precision! Someone must have designed that, don’t you think? Someone with a capital S. And so, you’re thinking of Hashem already! Instead of just walking along and thinking about the weather, and the news, you’re doing something purposeful in this world, you’re thinking about the Borei Yisborach!But don’t stop there! Once you begin seeing Hashem in this world, don’t let go! Hang onto it with ferocity! Pick up that leaf and admire it with your eyes. A leaf is an amazing complicated piece of machinery. I say “machinery” – one leaf is a whole block of factories! It breathes in carbon dioxide and moisture from the air. Sunshine too! It takes in the sunlight; and then it takes all these things and it kneads them together, and it makes all the materials that the tree needs out of that.
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Anonymous -3 years ago
A Symbol Of HashemThink about that while you’re looking at the leaf. The leaf is making materials, and the leaf is sending the juicy materials through tiny little channels to the stem of the leaf and to the branch of the tree. It goes into the trunk and it becomes wood. It becomes roots too. It becomes leaves again and eventually it makes blossoms with nectar to attract the bees in order to pollinate the plants and then a fruit grows. That’s the work of the leaf.Don’t stop now! Keep looking with your eyes. You see that the leaf is very thin; it’s spread out to cover as much space as possible. If you take all the leaves of one tree, it will cover an entire city block! Imagine a breathing space in contact with air of a whole city block. One tree! And each leaf is doing tremendous work taking in materials from the air.That’s why some leaves have irregular circumferences. They’re not round and smooth. Why irregular? Why is it in and out? Because the edge of the leaf has holes in it where it breathes in and out and when you have irregular shapes of the leaf, it means there’s more opportunity for this function. Once you start studying one leaf you’ll see with your own eyes Hashem in the world.And when you do that, so by means of your eyes all of these ideas go into your head and you become a new person. When you look at the ma’aseh yadav shel Hakodosh Boruch Hu, with the intention of seeing Hakodosh Boruch Hu, so the more and more you look, the more excited about it you become. And you should keep on looking for the next fifty years. Yes, fifty years looking at the leaves! Don’t get tired of it. You’ll be surprised. Each time you look, you’ll see more and more. And after a while, seeing a leaf becomes to you a symbol of Hashem’s presence in this world – it transforms your neshama and you become a yarei shamayim, someone who lives with a constant awareness of Hashem.
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
Don't forget to rake up all the leaves!
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
The melachos of Shabbos follow the steps of making bread
All creation needs food. The food all creations need is readily available for them without any planting or farming. I.e. without any sophisticated processing. Monkeys eat the bananas which grow. Animals eat the grass. Some animals eat each other.
No creatures farm.
Only man needs bread for some reason and is not satisfied with only produce that grown readily without human intervention. . Therefore only man must go thru all those steps of plowing, planting, etc.
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
What is food after all?
It is those substances that keep us going, without which we would expire.
Hashem was "hungry" (a lacking) kaviochel, before creation, before the idea of yidden down here learning His Torah abd doing His mitzvos. Therefore to satisfy that "hunger" He created the world, the stage, created the Torah, the script, and the yidden (the stars of the play).
When we take the stage and perform our part in the play, especially faithfully according to the script, Hashem has pleasure, Naches and sustenance to satisfy the hunger that existed before all of it.
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kaila stempel -3 years ago
How was it known in a natural, secular way, 3300 years ago, that shmitah allowed nutrients to be returned to the soil??
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
Farmers knew about composting
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
The neshoma is a "chelek Elokai Mimal mamesh"
Where should it return to after its sojourn down here if not back to its source, a chelek Elokai mimal mamesh?
Like a bolo bat that hits the ball to fly away, but it's still connected by a rubber band, after it reaches its furthest point away, it's pulled all the way back.
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