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All of My Experiences are “Reframed” on Shabbos; But It Can Only Happen Through Daily Davening

When I Experience Shabbos Daily, I Can Absorb the Light of Full Day of Shabbos

51 min

Class Summary:

Rabbi YY Jacobson presented the class on Monday, Parshas Emor, 8 Iyar, 5782, May 9, 2022, back IN PERSON at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY., after two years of streaming the class from his home.

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago



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  • A

    Anna -2 years ago



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  • K

    Kj -2 years ago

    It amazes me.....

    The desire of so many to be like the Rebbe, with his love, depth, kindness, etc amazes me.  That is very commendable.  But, it seems that what made the Rebbe the Rebbe was chaddisim applied....the horrible experiences he endured made him what he was/is.  His how do I frame my experience within the boundaries of the laws and ways of Gd to extract every fiber of Gd from it for His purpose?

    I cannot help but wonder if those same folks who want to be like the Rebbe are willing to face/live the same hell he lived in order for GD to make them into His vessel for His purpose.  Generally, it is easier to try to be like those we admire instead of doing what it takes for GD to make an original out of us!

    Reminds me so much of what you said, and I forget about whom...they said, this was the time I used everything I learned in Yeshiva those years!  You don't need money until you need to buy something!

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  • K

    Kj -2 years ago

    Pls clarify...

    ...leaving behind vs taking all that is behind you with you into Shabbos.  Abraham was told to go and leave behind....how is this different?  Does it mean the whole of self vs what Gd may want or tell you to leave behind?  Victims leave behind their abusers to enter Shabbos, but without acknowledging the abuse and how GD has used that time of abuse to make you who you are, you cannot really enter Shabbos?  Without acknowledging the hurt, hate, confusion, and the like that you bring with you into Shabbos for GD to purify, you cannot truly enter into Shabbos?

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    • K

      Kj -2 years ago

      There is a difference, though, in acknowledging abuse and leaving it behind for Shabbos!  So, acknowledging may be the wrong word.  You acknowledge you have a child, but you do not take that child to work by choice, and for a reason, even a perfectly good reason!

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  • R

    Racheli -2 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Rabbi, how do I get in touch with you via email? I have some important inyanim I would like to get clarification on. In addition, are you able to make a class about the topic of "Geyrim"? I am a Ger Tzedek since age 4 - in the 80's (along with my mother and sister)... and I'd like to learn about the deeper ruchnius meaning of a Ger's neshama. My experience as a girl from a Baal Teshuva family in the 80's has been painful, difficult and an uphill battle. I grew up with the stigma of being #2nd Class when it pertained to fitting in with peers, shidduchim and in many other areas. If a Baal Teshuva stands on a higher place than a Tzadik (as we learn from Torah), why then does Klal Yisroel approach Geyrim or Geyrim children with such "cation" and suspicion - causing deep trauma and pain for not being FFB? Where does my neshama fit into this whole family of Klal Yisroel if even at age 39 I feel like I have to guard my "Geyrus Secret" with my life. Currently, we are a shluchim family in S. Florida, and there are a number of "Geyrim Tzedek" in our community whom WE OURSELVES have guided and taught... but why do I still feel my own personal Ger pain so sharply? Why do I still feel the diar need to HIDE the fact that I went through Geyrus at age 4? Why do I get so sensitive and over protective when my Geyrus is mentioned by other family members? What can I do to understand my unique-self more deeply and come to love and appreciate my dark past (having experienced childhood abuse in the home, suffering from PTSD and depression)? I strongly feel that the topic of Geyrus needs to come to light for what it is באצם - so the negative stigmas can be eliminated from our communities.

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -2 years ago

    Our thoughts flow constantly and not necessarily in a logical flow

    But, when a person speaks out loud , either to himself and moreover to another, he must organize scattered thoughts into a logical sequence. This goes even further,  when a person organizes scattered not necessarily logically flowing speech to highly organized writing.  (Further refined by an editor!) So a person's writing are a highly concentrated and organized version of scattered thoughts abs words.

      So too,,Hashem had many thoughts before creation. This too was concretized abd organized when He spoke the 10 utterances to create the world. Further He again condensed and concretized His thoughts and speech into writing,  namely the Torah. Our job since then is to unpack those concentrated thoughts and speech into all the details and applications to reconstruct the original thoughts

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -2 years ago

    Yes, Hashem SAID the 10 utterances that created rhe world

    But, Adam was NOT created from His utterance.  Adam was formed from pre-existing dust. The neshoma of Adam was also not SAID or even formed from pre-existing matter. Rather the neshoma of Adam was blown into him from Hashem's essence.  

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -2 years ago

    The davenning of every weekday prepares a piece of Shabbos

    That is, spiritually. But there's also the physicality of Shabbos,  the taanug of Shabbos. So one day the cook prepares the kugel, the day the fish, the next day the cholent, etc.  Together we put together rhe spirituality and the physicality of Shabbos every day of the week. 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -2 years ago

    The 7 kapitlach tehillim raise up the corresponding day

    If so, why on yom tov which falls on Shabbos do we have the custom to skip the first 6 kapitlach? 

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  • PK

    Pinchus Krieger -2 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Thank you for learning Parshas B'Har

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -2 years ago

    Another possible explanation of the reason for the plural of Shabbos in the posuk

    Is that Shabbos BOTH elevates all actions, thoughts and speech from the previous week and also blesses the thoughts speech abd actions of the coming week. 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -2 years ago

    "Keep my Shabboses" in the plural

    Besides the explanations given for the keeping of 2 (levels) of Shabbos perhaps we can also say that we must keep Shabbos with BOTH our animal soul (the rules of Shabbos, i.e. to guard it) and with our  G-dly soul (the spirit of Shabbos l, i.e. to remember it. 

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  • SG

    Shulim Goldring -2 years ago

    Phone line audio not working

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  • PK

    Pinchus Krieger -2 years ago

    I'm here. 1811 is correct!

    Thanks for learning Parshas B'har!

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -2 years ago

    Baruch Habaah after 2 years

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Chassidus: Likkutei Torah Behar Es Shabsosai #1

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • May 9, 2022
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  • 8 Iyyar 5782
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Dedicated by Miriam Luchins
לעילוי נשמתה: רחל חנה שרה בת אברהם יעקב ע"ה

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