Likkutei Torah Behar Ki Savo'u #2 - 5784
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Dr. Leonid Sorkin in honor of his amazing parents, Mikhail and Natalia, and to his children, David, Gabriella, and Ariella.
This class was presented on Thursday, Parshas Emor, 8 Iyar, 5784, May 16, 2024, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Likkutei Torah Behar Ki Savo'u #2 - 5784
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Dr. Leonid Sorkin in honor of his amazing parents, Mikhail and Natalia, and to his children, David, Gabriella, and Ariella.
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Ambassador in training of love, light and hope -9 months ago
Thankyou and bless you Rabbi Jacobson. So much power and so much truth.
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Sara -9 months ago
What is the Truth?
This topic could be discussed forever. Will we all agree? I doubt it.
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Anonymous -9 months ago
"Even a little arrogance is too much" and Hashem
Can't coexist with him. BUT, we also say that a Talmud chocham must have an eighth of an eighth of arrogance? (Kovod for the position not for the person?)
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Anonymous -9 months ago
If "tsfas ha'emes" is the "edge of truth", what
Is the meaning that whereas most Egytians were drowned in the midst of the sea (b'toch hayam"), some were tossed onto the "tsfas" i.e. the edge of the sea, i.e. the seashore (where perhaps they didn't drown right away?
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Anonymous -9 months ago
If Emes is the ultimate, how come
We see that Sarah imaynu lied about laughing, Aaron Hacohen lied about sholom, etc. ?
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Anonymous -9 months ago
Maybe emet
is not always the ultimate. Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler redefined "truth" to mean any statement which serves God and "falsehood" to mean any statement that harms God's interests. Again this could be subjective, depending on the person's perception of what really is the truth.
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