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The Holiness of Addiction

We Are All Addicts Trying to Transcend Self-Consciousness

1 hr

Class Summary:

This class will be presented by Rabbi YY Jacobson on Thursday, Parshas Behar-Bechukosai, 24 Iyar, 5781, May 6, 2021, live from his home in Monsey, NY.

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  • R

    Rachel -3 years ago

    Listened to Thursday maimar, very powerful.
    It brought a deep awareness in myself how in every moment and in every interaction that we are having with anyone, if we not aware that we are desperately seeking to attach ourselves to God, that desperate need will leek in every encounter we are having with life.

     I will continuously seek out venues to fill
    up my instinctive hunger to feel a sense of attachment and belonging with God. Every attempt to have a relationship or even a casual encounter will have a subconscious agenda of trying to relieve this emptiness and deep inner loneliness.

    I will not be able to be my truest self in my relationships with others or in my relationship with myself. Because these relationships are driven by those deep feelings of detachment that beg for relief.

    Often perhaps many of us are not even aware of how many of our decisions and choices are driven by our need to feel whole. An example can be if someone is deciding where to live, which house to buy and many other choices, who to be friends with, how we are talking to our next door neighbor etc....
    Often our main focus in seeking out all kinds of different experiences in our life are driven by the need to make us feel a little more whole and less alone....

    So sad because perhaps so many conversations, decisions and pursuits, if I were able to connect to my truest self, to the real me, those would never be the conversations or choices I would make.Those wouldn’t be the decisions or pursuits I would choose.

    Thank you so much.

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    How could you blame your parents?? They could pass the blame and the buck and say that they are imperfect because of their own parents! And so all the way back..

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    A maze plus Likutei Torah equals amazing

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    So addictions are a substitute for yearning for Hashem

    Does that mean that a true Tanya level tzaddik who cleaves to Hashem all the time cannot develop an addiction to, say, cigarettes? 

    This explains why (I assume) 12 step programs for addicts of physical things replace that physical addiction with religion? 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    The maamer describes the possible person and the actual person

    Surely, Hashem set this up on purpose.  Hashem could have created the world any way he chose.

    E.g. He is hidden, but not entirely. If one seeks Him, like Avraham, He can be found. But one doesn't seek Him, then he's invisible, like atheists.  Hashem set up that He is indeed well hidden but findable for the serious seeker.

    So too when He set us up as humans. With a yetzer yov and yetzer Hora.  

    Our true possible selves, our potential, each one of us, to be a Tanya level tzaddik is possible, but it's very hidden. Yet it's attainable, findable, if one is a serious seeker and utilizes all his possible powers, like Avraham, who was our prototype seeker. For that very reason Hashem appeared to  him and chose his to be the progenitor of yidden. (Note that the Torah and its details were already known then, but those who studied it had it by way of menorah and not bootstrap searching.

    Do it seems that both for finding Hashem in this world AND finding our true possible selves Hashem chose NOT to make it too easy and obvious, and NOT so hard so as to be impossible, but rather doable but very very difficult and only possible for those who seek and seek without stopping. 

    Like the bts listening here..

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    • SG

      Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

      We live in a complex maze. There's a way out, a way to find the answer. But it's not easy 

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Likkutei Torah Behar Ki Savo'u #2 - 5781

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • May 6, 2021
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  • 24 Iyyar 5781
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Dedicated by Eliot Kaplan in memory of Gershon ben Simon. His neshama should have an aliyah.

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