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The Laws of Cooking on Shabbos #1 -- Introduction to Bishul

Why Can't We Cook on Shabbos?

57 min

Class Summary:

The Laws of Cooking on Shabbos #1 -- Introduction to Bishul - Why Can't We Cook on Shabbos?

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  • VI

    Very impressed -11 years ago

    WOW - A comment from Venezuela.

    Thank you R.Wineber for reaching to all corners of the world.

    The quiz was very well prepared, very aligned with the shiur and with such a quick turnaround, it helped reinforce the learning.

    Thank you and please please continue.

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  • ACV

    aaron caracas venezuela -11 years ago


    thnxs for these shiurim that you are doing, is a very impportant issue and not everyone has the possibiity/ability to figure out what are we allowed or not.

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Levi Wineberg

  • March 3, 2013
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  • 21 Adar 5773
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Dedicated by Robyn and Josh Goldhirsch

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