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Laws of Cooking on Shabbos #8

The Shabbos Meal -- Part III -- "Journey of a Cholent Pot"

48 min

Class Summary:

Laws of Cooking on Shabbos #8. The Shabbos Meal -- Part III -- "Journey of a Cholent Pot"

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  • RLW

    Rabbi L. Wineberg -11 years ago

    moving urn and crockpot
    i  answered your q on 21 of sivan , printed above. 

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  • RLW

    Rabbi L. Wineberg -11 years ago

    urn & crockpot
    Hi "Shaila",

    The urn is a k'li shemiachtoi l'issur since it's made to boil water. Such a k'li may be moved l'tzorech gufo u'm'komoi, as in the case you suggested.

    So it's ok to reposition it, so long as you are careful that the plug isn't pulled out in the process.

    Crockpot: While it's cooking (light  on) don't remove contents from pot with ladle. Rather remove inner pot from outer.

    The entire crockpot may be repositioned, like the urn.

    Thank you for  participating.

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  • S

    shailah -11 years ago

    Hi.  You mentioned about moving the urn around.  May I move the Urn from the back of the counter to the edge of the counter to make it easier to fill a cup with hot water (cup is taller then spout so much easier when spot is in the air).  Also, does everything you spoke about apply equally to a crockpot?

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Levi Wineberg

  • May 18, 2013
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  • 9 Sivan 5773
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