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The Laws of Cooking on Shabbos # 4

Practical Halachos of Preparing Different Foods

51 min

Class Summary:

The Laws of Cooking on Shabbos Part 4: Practical Halachos of Preparing Different Foods

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  • H

    Heshy -11 years ago

    liquid in a kli sheni
    Dear Rabbi,

    Enjoying the shiurim. Can you clarify one point, You said that you could put milk and lemon jiuice in a kli sheni, even if it is cold since a davar lach does not cook in a kli sheini but the essence must be warmish even though it is also a davar lach but since it started as a solid it may have the rule of kalei bishul and therefore could cook in a kli sheini.

    Is that correct or did I misunderstanbd?


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  • E

    Esther -11 years ago

    Thank you
    Thank you so much for these shiurim. They are so well organized and easy to follow and I really appreciate the explanations of the reasoning behind klalim like "ain bishul achar bishul". As a mother of young children, this is virtually the only way to stick some Torah into my day - please keep them coming!

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Levi Wineberg

  • April 7, 2013
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  • 27 Nisan 5773
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