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The Laws of Cooking on Shabbos #10

Keeping Your Food Hot -- Laws of Hatmanah

1 hr 6 min

Class Summary:

The Laws of Cooking on Shabbos Part 10. Keeping Your Food Hot -- Laws of Hatmanah

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  • D

    Dovid -11 years ago

    When the rav stresses what is not able to be recooked he says something that is cooked and a solid. I think it would be more correct to say dry and cooked or warm and wet.  Also with meat and1 chicken there is a promblem of melting fats?. Do  most Chabad Rabanim hold that there is not issue of chazarah with an electric hot plate

    whether the Israeli or american stye?1

    mailto:[email protected]

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  • RLW

    Rabbi L. Wineberg -11 years ago

    show & tell
    Thank you, Michale, for your practical suggestion. 

    Any of our audience out there that is skilled with graphics, and would be willing to help before a shiur with creating suitable graphics/ u-tube demonstration/ slides, to accompany such shiurim in the future?

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  • A

    Abe -11 years ago

    Hello Rabbi W

    Thank you for your shiurim

    you mention thath even on a plata thath has dials 

    will permissble to put food directly on shabbos

    but such aplata since it has dials (HIGH/low)it's possible to cook on it on weekdays

    please explain 

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  • M

    Michale -11 years ago

    Thank you, Rabbi for your class. It will be more understandable and helpful, specially in this series, to show - demonstrate examples. It can be done without real cooking or heating.

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Levi Wineberg

  • June 27, 2013
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  • 19 Tamuz 5773
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