Chassidus: Yehudah Atah #3
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Stacey Klein liylui nishmat Eliezer Yehuda ben Aharon and for the refuah and yeshua of Yonatan Dov Shimon ben Meir
Dedicated by Jason Brown
This class was presented on Friday, Parshas Vayechi, 13 Teves, 5783, January 6, 2023, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Chassidus: Yehudah Atah #3
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Stacey Klein liylui nishmat Eliezer Yehuda ben Aharon and for the refuah and yeshua of Yonatan Dov Shimon ben Meir
Dedicated by Jason Brown
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Danny Bergson -2 years ago
I just have to share with the oilam how much delight I am getting from Rav YY bringing down this maamor to letter I can relate to. It is not only the intellectual application of the ideas but the genuine curiosity to learn more and the tender appreciation of the infinite wisdom of chassidus - I am still devastated the lessons are not on Zoom and this maamar almost caused me to buy a ticket to monsey even for just one day!
thank you and May Hashem continue to bless you with the health and energy and wisdom to teach chassdius to our generation
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Anonymous -2 years ago
"Wanting to be a godol b'Torah is immaturity
Yet....Mainstream Judaism and the litvish world places being a godol to be the highest aspiration. People spend decades of their life to try to reach that level. All else pit aside. Those who are called a "godol" are revered. (Yet by their hespid after petira, maysim tovim are usually spoken about).
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Sara -2 years ago
This shiur series
is hard to grasp. Will have to listen again.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
Yakov kept in the gripe about Shimon for 60 years
And that's seen as a good thing. Even by Shimon himself who now admires his father even more.
Yet....In modern relationship science, per John Gottman, stonewalling a gripe is one of the 4 impermissible character traits.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
Yehuda us the 4th son.
Must have the first 4 before reaching the 4th.
Yehuda was the only one to challenge Yosef and thereby bring out the emes. The emes who Yosef was, the goal of the frame ups Yosef did.
Yehuda represents Victory.
It is no therefore no coincidence therefore that the 4th sefira is NETAZACH
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Anonymous -2 years ago
*must have the first THREE ....
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