Chassidus: Yehudah Atah #2
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by David Abulafia in honor of the Torah. May the light of the Torah inspire the world leaders into expanding freedom, sustenance, and good spiritual activities for benefit of all mankind.
Dedicated by Sindy Benalloun in honor of my beloved husband on his birthday
Dedicated by Lisa Rubin in memory of my father יוסף בן ציון בן יצחק אייזק
This class was presented on Wednsday, Parshas Vayechi, 11 Teves, 5783, January 4, 2023, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Chassidus: Yehudah Atah #2
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by David Abulafia in honor of the Torah. May the light of the Torah inspire the world leaders into expanding freedom, sustenance, and good spiritual activities for benefit of all mankind.
Dedicated by Sindy Benalloun in honor of my beloved husband on his birthday
Dedicated by Lisa Rubin in memory of my father יוסף בן ציון בן יצחק אייזק
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Chana Cohen -2 years ago
Speeches in HEBREW
Hi , good evening !!!
Thanks to Rabbi Y.Y.Jacobson !!
Every speech is a fantastic "Shiyur"
Could you please send me all his speeches also in Hebrew ??!!!
My daughters want to listen to him, but their English is not at such a high level...
Thank You ,Good Shabes !!!
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Marliza Kleynhans -2 years ago
My neshoma has really been touched deeply by this shiur.I thank you,Rabbi Jacobson!
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Chana Cohen -2 years ago
My kosher phone does not open "youtube"
Could you please send it to my whatsup ?
Thank you so much !!! תזכו למצוות
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Anonymous -2 years ago
It was said that yidden are always complaining
Even Yakov complained to Pharoah about the hardships of his life when Pharoah just asked him his age. (Yet today we say don't complain!)
What if theris nothing to complain about? Then we complain that there is nothing to complain about!
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Eli -2 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Anonymous -2 years ago
Some daven with precision
Some like precision.
Davenning can be like a communal dance. A dance with many needs precision. Choreography.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
That's why we say Baruch Hashem constantly
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Sara -2 years ago
I think that the relationship you are describing...
"you are my fire" first, is/must be amazing! ironically might be easier to achieve with GD because as you say He's not afraid of all the truths, the good, the bad, etc, while human beings are afraid. It's about being so totally vulnerable and if both sides aren't as you say fully into it, it won't work. At least with GD, HE's fully into it.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
The light that comes from darkness is very high
But then.....there are occasions where tye darkness comes from love. For example, a parent has a child who is obviously loved Then the child dies ch'vS. Or someone loses a beloved relative, a parent, a spouse, a sibling. There was love but then there's darkness.
Is that "hhighers well?
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Sara -2 years ago
This is not a new thought...
but the story of the African American woman who was saved by Dr. Leiberwitz ? and her question of how she could thank him, makes me think Why is it that we don't (generally speaking) actually have gratitude for every step, every breath, every life experience. It usually happens when something profound happens to us or in this case her life was saved that we truly have gratitude. THere are lots of answers to this takes over, we don't think about it enough, whatever reason, but to be able to have that gratitude constantly would certainly change ones life.
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