Chassidus: Yehudah Atah #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Norma Blum in memory of my dear father, Duvid ben Nussan HaCohain of blessed memory
This class was presented on Monday, Parshas Vayechi, 9 Teves, 5783, January 2, 2023, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Chassidus: Yehudah Atah #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Norma Blum in memory of my dear father, Duvid ben Nussan HaCohain of blessed memory
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Chaim Bochner -2 years ago
Reuven was supposed to be melech but he botch up (so to speak) with Yosef and Bilah! So it says in Chumash, Vayechi!
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Anonymous -2 years ago
Davenning, especially saying the korbonos
Takes the place of the korbonios we brought in the Beis Hamigdash.
It cost money to buy a bull, a fowl, even some grain. You had to give of your money. We still have the mitzvah of tzedakah b inut davenning we give of another of our "assets". We give of our time. (And time is money!)
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Kj -2 years ago
Interesting, healing comes from the depths of Gd. So, can only those who know Gd deeply heal?
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Kj -2 years ago
Could this be from where the jealousy originates?
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Kj -2 years ago
I was just going to say, if you reimage marriage, no intimate relations!
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Kj -2 years ago
Remember, for those who do not know Gd intimately or do not believe in Gd, all there can be is information. In addition, wisdom to them is ignorance!
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Chaim Bochner -2 years ago
Same as if you take the wrong medicine or at the wrong time! We not need to restrict Toras Hachassidus because of this. In nigleh, Nasseh lo sam hachaim... we don't need to say the rest. Therefore Torah and gemarah should be disallowed?
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Anonymous -2 years ago
We repeat the words of davenning often
Why? Sam's old. Same old.
But.....doesn't a spouse desire to again and again hear "I love you"?
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Anonymous -2 years ago
The thief davens to Hashem for success
And....sometimes Hashem actually helps him steal! There are successful thieves after all
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Anonymous -2 years ago
R. Akiva Eiger was "always on"
Wasn't the Rebbe "always on"? The Alter Rebbe? The Baal Shem Tov? Etc., etc.?
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Anonymous -2 years ago
In law, if you are an eye witness
Then you are a good witness. But...if you merely heard ABOUT something, you are no witness at all. That is hearsay and invalid testimony
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Anonymous -2 years ago
If Yehuda was to be the leader,
Why wasn't he born first? The first born gets the extra merit.
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Chaim Bochner -2 years ago
Was going to post reply to this: Reuven was supposed to be melech but he botch up (so to speak) with Yosef and Bilah! So it says in Chumash, Vayechi!
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