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The Love That Never Ceases to Flow

One Form of Love That Can't Be Fake

1 hr 13 min

Class Summary:

This text-based class will be given by Rabbi YY Jacobson on Thursday, Parshas Vayechi, 16 Tevet, 5781, December 31, 2020, live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.

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  • RF

    Ruth Fingerhut -4 years ago

    Anim Zemiros on the violin


    Rabbi Y.Y. asked me to share this with the class.  I was so inspired after the shiur on today's maamar 12/31 that I played and recorded this nigun.

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -4 years ago

    Questions from Monday...

    Sarah Goldberg- 2 days ago

    Off point questionsIn last week's parsha Yakov finally is reunited with Yosef after 22 years, much doubt and grief. It doesn't seem that he ever asks Yosef how he got to be prime Minister of Mitzrayim! He was sent to check up on his brothers, who returned with a blood stained garment.  Yakiv never appears to ask how this transformation occurred! Also, with the placing of money and the goblet in the sacks, Yosef was doing what is called in common parlance "framing someone". The Avos including Yosef kept the Torah even before Har Sinai. How could Yosef resort to such fraudulent framing and trickery? 

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -4 years ago

    Question from Monday

    Sara- 2 days ago

    Can you elaborate a little about...Gd's desire to have a place here to live in the world with us? He wants to live here with us now? The way we are now with our faults or weaknesses, etc. ? In the future when we change/become better? And why? What will HE get out of it? HE has everything. How will HE benefit? I have some feelings about it, but maybe you can say in words what I'm feeling. 

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -4 years ago

    Questions from Monday's class...

    Sarah Goldberg- 2 days ago

    The Rebbe told your father a"H that its a "new day"After a night together. A "Neyye Togg".At that time didn't your father start a new Jewish newspaper, the Algemeiner?Could this have been a pun with a double meaning that it was not only a new day as the dawn was breaking, but also your father was starting a new "Togg Morning Journall"? 

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    המחדש בטובו בכל יום VS אהבה רבה

    Dear Rabbi,
    Thank yoiu very much for the טרחה and the השקעה עצומה in the Shiurim

    How to understand the Idea, that there is a basic fundemental priniple, that anything in the world and creation is constently created (לעולם השם דברך ניצב בשמים וכו) -
    and still, there is a level of "אהבה רבה", eternal and perpetual and unchanging state of bindness between the creator and (details in his) creation?

    and in a deeper level - Why and how is it, that a sickness can be "re created" again and again for years, that our lives are an ongoing natural process without no break. Is it a "new divine decision" every moment anew, no matter of the inner change that took place in his inside "world", one is still sick and suffer - בכל רגע מחדש?

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago

    Ahavas Olam we can access, but Ahava Rabbah we cannot access

    We have learnt that the flow of Divine energy into us and all creation can be compared to the flow of  electricity into an otherwise lifeless appliance. 

    So can we compare Ahavas Olam can be compared to actual flow of physical electricity into the appliance whereas Ahavas Rabba can be compared to the inexhaustible SOURCE of electricity  like the  sun, the wind, and other sources of  electricity? 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago

    Hashem doesn't change

    But...didn't He change His mind many times that we saw in the Chumash when our avos and imahos and tzaddikim davenned to Him, beseeched Him, etc., to change His mind about a certain decision He had made? 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago

    The shiur hasn't started yet and there are many comments already

    There are comments unanswered from last Monday. 

    I have an off point question: Bibi made the brocha "matir asurim" with Hashem's name when he greeted Jonathan Pollard in EY yesterday. 

    We are supposed to be thankful for both the good and the (seemingly) bad.

    So we make a brocha upon being released from jail, literally. 

    But who put us in jail in the first place?

    The same Hashem. 

    Therefore,  shouldn't we be making a brocha when we go  INTO jail, into the hospital,  etc. R"L. ???

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    Ambassador in advanced training of light, love and hope , Aharon -4 years ago

    In the previous shir - The R. Levi Yitzchak story brought by Reb YY is written by Rabbi Zevin in p. V’eschanan p 472 as follows: 

    Returning home from his first visit to Reb Shmelke of Nikolsburg, Reb Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev was challenged by his father in law:  “And what did  you learn there?”“I learned that there is a Creator of the universe,” was the answer.  The father-in–law called for the maid and asked her:  “Do you know that there is a Creator of the universe?”“Why, of course!” she answered.Returned Reb Levi Yitzchak:  ”She says.  I know.”

    End of quoted story.

    I’ve read this story perhaps ten or 20 times and never really understood the point of the story.  I thought that maybe Reb Levi Yitzhak grew to know better than her that there is a Creator of the universe.  But it didn’t seem like such a strong story.  In this shir Reb Jacobson explained it so I understand the point much better.    Reb YY said - it’s the difference between saying “I know” and experiencing.   

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    מאמרי אדמו"ר הזקן - על מארז"ל (ש"ס זוהר ותפילה)שניאור זלמן בן ברוך מלאדי

    avos 6:6

    having trouble putting together with parshas vayechi because here he says the ahava that comes without hisbonnenus is only shayich to a tzadik gamur and in parshas vayechi he says the question of kovaas itim leorah is did you bring out this ahava with torah- which the gemara is discussing a shayla for everybody and it's only shayich to the tzadik gamur. which he says that only a few in the generation could be zoche to such a thing. makes the avodah of ahavah rabah and tanugim not really shayich to me at least. Unless there is a certain level of ahava that each person has when he is born that is hidden and teh tzadik gamur could advance in levels while the regular person could only bring out what was given to himeslef at the time of birth.

    Further, he says you could turn to other matters and still have a roshem of the ahava and in avos says only have ahava if you are completely clean of rah

    What are your thoughts?

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    is parshas vaera saying shema is ahava rabah as opposed to ahavas olam- and here he is saying ahvas olam is shema?ועתיד הקב''ה להנחיל לכל צדיק ש''י עולמות בחי' יש וכמ''ש להנחיל אוהבי יש. שע''י כמה צמצומים וירידות והשתלשלות המדרגות יומשך שיתגלה החסד עליון והאהבה העליונה בבחי' יש כדי שיוכלו הנשמות לקבל ולהיות נהנים מזיו כו'. וזהו שאמר לעולמו די הוא בחי' הצמצום שעי''ז וארא אל אברהם כו' להיות גלוי האהבה העליונה שהיא העיקרית. וע''ז נאמר ואהבת את ה' אלקיך ואהבת הוא פועל יוצא. וכן לאהבה את ה' ולא כתיב לאהוב כו' כי העיקר הוא להמשיך האהבה העליונה בק''ש. והוא מ''ש אהבתי אתכם אמר ה' ואהבה זו תהיה בכל לבבך בתוך כל לבבך בשני יצריך. שגם היצה''ר ישוב לאהבת ה' כי בהמשיך עליו האהבה העליונה ממילא לבו המס ימס כהמס דונג כו'. ויהיה לאכפייא כו'. וזה נמשך בק''ש כי מפסוקי דזמרה עד ק''ש צ''ל האהבה שממטה למעלה אבל בק''ש צ''ל המשכת האהבה העליונה: אך הנה כל זה הוא בגלוי המשכת המדות אהוי''ר שהוא יחוד הוי' באלקים כשכבר נמשך בבחי' אלקים. אבל ושמי הוי' דהיינו בבחי' הוי' לבדו קודם שבא לידי גלוי ההמשכה במדות שהוא מקור ושרש כל ההויות ומקור החיים כו' לא נודעתי להם שאינו בא לידי גילוי בנפש מחמת אתערותא דלתתא רק מפני כי אשר קדשנו במצותי

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    How is it that one has ahava taku in his heart - ahavah rabah- if he is is turning to other matters- iskey haolam- now he is not connected to the torah - and he ends off the paragraph it leads to vedibarta bam?(he is now doing the opposite of vedibarta bam) (efshar al derech haohr shebah machzir lemutav)

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  • M

    moshe -4 years ago

    My thought today: There's so much talk about negative and positive this year. What has negative and positive? A battery. And what has to be done to a battery? Charge up. And if you look on a regular phone, the letters for 'charge up' are the same as 'chasidus' So just like the negative and positive virus tests are everywhere in the world, so is chassidus. It's time for Moshiach to come now

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Torah Or Vayechi Chachlili #2

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • December 31, 2020
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  • 16 Tevet 5781
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Dedicated by

Anne E Bronstein

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