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Torah Or Osri Lagafen #3: Why Joy is at the Heart of Chassidus

Wine of Joy & Wine of Intoxication

59 min

Class Summary:

Torah Or Vayechi -- Osri Lagefen Iro -- Part 3: Why Joy is at the Heart of Chassidus. Wine of Joy & Wine of Intoxication

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  • TY

    thank you -11 years ago

    great class,

    How does on apply two types of wine, given the avoda today is as mention only through Simcha?

    Or do both still apply?

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      Anonymous -10 years ago

      Re: question
      The Rebbe certainly holds that the focus of Avoda today must be on the positive and not (at all) on the negative (See Margila BiPuma Dirava 5746).


      Accordingly it would seem that we should have only the wine of joy and not the bitter wine.


      We must remember however, that we need to have motivation and love forward and not be complacent and satisfied with where we are holding in Avodas Hashem.


      We must find this is our Simcha, which is a challenge in itself.



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  • TY

    Thank you -11 years ago

    Thank you very much!

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  • TY

    thank you -11 years ago

    Thank you!! As always the stories and insights on the Ma'amer help bring life and joy.

    1. How can one channel bitterness about life situations into a teshuvah bitterness?

    2. How can one insure that this bitterness develops into a joy in the relationship with Hashem?

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      Anonymous -11 years ago

      T'shuva and Joy
      These are powerful questions that I’m not sure I should answer for several reasons. What follows are some thoughts directed exclusively at the one asking the questions. I’m posting them online because I don’t know how else to get this to you. I don’t think these ideas are applicable ion our times, as the sources that follow will indicate.

      I hope this is not a mistake.

      The source of the idea is in Tanya chapter 31 (39b-40a). I really don’t know how this is achieved.

      Moreover the Rebbe in his Mama Margila 5746 (1985-6) argues that in our times Avodas Hashem must be done strictly with Joy. Even bitterness of T’shuva is no longer for our times. So perhaps this question is not a practical one for you.

      Having said that the only piece of practical advice I can add is to understand that kavana (what you are thinking going in to T’shuva) matters an awful lot.

      Your words:

      1.       How can one channel bitterness about life situations into Teshuvah bitterness?               

      See Tanya Chapter 26 (33a) Igeres HaKodesh 11 (116a- 117a) and 22 (134a-b). There the Alter Rebbe offers perspective on how Hashem relates to us and the challenges he gives us.

      2.       How can one insure that this bitterness develops into a joy in the relationship with Hashem?

      Think about the opportunity 1) to have a special relationship (see Tanya chapter 46-7) with Him, and 2) that even when we fail we are never lost and we can always continue this relationship. He will give us as many chances as we need (Igeres HaT’shuva Ch. 11 100a-b).

      This unique relationship and His endless forgiving is reason enough to make one very happy.  




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Yossi Paltiel

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  • 18 Tevet 5774
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