Baal HaTanya's Road to Happiness
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Cydney Ryon in memory of his sister, Stella Jane David, who passed away at the young age of 47.
This workshop was addressed by Rabbi YY Jacobson via zoom at the International Conference of Chabad Shluchos, on Thursday Parshas Yisro, 22 Shevat, 5781, February 4, 2021.
Baal HaTanya's Road to Happiness
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Cydney Ryon in memory of his sister, Stella Jane David, who passed away at the young age of 47.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
That is why we should not eat animals. That right there is why I went from being a kosher-keeping Jew to a vegan kosher-keeping Jew. That divine energy that flows through all animals is sacred. It is not our place to destroy it. It is holy and should be respected. We are not alone in having emotions, feelings and caring. We are not the only species to love and care for and about our babies. It is undeniable.
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Linda Escobar -3 years ago
I am 60 years old, I am just now trying to find joy and peace and faith in Hashem. I'm a Jewish woman but we never practiced or learned. I hope it's not too late for me. I need guidance. I'm tired of living a sad, frightening life. Can you make a recommendation for a basic beginners path?
Linda Beth Frisch (Escobar)
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Anonymous -1 year ago
I realised no one commented you back, are you perhaps still seeking for guidance
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Adam F. -3 years ago
I meditated tonight when listening to Kaddish at shul about how I was fulfilling my purpose - based on what the Ramban says at the end of Parshas Bo regarding acknowdging Hashem in Shuls. This lecture is so powerful ! YK to Rabbi YY!
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Anonymous -3 years ago
My question is how you let go?And let the hepiness hust come in
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
It was said that to reach organic Simcha one should
Let go of facades, concealment etc and then inner natural Simcha will shine.
At another occasion it was said that a top therapist said that when all terutzim, justifications, excuses, rationalizations etc are gone then he has reached the real inner core, the real essential desire of the patient and healing can begin.
These two concepts seem to be inter-related.
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Anonymous -4 years ago
I have watched this video and it really really speaks to me!
I loved the part where you were talking about the goy inside of us. Since my father has told me that comment that I talk like a goy, I've been thinking that I need to take a DNA test to find out if maybe I'm not Jewish. I was thinking that maybe I'm one of those rare cases where they switched me as a baby in the hospital... I was imagining all sorts of things. Then you were saying in your speech that we all have that part in us and it's when we don't love others and don't love ourselves that is the goy inside of us. If I think about this, then what my father was saying makes sense. He just has a hard time communicating. I see now that my father did have a point. When I was criticizing a community, that didn't follow covid-19 guidelines, I was not being loving.
I also loved what you were saying that happiness is our natural state. And about letting go of our expectations and the stories we tell ourselves. You hit the nail for me. In my life, it is always the expectations that I have and the stories that I tell myself that cause me to feel unhappy.
I also loved that you said that love is the most important part of chasidus. I just wish it would be true! I find this very interesting because I had thought that the biggest issue with the Jewish people is that they don't know how to love... I'm myself trying to figure out what love is, I didn't see much love anywhere in my community when I grew up and I still see a big lack of love in the way people in my community do things. I see focus much more on halacha than on loving others, and everyone seems to be too busy to care about others.
I'm very happy to hear that love is something that does go together with chasidus and Judaism!
Thank you so much for this lecture!
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