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When Your Spouse Disagrees With You

The Blessings of Opposition: How Two Words in Genesis -- "A Helper Against Him" -- Capture the Essence of Gender-Relationships

39 min

Class Summary:

When Your Spouse Disagrees With You. The blessings of opposition: How two words in Genesis -- "a helper against him" -- capture the essence of gender-relationships

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  • RA

    Reuben Armento -1 year ago

    Many are still ignorant of how these Crypto Ponzi scammers work. I was impatient to carry out the necessary research about crypto trading. I just kept investing and earning because I was super excited after my first investment tripled in one hour. Unfortunately, I invested 258,000 USDT and ETH with this fraudulent company. I didn't realize I was dealing with a dubious company until I tried to make an attempt to withdraw. I made a withdrawal request and noticed that my account was suddenly blocked for no reason. I was requested to pay some charges to perfect the withdrawal which I always did but they always come for more.  I needed my money back at all costs since I could not afford to let it go. I did a lot of research for help and tried to see if other people had similar experiences. I discovered a forum where people mentioned that they had been through the same process and were able to recover their lost cryptocurrency funds with the help of an Ethical hacker. I hired this ethical hacker to solve my predicament and they were able to help me get back all my lost funds within 24 hours. I felt indebted to them and apart from trying to express my gratitude to him once again using this medium, I will recommend anyone who wants to recover or fix anything digital currency-related, Binary FX scammers, online romance scams, phone hacks, private investigation, and more, reach out to (cybergenie (@) cyberservices (.) com ) WHATSAPP (+ 1,2,5,2,5,1,2,0,3,9,1)... for assistance..

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    Less than 24 hoursafter listening to your shiur about Acheir, I came across this. Kol tuv.


    תוספות בבא מציעא דף פד

    אי הדרת בך כו'. מכאן אמר ר''ת דר''ל מתחלה ידע הרבה אלא שפרק עול תורה ונעשה עם הארץ ועסק בלסטיות מדקאמר אי הדרת בך משמע להיות כבתחלה ולא תפרוק עול תורה מעליך וקאמר נמי מאי אהנית לי התם קרו לי רבי כלומר מעיקרא נמי הוו קרו לי רבי אלא ששכחתי ומה שפי' בקונט' ר' היינו רבו של לסטים אין נראה אע''ג דאשכחן במס' ע''ז (דף יז:) מ''ט קרו לך רבי רבן של טרסיים אני והיינו דאמרי' בפ' כל כתבי (שבת דף קיט:) א''ל ר''ל לרבי יהודה נשיאה כך מקובלני מאבותי ואמרי לה מאבותיך כל עיר שאין בה תינוקות של בית רבן כו' משמע שקודם שלימדו רבי יוחנן למד  מאחרים


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  • TA

    TANIA AZOULAY -4 years ago

    What a beautiful shiour! Thank you so much Rav 

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    • MB

      Margalit Brown6686 -4 years ago


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  • EB

    Eliyahu Bari -9 years ago

    Shalom, the files for these class are erroring out giving file not available messages, can you please have the web developer fix it, really want to see this class! Thank you in advance, have a blessed new 5776!

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  • KT

    Kayo, Tokyo -14 years ago

    The very experience in day to day life
    Baruch HaShem

    Todah Rabah for explaining us such a profound Alter Rebbe's teaching. It gives me Tainug. And when I face difficulties in day to day life, I will try to graciously accept the very experience and find Divine light in it with the guidance of Tanya.

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    • A

      Anonymous -11 years ago

      Re: The very experience in day to day life
      Thanks very much Kayo.

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  • KT

    Kayo, Tokyo -14 years ago

    Baruch HaShem

    "P. S. Since you refer to women's lib, which has become so popular in recent years, it baffles me that the thrust of the movement is centered on the woman's becoming similar to man -- and this is what is termed 'independence' and 'feminist' pride, etc.!"

    Quote from a Rebbe's letter on "The Childless Woman’s Role in Judaism" at Chabad.Org

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  • SL

    sholom lew -15 years ago

    Yasher Koach.

    Also see Leku”s, Chelek Lamed in Parshas Vayigash – (from a Farbrengen Zos Chanukah (?) Mem Alef, another twist in the defense of Reuvein, when the brothers were bemoaning “Avol Ashemim Anachnu” and Reuvein’s response, that basically I told you so, what kind of moral person tells someone who is anyway’s in a Tzoroh – I told you so…

    With a beautiful Hesber, that to come close to the Aibishter (teshuva) because of a crisis does not necessarily reflect an Emesdige Avoda, for perhaps had the crisis not intervened, would there have been Teshuva. An Avodas Emes, is Reuvein who inspires them to realize the crisis was 22 year prior!

    Veulay Yesh Lomar, there is no stirah with the approach that Reuvein Yoshev Betaniso and as a result look what happened, for the Mashpia (in our parlance) may inspire, but it is the Melech who leads Bepoel.

    Veyesh Leharich Bozeh, I would lo9ve to see your take on this Sicha.

    Let me know what you think,

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  • S

    Sholom -15 years ago

    another dimension
    Yasher Koach.

    Also see Leku”s, Chelek Lamed in Parshas Vayigash – (from a Farbrengen Zos Chanukah (?) Mem Alef, another twist in the defense of Reuvein, when the brothers were bemoaning “Avol Ashemim Anachnu” and Reuvein’s response, that basically I told you so, what kind of moral person tells someone who is anyway’s in a Tzoroh – I told you so…

    With a beautiful Hesber, that to come close to the Aibishter (teshuva) because of a crisis does not necessarily reflect an Emesdige Avoda, for perhaps had the crisis not intervened, would there have been Teshuva. An Avodas Emes, is Reuvein who inspires them to realize the crisis was 22 year prior!

    Veulay Yesh Lomar, there is no stirah with the approach that Reuvein Yoshev Betaniso and as a result look what happened, for the Mashpia (in our parlance) may inspire, but it is the Melech who leads Bepoel.

    Veyesh Leharich Bozeh, I would love to see your take on this Sicha.

    Let me know what you think,

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  • S

    Sholom -15 years ago

    another dimension
    Yasher Koach.

    Also see Leku”s, Chelek Lamed in Parshas Vayigash – (from a Farbrengen Zos Chanukah (?) Mem Alef, another twist in the defense of Reuvein, when the brothers were bemoaning “Avol Ashemim Anachnu” and Reuvein’s response, that basically I told you so, what kind of moral person tells someone who is anyway’s in a Tzoroh – I told you so…

    With a beautiful Hesber, that to come close to the Aibishter (teshuva) because of a crisis does not necessarily reflect an Emesdige Avoda, for perhaps had the crisis not intervened, would there have been Teshuva. An Avodas Emes, is Reuvein who inspires them to realize the crisis was 22 year prior!

    Veulay Yesh Lomar, there is no stirah with the approach that Reuvein Yoshev Betaniso and as a result look what happened, for the Mashpia (in our parlance) may inspire, but it is the Melech who leads Bepoel.

    Veyesh Leharich Bozeh, I would love to see your take on this Sicha.

    Let me know what you think,

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  • S

    steve -15 years ago

    You should have a wonderful Shabbos-Channukkah!

    Please keep the essays coming

    You and your brothers and R. Tuvia Bolton and Yossy Goldman and Tzvi Freeman aand others from the Rebbe's Legions, with your thoughtful writings, bring wonderful light on the hidden, the semi hidden and even the apparently unhidden.

    All the best,

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  • SW

    Shyrla Werdiger -15 years ago

    Holy narcissism
    Sitting in transit in Frankfurt airport, whi h is a bit of a hole, en route to Israel, finally I have he time to read and reflect on a brilliant essay. This captures the essence of chabad chassidus. Not good enough to keep yourself pure and holy, or warm in your fur overcoat while others shiver. Light a fire so everyone can benefit from the warmth, raise up the fallen not with an eye on your own spiritual rewards but purely to help a fellow. Thank you for your clarity.

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  • ZI

    Zvi Isaacson -15 years ago

    Sometimes you get it perfect
    Rabbi, Thank you for this simple yet profound message. Too often are we so busy doing "mitzvahs" we forget the true reason for doing them. H" always will forgo his Kavod in order for us to take care of our brothers' needs.

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  • C

    Chaim -15 years ago

    Hearkening to another's pain.
    This may explain the sensitivity of Yosef toward his fellow prisoners in Egypt, particularly the butler and the baker. He understood what it was to be in the pit with no one hearing your cries. Just as the cause of the exile was ignoring those cries, the catalyst for redemption was attending to the needs of another.

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  • B

    ben -15 years ago

    1798 not 1898

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  • S

    Shmuel -15 years ago

    Good Yom Tov:
    You made a small mistake in that you put down that the Alter Rebbe was liberated from prison in 1898, when it should have been 1798. But the article is powerful. Keep up the good work.

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  • D

    dick -15 years ago

    reminds me
    Reminds me of the elder Rabbi in the Coen Brothers' controversial "A Serious Man." Did you see it? It seems to be the bane of many in the Orhtodox community.

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  • RE

    Ron Edelman -15 years ago

    19 kislev
    inspirational as always Rabbi....

    Good Yom Tov!

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  • BS

    B-N shrew -15 years ago

    Interesting insight!
    Sorry if I put it in a wrong context, but summing up first Torah class of a new cycle, we can say that the best match for a real man, ADAM, in this world is a good vampirish woman who challenges him from time to time with opposition. That promotes his spiritual growth and helps achieve those heights which he had not been able to reach without her. Right?
    Now we know where great Leo Tolstoy took his inspiration from…
    So did Bernard Show…
    Thanks for renovation in our minds.

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  • JS

    joy singer -15 years ago

    thank you
    thank you soooo much rabbi jacobson. this was very special and an amazing and clear and easily accessable shiur Torah!!!! yeshar koiach.

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  • CR

    CARMELA R. -15 years ago


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  • RI

    Reuben I. -15 years ago

    old lectures
    Do you have these lectures archived anywhere. Specifically the lecture on Shavuos on the Achitofel last will and testament to his children about the clear day on Shavuos

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  • A

    Anonymous -15 years ago


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  • I

    Izzy -15 years ago

    by me its good. refresh your page or up your volume

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  • A

    Anonymous -15 years ago

    No Sound

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    • JS

      Joseph S -11 years ago

      Rab!bi Jacobsen  gives probably the greatest class to help in understanding from a torah perspective the relationship between a husband and wife!  I just wish i would have heard this decades ago

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      • C

        Candace -2 years ago

        I recently used the service of this software programmer at ' hackingloop6 @ g m a i l .c o m ', he is a legit and ethical hacker, he can hack any media stuff, he's actually the real deal and I promised him to share this with people needing real hacking stuff. i was initially skeptical as i already got scammed before, but he did come through and proof there are real hackers around.He handles any social networks hacks like Facebook,whats-app snap chat Instagram emails and school grade, out there, he was able to hack my cheating husband's phone activities without having no contact with the phone, he is reliable, his customer service and efficiency is top-notch...

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Bereishis/Marriage Class

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • October 12, 2009
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  • 24 Tishrei 5770
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Dedicated by David and Eda Schottenstein in the loving and sacred memory of Rabbi Gavriel Noach and Rivki Holtzberg And all of the Mumbai Kedoshim

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