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What Young Wives Wish Someone Told Their Husbands

Navigating Married Life for Young Married Men

2 hr 15 min

Class Summary:

Navigating Married Life for Young Married Men



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  • YG

    Yael Gollub -3 years ago

    Hello Rabbi YJacobson

    i met you personally at KMS since then my husband has passed 

    but Hashem have me a new partner 

    we both have older children 

    Moshe has 10

    I have 11 both of our youngest is 20

    my questions are 

    1. every 3 hours to use the five languages of love so that includes night time??

    2. All his 9 children accept me me and say nice things about me

    only the last one 20 year old is in therapy because she feels her dad abandoned her she hates me and wants to contact with me cold turkey

    i gave her my mother's necklace when I first met her

    i cooked for her siblings when they came over for shabbos 

    but she only wants her dad she is very needy

    som I feel my husband of only 2 months treat her like a wife 

    kisses hugging and constantly calling because he says she is complicated and very needy

    I'm patient we are moving to Israel as our permanent home soon we are waiting for NBN

    tbe youngest wants to come and work there only one hour away from our city 

    my husband wants me to have her over one shabbos a month and he gets to go to spend one afternoon with her once a month 

    how do I make this work???


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  • YG

    Yael Gollub -3 years ago

    Do I understand that every 3 hours I'm to reignite my love for my husband?

    Yael Gollub /Kamenskey 

    [email protected] 

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    • YYJ

      Yosef Yitzchak Jacobson -3 years ago

      yes, or simply continue the burning flame.

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  • YL

    Yosef Lange -3 years ago

    Fantastic essential information.

    Thank you once again Rabbi Jacobson,

    We've been married for 48 years and there is always something more to learn to improve the marriage.  

    We've been to many marriage seminars but this was  better than all of them. 

    Yosef and Leah Lange

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  • בר

    ברכה רייצס -3 years ago

    I wish you should give this שיעור in Hebrew. It's so important for Hebrew speaking as well...

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  • K

    Kayla -3 years ago

    Rabbi yy, you outdid yourself! And that's saying a lot! From minute 1 to minute 135. Simply perfection. Thank you! 

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    Thank you Rabbi YY

    Wondeful Shiur!!!

    If talk therapy is not always the suggesion what is the alternitive ליבון? 

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    How do I get strength when my husband is mentally not well and has absolutely no idea what a relationship is anymore.  How do I deal that the sad feeling  I feel on a daily basis. We have been married for 53 years. Next week is our anniversary and I can’t help  but get hurt every year, even though I know that the anniversary date is no different than any other day 2 him?

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    How do I deal with mental illness bi polar disorder and borderline personality disorder that the two wives I have married were diagnosed is there a possibility to connect? My first wife remarried and is still married

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  • C

    Chana -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    I constantly hear that there’s no marriage where there are no arguments and disagreements… my marriage is that way, and I feel like there’s something wrong with us, bec constantly we hear about how anyone who says that is lying…. Please tell me I’m not nuts

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  • J

    Joseph -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    How do I keep the flame in My Marriage always strong?

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Workshop with Q & A for Early Marriage Years

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • February 17, 2022
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  • 16 Adar I 5782
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