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How to Hide From G-d

Understanding the Psychology and Spirituality of the Laws of Sotah

1 hr 30 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Thursday, Parshas Naso, 12 Sivan, 5783, June 1, 2023, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    A woman who admits to adulatory is sentenced to death, she is not simply divorced from her husband to move on with her life

    A woman who admits to adulatory is sentenced to death, she is not simply divorced from her husband to move on with her life.
    how does the rabbi skip the laws regarding adulterer and adulteress whom are sentenced to death? the woman is given a chance to drink the sota water to save herself from the deadly accusations. if she admits guilt while facing the sota water she is put to death as is the man she committed adulatory with as well.

    The 347th prohibition is that one is forbidden to have relations with one's neighbor's wife.

    The source of this commandment is G‑d's statement, "do not lie carnally with your neighbor's wife. "There are various forms of punishment for one who transgresses this prohibition. If she was a betrothed maiden [na'ara m'urasa], she is executed by stoning, as explained in Scripture. He, however, is executed by strangulation.

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    • Anonymous -1 year ago

      This is not true in this case. do your homework properly!

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      • Anonymous -1 year ago

        Adultery is a very grave sin, carrying the death penalty.

        See; Naso https://www.chabad.org/therebbe/article_cdo/aid/110550/jewish/Torah-Studies-Naso.htm

        and See; (Leviticus) - Chapter 20 Verse 10
        "And a man who commits adultery with [another] man's wife, committing adultery with the wife of his fellow the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death."The adulterer and the adulteress shall be put to death: Wherever a death penalty is mentioned in the Torah without specification [as to the mode of death, it exclusively refers to strangulation. — [Torath Kohanim 20:106, Sanh. 52b]


        How in the world could anyone in his right mind accuse Moses of engaging in adultery; a capital violation and one of the Ten Commandments? https://www.chabadwestside.org/templates/articlecco_cdo/aid/3711857/jewish/Korach.htm  

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    The sotah who passes the test then has

    Easier birthing, or a baby where she was barren before etc. 

    So then a woman who was barren during the time the Beis Hamigdash was standing could think to give the husband room for suspension and then seclude with the man in order to go thru the sotah ritual and be rewarded with a baby? (She would know that she's innocent).

    This is similar to the idea in the previous maamer to give the enemy (the barrenness) a sense of false temporary victory in order to overpower him. 

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    Hashem allows His name to be dissolved

    In the Sotah ritual if she's guilty.

    Notice that Hashem went further when He allowed His name to be shattered on the luchos when the yidden were guilty of "adultery " with avoda Zora. 

    But where was the warning against this? The yidden sinned with the chait haegel BEFORE Moshe came down with the luchos. 

    Maybe you can say that they were warned beforehand with the 7 Noahide laws.

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    • Anonymous -1 year ago

      This point made before a similar point made later in the sicha

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    what is anava

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    If she fails the Sotah ritual then both

    She and the Paramor die. But....she alone was warned.  He was not warned. Perhaps he doesn't know of the warning.  Perhaps he doesn't know that she was married. 

    Why should he die if he doesn't know she was married and warned? She could have seduced him!

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    The issur of yichud does not apply to

    Her father.  That was obviously said in the days before sexual molestation.  

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    Sometimes the wife accuses the husband

    Of domestic violence.  She can choose to accuse and report or nor. Often when it comes to  court she tries to withdraw the accusation against her husband  

    Usually the judge does not allow such withdrawal.  

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    "Teshuva is possible for all aveirahs

    Except gayvah" Really? Can't do teshuva for haughtiness? 

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    Ego is worse than all the aveirahs

    Really? In the debate about nature and nurture we often say that character is nature, i.e. given to the person. How is a person responsible for a G-dly given character trait?

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    Hashem doesn't "hang out" with the

    Baal gayva. Is then the baal gayva worse than the murderer, the avoda zora worshipper, the adulterer?

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    Hashem does not "hang out" with

    The haughty.  A gemora in Sotah yet. 

    Really? Who exactly is giving the baal gayvah life every second?

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    If Hashem sees and knows all how can we

    Seclude  ourselves? Perhaps the test and its result one way or the other is to be a lesson (or a warning) to us?

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    The mitzvah of Sotah involves a husband

    Suspicious of his wife. 

    Hashem is our husband and the yidden are the wife. Waa Hashem then suspicious of is abd warned us? And did we seclude.ourselves with the impermissible? Was His warning the tochecha? Did we takke seclude ourselves with the impermissible? Did we pass or fail the test?

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    Yochanan Ben Zakkai stopped the Sotah

    Procedure even while the Beis Hamigdash stood. 

    How can a single rabbi, even a tzaddik, suspend a Torah mitzvah?

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    • Anonymous -1 year ago

      good question. same can be asked about not blowing the shofar on shabbos, general population laws of purity and impurity as well as many more of the 613 commandments enumerated that are not practiced nowadays

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    What would today's modern woman

    Who wants a gett on demand, an innovation not found in halacha, say if today's woman (or the wife in the times of the Beis Hamigdash) warns the husband nit tp be secluded with a particular woman? The Sotah procedure is one sided not tolerated by modern women and their supporters. 

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    • Anonymous -1 year ago

      it's not that simple. if she is unhappy with being married to her husband and is accused of adultery.

      sota water is not a gett on demand work around. either she drinks the sota water and her innocence/guilt is proven, however if she admits guilt prior to drinking the sota water she is then sentenced to death. the sota water gives the innocent woman an opportunity to save herself in the face of adulatory accusations which are punishable by death.she does not simply admit guilt and then obtain a divorce from her husband and move on.a guilty adulteress and adulterer are both sentenced to death for their sin.

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    In American Law there is a presumption

    Of innocence. In Torah if she's warned with witnesses and witnessed about yichud there is a presumption of guilt and therefore a Divine Trial

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    Vice president Pence

    Would never have lunch with a woman without a third person there

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    Wouldn't the guilty sotah know that

    If she's "caught" that the Divine Judge who is omniscient knows what she did and will punish? That should deter the trie sotah from going thru with the procedure 

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    "Hashem is the therapist for the sotah".

    Really? He's more of a Divine Judge who either kills her (and the paramour) or allays doubt and restores sholem bayis 

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Chassidus: Likkutei Sichos Vol. 4 Parshas Nasso

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • June 1, 2023
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  • 12 Sivan 5783
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Dedicated in honor of Rabbi Lazer & Rochel Lazaroff and the staff at Aishel House in Houston, Texas

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