Women's Class Parshas Behaaloscha
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Dr. Herman Weiss in honor of the birthday of my wife Mia, Miriam Freidle bas Ita Basha. May you continue to be our family's rock and guiding star, spreading Torah.
In loving memory of Reb Meir Yitzchak ben Reb Moshe and Arielah Tamari. He was murdered on 10 Sivan 5783, on his 32nd birthday, in Shomron. And in merit of Tal, Alma and Yahav.
This class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Behaloscha, 17 Sivan, 5783, June 6, 2023, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Women's Class Parshas Behaaloscha
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Dr. Herman Weiss in honor of the birthday of my wife Mia, Miriam Freidle bas Ita Basha. May you continue to be our family's rock and guiding star, spreading Torah.
In loving memory of Reb Meir Yitzchak ben Reb Moshe and Arielah Tamari. He was murdered on 10 Sivan 5783, on his 32nd birthday, in Shomron. And in merit of Tal, Alma and Yahav.
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RIKI -8 months ago
This class does not play. I couldnt find it on you tube either. Please advise?
Thank you
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Anonymous -8 months ago
Thank you for that. A few questions...
The 'authenticity' of individuals is defined by each unique combination of the sheva middos. Each person also contains to a degree each mida because each mida is actually 'sub-units' of oneness and are thus interconnected with one another.
1) According to that, any two individuals should be able to deeply connect and understand one another? (after all, we all come from the same source and all contain similar fragments of that source, just in varying proportions).
2) Further, you've previously taught that certain relationships that aren't healthy cannot always be resolved. But, unity means a connection to an original source. How then, can this be true?
3) A person should also be able to change their nature by tapping into the various aspects of these sheva middos?? Because we are part of "oneness"!
Thank you so much.
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Anonymous -1 year ago
Thank you for making your lectures available. I always learn from them. I have a question, In regard to your discussion on the menorah, in the women's class of Behaaloscha, how did they make the flame point anywhere but up. Flames always point up due to gravity. Was it a miracle?
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Rabbi YY -1 year ago
Great question. The flame pointed up, but it was in the direction of the center of the menorah. Meaning the wick was pointing in that direction.
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Elisheva Cohen -1 year ago
Shalom rebbe
Well I think a leader like you who are a mentor to Am Israel
Should have know better when we ask questions it cannot be replied
I am sorry don't know
As Rebbe you got to research and find the answers no matter what and do whatever best your ability
Thank you best regards
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Anonymous -1 year ago
Hi elishava,
im not sure what you mean by saying "as a rebbe you got to research and find the answers no matter what"
does rabbi Jacobson owe us anything ?
the way I see it is that "we" the students got to have tremendous hakoras hatov to rabbi yy for all he does and enlighten us rather than complain and demand.
if you can explain more what you meant I would appreciate it.
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