Women's Behaaloscha Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Yitzchak & Rochel Shlomo in memory of the yartzeit of Jesse - Yishayahu Yoseph ben Yaakov Leib and Rivka Cohen
This class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Behaaloscha, 15 Sivan, 5782, June 14, 2022, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Women's Behaaloscha Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Yitzchak & Rochel Shlomo in memory of the yartzeit of Jesse - Yishayahu Yoseph ben Yaakov Leib and Rivka Cohen
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isaac -2 years ago
How old was Tzipirah at the time? Maybe indeed, 30 or 40, so she can still have children!
Also, maybe if moshe separated people would learn from him, just like they did learn from his father. So Miriam was concerned.
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yisroel -2 years ago
I listened to your shiur on miriam Very nice explanation explaining the posuk which was always hard for me to understand
One nekudah You say miriam reason to bring back together Moshe and Tziporah to have more children
Perhaps you can also say not only having more children When husband and wife are together they create yichudim holy energy that effects the family the children they already have Also with Moshe and Tziporah as communal leaders their union can bring yichudim holy energy to all yidden bringing families together Miriams objective
Chasam sofer remember what HaShem did FOR miriam how important it is for families to be together all the yidden had seven days to reflect and bring in the seven day cycle
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Anonymous -2 years ago
Thank you Rabbi. Heather Steinhoff
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