Rambam Mishneh Torah #16
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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This class, in Rambam the Laws of Yesodei HaTorah, chapter four, was presented on Tuesday Parshas Devarim, 29 Tammuz, 5780, July 21, 2020, streaming live from Rabbi Jacobson's House in Monsey, NY
Rambam Mishneh Torah #16
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Mordechai -4 years ago
sand on the moon
I didn't understand, what the Rambam writes that the 4 elements only start beyond the spheres, how is there sand on the moon?
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Anonymous -4 years ago
Great questions.
1. As I discussed, the "element of earth" discussed in Chazal and Rambam may be something different than sand.
Also, as discussed in the intro to chapters 3-4, there is another dimension to all of these laws: the spiritual counterpart of the cosmos,
2. Yes, we are in a sphere, but not in the sphere of the sun or the moon. They are planet located inside a sphere, and the sphere encompasses the earth. They themselves do not. Hence we can see the entire "ball."
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Aharon -4 years ago
this is a fascinating video made in 1977 showing distance telescopically and microscopically. Check it out and enjoy.
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Sara -4 years ago
But the Mishnei Torah...
Is not so easily understood by a person either by themselves or even with a teacher, there are many who disagree with Rambam’s conclusions, books were written to explain even further. Still seems like a contradiction to say these things should not be written down and then writing them down. Like telling a child not to do something, but doing it yourself. Maybe Rambam should have just left that out. Seems to complicate it even more.
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Moshe Mohadeb -4 years ago
In light of the fact that the Rambam states these matters very cryptically and does not explain in depth, perhaps when he writes that these mysteries should be taught with the proper qualifications, it is not a contradiction to record a "drop of the ocean" or a "drop of the bucket" to give the masses a glimpse of the esoteric.
Additionally, from the perspective that all these physical terms are in fact metaphors for the metaphysical spheres, as Rabbi Jacobson reiterates, the Rambam is not disclosing any information at all about the actual esoteric wisdom, but rather presents a few parables (that can also be understood at face value), which does not defy or contradict the ban of speaking of these subjects to the masses.
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Moshe Mohadeb -4 years ago
In light of the fact that the Rambam states these matters very cryptically and does not explain in depth, perhaps when he writes that these mysteries should be taught with the proper qualifications, it is not a contradiction to record a "drop of the ocean" or a "drop of the bucket" to give the masses a glimpse of the esoteric.
Additionally, from the perspective that all these physical terms are in fact metaphors for the metaphysical spheres, as Rabbi Jacobson reiterates, the Rambam is not disclosing any information at all about the actual esoteric wisdom, but rather presents a few parables (that can also be understood at face value), which does not defy or contradict the ban of speaking of these subjects to the masses.
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Moshe Mohadeb -4 years ago
In light of the fact that the Rambam states these matters very cryptically and does not explain in depth, perhaps when he writes that these mysteries should be taught with the proper qualifications, it is not a contradiction to record a "drop of the ocean" or a "drop of the bucket" to give the masses a glimpse of the esoteric.
Additionally, from the perspective that all these physical terms are in fact metaphors for the metaphysical spheres, as Rabbi Jacobson reiterates, the Rambam is not disclosing any information at all about the actual esoteric wisdom, but rather presents a few parables (that can also be understood at face value), which does not defy or contradict the ban of speaking of these subjects to the masses.
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Morris Friedman -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Isaac -4 years ago
Your comment is on the very video page of this class!! Just scroll up and click play.
On the website, there is "last 30 days of classes," you can always see there.
Here is the full series:
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Moshe -4 years ago
To see and read about our planet as a teeny dot from VEEEERY far away
Search for "pale blue dot". That picture 30 years old!
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Simcha -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Moshe -4 years ago
Considering how small planet is in the picture
Hashem still says that everything we do matters.
Black Lives matter then, would just be a sub-set
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Sholem -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Moshe -4 years ago
We can already see sub-atomic particles revolving around a center
And then we know both from the Rambam and from astronomy that we are on a planet and/or the sun that revolve around center, and ditto for galaxies, etc., etc.
Is it possible we are a sub-atomic particle under the microscope of a much larger universe, and so on? Can there be teeny tiny (from our subjective point of view) entities dwelling on the things we call sub-atomic particles peering into their instruments ar yet further sub-sub-atomic particles?
I.e. an infinite chaining up and down of levels if existence?
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Moshe -4 years ago
The Rambam states the entropic principle, i.e. everything decomposes
Some scientist was the first who wrote that at some point. What could have been his reaction if a talmud chocham pointed out that the Rambam wrote it long before? Or maybe he himself was a talmud chocham who just plagarized!
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Moshe -4 years ago
All matter down here made up of the 4 elements
What about those few items that came down here from shomayim. The manna? The luchos? The note saying that the Baal Shem Tov's sukka was kosher? Anything else that came down? Made up of the 4 elements? Decomposes also?
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Moshe -4 years ago
The 4 basic elements combine in endless ways in each creation
Can we align the multitude combinations of these 4 basic elements with the basic elements of DNA that also combine in endless ways to form each individual let alone each species?
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Moshe -4 years ago
Everything down here made up of the 4 elements
Einstein says that matter can be converted to energy and vice versa. (Thank you Einstein for helping us win WW2).
If so, then energy itself, whether as energy per se or as potential matter, or even after being converted to matter after nuclear fusion, should also be composed of the 4 elements. Is that true?
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chaim akerman -4 years ago
what happened to the rambam class??
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Alizah Hochstead -4 years ago
Are we having a class?
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Anonymous -4 years ago
Shalom Alechem
Another pshat
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Anonymous -4 years ago
2 Rambams
The Rambam says in halacha 12 בזמן שאדם מתבונן בדברים האלו ומכיר כל הברואים ממלאך וגלגל ואדם כיוצא בו ויראה חכמתו של הקב"ה בכל היצורים וכל הברואים. מוסיף אהבה למקום ותצמא נפשו ויכמה בשרו לאהוב המקום ברוך הוא. ויירא ויפחד משפלותו ודלותו וקלותו כשיעריך עצמו לאחד מהגופות הקדושים הגדולים. וכ"ש לאחת מהצורות הטהורות הנפרדות מן הגולמים שלא נתחברו בגולם כלל. וימצא עצמו שהוא ככלי מלא בושה וכלימה ריק וחסר
Doesn't this seem extra as the Rambam already wrote in 2:2 והיאך היא הדרך לאהבתו ויראתו. בשעה שיתבונן האדם במעשיו וברואיו הנפלאים הגדולים ויראה מהן חכמתו שאין לה ערך ולא קץ מיד הוא אוהב ומשבח ומפאר ומתאוה תאוה גדולה לידע השם הגדול כמו שאמר דוד צמאה נפשי לאלהים לאל חי. וכשמחשב בדברים האלו עצמן מיד הוא נרתע לאחוריו ויפחד ויודע שהוא בריה קטנה שפלה אפלה עומדת בדעת קלה מעוטה לפני תמים דעות. כמו שאמר דוד כי אראה שמיך מעשה אצבעותיך מה אנוש כי תזכרנו. ולפי הדברים האלו אני מבאר כללים גדולים ממעשה רבון העולמים כדי שיהיו פתח למבין לאהוב את השם. כמו שאמרו חכמים בענין אהבה שמתוך כך אתה מכיר את מי שאמר והיה העולם ?
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