Rambam Mishneh Torah
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Rabbi Yosef Silverman, in memory of Noson Yaacov ben Shemaya HaLevi
This class, in Rambam the Laws of Yesodei HaTorah, chapter six, was presented on Thursday Parshas Devarim, 2 Av, 5780, July 23, 2020, streaming live from Rabbi Jacobson's House in Monsey, NY
Rambam Mishneh Torah
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Rabbi Yosef Silverman, in memory of Noson Yaacov ben Shemaya HaLevi
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yossi -4 years ago
Last night I heard YY shiur
It was amazing I enjoyed it immensely
I couldn't understand the inyan of tvila in mikva with a shaimos on one body without his explanation
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ruth -4 years ago
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Anonymous -4 years ago
Why does the Rambam bring the Halacha (7) that it is prohibited to remove a stone from the mizbeach here. This halacha pertains more to Hilchos Beis Habechira where he speaks of the Mizbeach etc.?
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Alberto -4 years ago
What is de Halaja to erase an email with H name?,or erasing a voice note with H name?
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Anonymous -4 years ago
Could you quote the source of the one who asked the question of why it is in yesodey hatorah
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Moshe -4 years ago
There are various laws concerning what happens to the
written names of Hashem. In Rambam's time, before the printing press, he must have meant handwritten words on parchment, etc. Later we have people writing out Hashem's name but then it was printed and copiex many times over. Does the halachas he articulated apply also to the printed versions of the original handwritten names?
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Moshe -4 years ago
There are various laws concerning what happens to the
written names of Hashem. In Rambam's time, before the printing press, he must have meant handwritten words on parchment, etc. Later we have people writing out Hashem's name but then it was printed and copiex many times over. Does the halachas he articulated apply also to the printed versions of the original handwritten names?
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Anonymous -4 years ago
According to your explanation why is cursing the name of hashem not in yesodey hatorah?
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Mordechai Litzman -4 years ago
Fundamental question
Does it say that the prophets would take off their clothes when they prophesized? How does it go together with the Rambam?
Is there any halachic objection to do archeological digs near the site of the Beis Hamikdash since they may come across something holy from the temple?
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Simcha -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Pinchus Krieger -4 years ago
I have an interesting sefer מלאכת הקדש להבדיל בין שמות הקדושים ובין שמות אשר חול שנדפס בפראג 1812. He goes through חמשה חומשי תורה and in פרשת וירא he brings a gemara in מסכת שבת and מסכת שבועות etc.. and brings this Rambam here.
Pinchus (Yerushalayim)
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Moshe -4 years ago
You are the head chaplain of the IDF in a war
The generals want to bomb a certain area controlled by the enemy wherein they have Sifrei Torah. They ask you if they may bomb because surely Sifrei Torah will be destroyed. Permissible?
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Yehudis Helfand -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Moshe -4 years ago
You can't erase or destroy Hashem's name, but....
Didn't Moshe Rabbenu destroy the first luchos with Hashem's name?
Is the Sotah procedure a mere exception?
A BT has a tattoo with Hashem's name. Go thru a tattoo removal procedure which is erasing or leave it?
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Anonymous -4 years ago
Sefer Mishnas Yaakov
why did not say yud keh
ובביאור-הגר"א שם כתב ולא מנה שם י-ה שהוא נכלל ג"כ בשם העצם, אע"ג שמנה שם א-ל לפי שהוא שורש אחר, שהוא לשון חוזק, וראיה שמצינו משמש במקום אחר, יש לאל ידי אילי הארץ, אבל שם י-ה הוא ג"כ משם העצם משמש על הוי"ה וקיום, ולכן לא מצינו במקום אחר, ובאו"ש כתב: ושם י-ה לא חשיב דהוא מקצת משם הוי"ה, ושם א-ל חשיב, אף דהוא מקצת מאלקים, משום שיש לו נקוד אחר, אבל שם הוי"ה אין לו ניקוד כלל.
ויש להוסיף ע"ז, דמאחר דאמרו בחז"ל על הפסוק סוף בשלח: כי יד על כס י-ה מלחמה לה' בעמלק, שאין שמו שלם ואין כסאו שלם עד שימחה שמו של עמלק כולו, וכשימחה שמו יהי' השם שלם והכסא שלם, עי' רש"י שם. א"כ י-ה הוי זה חלק משם הוי"ה, וכמו כס מכסא. וא"כ אמנם אין זה שם בפני עצמו, ולא דמי לא-ל, דשם י-ה הוי זה חלק משם הוי"ה כולו, והוי זה כמו כס מכסא, ולכך לא חשבי' ליה לשם בפני עצמו, ועי' היטב בכ"מ בה"ד.
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Moshe -4 years ago
Please, English only
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Anonymous -4 years ago
אולי יוכל כבודו להשים ההערות כיוצא בזה לפני השיעור כך שאוכל לראותם לפני השיעור ולהגיד כמה מהם, כי יש כאן דברים טובים במאד מאד, ותודה לבבית
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Sara -4 years ago
Erasing Name of Hashem -
Only applies in the Hebrew letters?
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Anonymous -4 years ago
You can keep the text in halacha 5 and some commentators explain that when it is for a benefit your allowed to erase as opposed to the other 7 which never can be erased (The issue to destory kisvey kodesh is only derech hashchasa)
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Anonymous -4 years ago
A support to this text - see avodah hamelech end of the halachos
כל שלמה האמור בשיר השירים קודש והרי הוא כשאר הכינויין. וכן כתב באנת מלכא מלך מלכיא, דהרי הוא כשאר הכינויין, והוא פלא, דהרי בשאר הכינויין כתב רבנו לעיל בה"ה דרשאי למוחקן וכבר עמדו ע"ז רבותינו ז"ל ועי' כ"מ שכתב דהוא קודש לענין אם השביע את העדים בהם וכפרו דחייבים, וכ"כ הריטב"א והר"ן והרא"ש ז"ל בתשובה, והדין דין אמת אבל תמוה לכוין כן בדעת רבנו להביא דין זה בין דיני מחיקת השם ועי' רדב"ז בלשונותיו ח"א סי' ס"ז וח"ב סי' רנ"ה עי"ש. ומוכח מזה כמ"ש לעיל בה"ה דעת רב סעדיה גאון ז"ל והראב"ד ז"ל דהא דכינויין נמחקין דוקא שנכתבו שלא במקומן אבל אם נכתבו במקומן אסור למוחקן והוא מדאוריתא ובכתבי הקודש איסורן רק מדרבנן ועי"ש מה שהבאתי בשם הראב"ד ולפי"ז דברי רבנו מבוארין דהו"ל כנויין ובמקומן אסורין במחיקה מתורת קדושת כנוי שם שמים ועדיף מקדושת כתבי הקודש דשם הוי רק איסורא דרבנן.
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Sara -4 years ago
Names of Hashem
Aren't there more than 7 (or 8) names of Hashem: Are these 7 that you spoke about the only ones we can't erase letters from?
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Anonymous -4 years ago
If a letter could become kadosh like the name itself by being connected to it so certainly a Yid if he becomes taful and subservient to hashem he can be kadosh as well.
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Anonymous -4 years ago
Why is destroying the names part of Yesodey Hatorah- I understand it is a bad averah, but why a foundation? Perhaps put it in hilchos sefer torah when discussing when the name should be written?
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Anonymous -4 years ago
What is the halachic ramifications for adding הקדושים הטהורים to describe the names- if the rambam left these words out what would be missing from the law?
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Sarah -4 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Sara -4 years ago
Lots of ways. Watch Rabbi YY tonite = "Always Find Something Positive"
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Moshe -4 years ago
Should we watch this Rambam class on
The yehiva.net or on chabad.org or both!
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Moshe -4 years ago
The doctor has the cure but wants millions
What if a person is dying and a doctor or scientist has a surefire cure he developed. He wants millions to use it to save the sick person. Can the beis din force the cure out of him regardless or force the money out of a gvir to pay?
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Moshe -4 years ago
Resh Lekish said that if a demand for plony was made or
The terrorist will kill everybody, he holds that one may not deliver up plony but let all die. Why? Doesn't seem to make sense. Could it be that delivering up plony in such a case only encourages more such terroristic demands and begets another tomorrow, etc ? I.e. you don't negotiate with terrorists even if the price to accede to their demands is doable or even reasonable, because it just encourages more terrorism.
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Moshe -4 years ago
Is there a fine line between dying or living al kiddush Hashem for quasi-avodah zorah?
I recall that there are religions (Islam? Xianity?) that are basically monotheism with a dose of "partnership" etc. Definitely out of bounds for us but not quite pure avodah zora. If a yid is confronted with a situation of serve or die, if it is truly avodah zora he must give up his life al kiddush Hashem. But, if it isn't, then he must not and might even not be allowed to do so.
If this is true, then there is a fine line between giving up one's life or not, depending upon the resolution of that halachic inquiry, not something for the average man, especially one with a gun to his head. Also scholars might differ on the question.
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