Dedicated by Eda Schottenstein in honor of her husband David winning the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award
Dedicatedin the memory of Chana bas R' Aharon Leib,her Yarzteit on 9 Tamuz. Her grace and kindness brought joy to all
Class Summary:
Why Did Moses Not Enter the Holy Land? On the journey from slavery to freedom, the model of leadership must change
May I please suggest you read less of the Hebrew which ,many do not understand , and stay more with English. Also, please give the number of the sentence in English not by using the Hebrew alphabet which we don’t know.
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Shalom Ber -13 years ago
I'm waiting for lesson seven also I've been waiting for lesson seven also.
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Pinchas -13 years ago
lesson 7? when may we expect lesson 7 please?
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Berel -13 years ago
Tanya Lesson 7 ? B"H
Thanks for this series of Tanya Lessons.
I've been waiting for Tanya Lesson 7 for a while
kol tov
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Benveniste -13 years ago
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RIVKA OZERSKY -13 years ago
Question? Dear Rabbi Jacobson,
Is the Neshamah Behemis also the Yetzer HaRah?
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alex -15 years ago
mission earth Buckminster Fuller said: On spaceship earth, there are no passengers, only crew.
The signature word of the Torah is responsibility.
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Anonymous -15 years ago
so beutiful! only the Rebbe can say such words that come from the heart and enter the heart
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GOLDA RACHELE -15 years ago
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Rabbi Eli Feldman -15 years ago
Thank You Thank you Rabbi Jacobson for that inspiring and erudite essay!
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zalman -15 years ago
Perspective Thank you for bringing together and highlighting the nuances of Divine Providence at work, when brought together these give us a glimpse into the vast—often unreachable—depth of our world, God's creation.
What i find even more moving, is the Rebbe's presentation of Judaism in it's truest form. So pure, that we need not compromize or become defensive to show the fairness and humanness of Torah law.
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LH -15 years ago
Comment. I understand that you are saying that we no longer have lashes but we do have a lot of Divine Punishments being meted out these days.
In terms of a person understanding the consequences of his/her actions I really have seen some unbelievable things where it's just so hard for me to believe that the person was so evil that they deserved the unusual thing to happen to that person.
But what if it is the case that by a person not listening it could destroy the fabric of our society? I just hope that we can figure out how to give proper understanding to those who need it before any axe needs to fall (myself included!).
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Boris Roytman -15 years ago
Question Hello, it was one of the interesting ones. I still would like to ask you if you don't mind. What are we as human kind are being redeemed? Who are we running from? From what do we need to be liberated?
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Yitzchok Michael -15 years ago
Neil Armstrong's Missing 'A' BS"D It is fascinating to contemplate that each of us has a significant role to perform in order to realize G-D's purpose for the Universe! This should be cross-referenced with Rabbi Simon Jacobson's essay in which he says (in answer to an agnostic)that no engineer would design a complex machine that had no purpose.
This is definitely inspiring.
Yitzchok Michael New Haven, Ct.
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Yossi -15 years ago
Tzur Tzur in chasidus has a very deep potential as we know if you strike it together you can ignite a flame representing the flame of the neshomo, and the stone can even be submerged in water for a long time but still can create a fire.
Rabbi Jacobson said that the selah has the water but the tzur has the fire! Just a thought.
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Goldberg -15 years ago
Two answers YHVH Name I have two answers to the question about permutations of the YHVH Name. Some say 12 . Some say 24.The 12 answer comes from YHVH representing " of the 12 permutations " hours of daytime, or the H is the same letter, and only counted once. 24 comes from the " 12 of the permutations " represent daytime. There is a difference between " Of the 12 " and " 12 of ". 24 also comes from the first Hay and final Hay being two different Hays in terms of meaning.
Thank you, Good Shabbos, IY"H, Mordi
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hi -15 years ago
small remark In our past, we struck rocks, to make dressed stones, and built the Beis Ha Mikdash with them. Today, we go to the Kotel, and we speak to the stones, we do not strike them. So history re-enacts the incident with a better outcome. We lost the Beis Ha Mikdash made of stones, and built another one, made of words. (If Moses had never made this mistake, his only mistake, he would have been too perfect a man.That might have resulted in him being venerated, G-d forbid.)
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Terrace, B.C. -15 years ago
Amazing! Thank you very much Rabbi. This was one of the clearest teachings on what the two rocks mean, Thank you very much.
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family -15 years ago
grateful Dear R.Jacobson, as one who is experiencing a great amount of pain in life, I must thank you for providing me with the tools and learning to cope with this. I wait all week for Monday night, when I can have, for a few moments, light, and inspiration. May G-d bless you, and your sponsors for spreading such holiness in the world. I thank you from the depth of my heart, with an appreciation mere words can never express.
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steve madden -15 years ago
sandals where can one buy a pair of sandals seen in the picture "depicting" Moses?
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Joe -15 years ago
I am a Rock. Shimon Garfinkel's interpretation of this story was truly enlightening!
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nechemy -15 years ago
fantastic just finished the shiyur on podcast in car.... FANTASTIC!!!!!!!
That last gematria tzur & sela equaling kossel was the cherry on the top.
Beautiful. Geshmak
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YYJ -15 years ago
Tzur As explained in class, G-d as Tzur is usually associated in Tanach with his name Elokim, represnting the G-dliness often embedded and deeply concealed within the "rock" of existance, where man must struggle to discover the underlying spiritual core of all reality.
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s -15 years ago
tzur/sela What is the meaning--HBH is our Tzur--in the context of your drash?
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Wondering -15 years ago
Transparency No need to be defensive. My name is Jack, living in Kew Garden Hills, working in Brooklyn -- nothing to hide. I happen to be a techie, and have been working on different sites and "viewer counters." When someone directed me to the large numbers you were advertising (30,000) I was curious and went to check it out. My question is coming from a sincere place, and just thought it would be good to understand how the numbers are tallied.
And btw, statistics show that many people will press play several times (they may stop it and restart or for various other reasons), as well as press mp3 more than once.
AT the same time, more than one person may be viewing a particular webcast.
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shemaryahu -15 years ago
best so far this is the best lecture i have heard so far, it combines gematria and chumash and kabbalistic thought. lecture was stimulating and provoking and coherent. please do more in the same fashion
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hi -15 years ago
source See also Rav Eleyahoo Munk on Chukas for his similar insight.
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joy -15 years ago
Rav Kook What a beautiful line by Rav Kook! Stones that melt and hearts that are like stones.
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יצחק -15 years ago
שאלות עדיין לא נתבאר מדוע נאמר קח את המטה? וגם מדוע היה זה היפך קידוש השם ?
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יוסף -15 years ago
סלע ושם הוי"ה כמדומה שהרב לא אמר הגימטריא לפי הסדר וצריך להיות כך: יוד פעמים ה' שהוא חמשים. ה' פעמים ו' שהוא שלשים. ו' פעמים ה' שהוא שלשים. וה' פעמים יו"ד שהוא חמשים. סך הכל 160, הגימטריא דסלע.
כלומר כל אות מכפילים עם האות שבאה לאחריה: היו"ד עם הה"א, הה"א עם הוא"ו, הוא"ו עם הה"א והה"א עם היו"ד (שבתחלת האות). כך נראה לפי עניות דעתי
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chaim -15 years ago
questions you mention it´s needed another kind of leadership for entering Isroel but then nothing is mentioned about. why it shouldn´t be sanctified HaShem´s name by strucking the rock? It´s a miraculous way too…. And when HaShem asked Moses to talk with it they were alone, people doesn´t know which should be the right way.
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Neche -15 years ago
another explanation There is another explanation: Moshe Rabbeinu, showed true leadership and order that G-d should never have a plausible complaint to the Jews, that even a "domem" (rock) listened to Me when I spoke but the midaber (yidden) didn’t… so he displayed true leadership and gave up his lifelong dream not to go into Eretz Yisroel in order give the Jews a pass for later in their history…
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Anonymous -15 years ago
maybe you can write "number of hits" as opposed to viewers. Sometimes it does'nt go through and I try 4-5 times also.
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to wondering -15 years ago
transparency watchdog For complete transparency you should probably use your real name in your comment
In any event, they are not trying to exaggerate numbers, it seems that it is merely functional. Why would you need to click the play button more than once?
All the best.
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Wondering -15 years ago
Numbers of viewers? In the name of transparency, I was wondering whether the number of "viewers" you display reflect actual viewers, or it adds a "viewer" each time the viewer (even the same one) clicks the play button. Because when I tried it myself, each time I clicked play the number of viewers went up by one. For ethical purposes, it would be wise to reflect the accurate count of viewers, so as not to create exaggerated numbers.
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Daniel Kaye, Sydney Australia -15 years ago
Fantastic! Yishar Koach!
May Hashem Yisborech accept your words "Speaking to the rock" "Hertzieger Verter" words from the Heart which will surely enter the heart and cease to "Strike the rock" and give you and all Yidden revealed material and spiritual good, Moshiach Now! Amain! Again thank you! Yishar Koach!
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Intowner -15 years ago
Tzur Sela Awesome!
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outoftowner -15 years ago
amazing class! but what's with the so called (inapropriate) pictures of "Moshe Rabainu"
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AB -15 years ago
The Class Wow
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gavriel yitzhak -15 years ago
livestock another difference between the 2 incidents cited is the word used for "livestock". In Beshelach, mikneh is used; in Chukat, b'ier. What is the significance of this? mikne is also "purchased"; bi'er is related to fire, burning as well as the verb for rooting out, elimination e.g. bi'ur hametz.
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Class Chukas
Rabbi YY Jacobson
June 27, 2011
25 Sivan 5771
Dedicated by Eda Schottenstein in honor of her husband David winning the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award
Dedicatedin the memory of Chana bas R' Aharon Leib,her Yarzteit on 9 Tamuz. Her grace and kindness brought joy to all
Please leave your comment below!
antok -18 hours ago
This was a well-written and insightful article. Thank you for sharing
Regard <a href=''>Unissula</a>
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Thank you for the shir.
May I please suggest you read less of the Hebrew which ,many do not understand , and stay more with English. Also, please give the number of the sentence in English not by using the Hebrew alphabet which we don’t know.
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Shalom Ber -13 years ago
I'm waiting for lesson seven also
I've been waiting for lesson seven also.
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Pinchas -13 years ago
lesson 7?
when may we expect lesson 7 please?
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Berel -13 years ago
Tanya Lesson 7 ?
Thanks for this series of Tanya Lessons.
I've been waiting for Tanya Lesson 7 for a while
kol tov
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Benveniste -13 years ago
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RIVKA OZERSKY -13 years ago
Dear Rabbi Jacobson,
Is the Neshamah Behemis also the Yetzer HaRah?
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alex -15 years ago
mission earth
Buckminster Fuller said:
On spaceship earth, there are no passengers, only crew.
The signature word of the Torah is responsibility.
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Anonymous -15 years ago
so beutiful!
only the Rebbe can say such words that come from the heart and enter the heart
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GOLDA RACHELE -15 years ago
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Rabbi Eli Feldman -15 years ago
Thank You
Thank you Rabbi Jacobson for that inspiring and erudite essay!
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zalman -15 years ago
Thank you for bringing together and highlighting the nuances of Divine Providence at work, when brought together these give us a glimpse into the vast—often unreachable—depth of our world, God's creation.
What i find even more moving, is the Rebbe's presentation of Judaism in it's truest form. So pure, that we need not compromize or become defensive to show the fairness and humanness of Torah law.
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LH -15 years ago
I understand that you are saying that we no longer have lashes but we do have a lot of Divine Punishments being meted out these days.
In terms of a person understanding the consequences of his/her actions I really have seen some unbelievable things where it's just so hard for me to believe that the person was so evil that they deserved the unusual thing to happen to that person.
But what if it is the case that by a person not listening it could destroy the fabric of our society? I just hope that we can figure out how to give proper understanding to those who need it before any axe needs to fall (myself included!).
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Boris Roytman -15 years ago
Hello, it was one of the interesting ones. I still would like to ask you if you don't mind. What are we as human kind are being redeemed? Who are we running from? From what do we need to be liberated?
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Yitzchok Michael -15 years ago
Neil Armstrong's Missing 'A'
It is fascinating to contemplate that each of us has a significant role to perform in order to realize G-D's purpose for the Universe!
This should be cross-referenced with Rabbi Simon Jacobson's essay in which he says (in answer to an agnostic)that no engineer would design a complex machine that had no purpose.
This is definitely inspiring.
Yitzchok Michael
New Haven, Ct.
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Yossi -15 years ago
Tzur in chasidus has a very deep potential as we know if you strike it together you can ignite a flame representing the flame of the neshomo, and the stone can even be submerged in water for a long time but still can create a fire.
Rabbi Jacobson said that the selah has the water but the tzur has the fire!
Just a thought.
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Goldberg -15 years ago
Two answers
I have two answers to the question about permutations of the YHVH Name. Some say 12 . Some say 24.The 12 answer comes from YHVH representing " of the 12 permutations " hours of daytime, or the H is the same letter, and only counted once. 24 comes from the " 12 of the permutations " represent daytime. There is a difference between " Of the 12 " and " 12 of ". 24 also comes from the first Hay and final Hay being two different Hays in terms of meaning.
Thank you, Good Shabbos, IY"H, Mordi
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hi -15 years ago
small remark
In our past, we struck rocks, to make dressed stones, and built the Beis Ha Mikdash with them. Today, we go to the Kotel, and we speak to the stones, we do not strike them. So history re-enacts the incident with a better outcome. We lost the Beis Ha Mikdash made of stones, and built another one, made of words. (If Moses had never made this mistake, his only mistake, he would have been too perfect a man.That might have resulted in him being venerated, G-d forbid.)
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Terrace, B.C. -15 years ago
Thank you very much Rabbi. This was one of the clearest teachings on what the two rocks mean, Thank you very much.
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family -15 years ago
Dear R.Jacobson,
as one who is experiencing a great amount of pain in life, I must thank you for providing me with the tools and learning to cope with this. I wait all week for Monday night, when I can have, for a few moments, light, and inspiration. May G-d bless you, and your sponsors for spreading such holiness in the world. I thank you from the depth of my heart, with an appreciation mere words can never express.
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steve madden -15 years ago
where can one buy a pair of sandals seen in the picture "depicting" Moses?
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Joe -15 years ago
I am a Rock.
Shimon Garfinkel's interpretation of this story was truly enlightening!
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nechemy -15 years ago
just finished the shiyur on podcast in car.... FANTASTIC!!!!!!!
That last gematria tzur & sela equaling kossel was the cherry on the top.
Beautiful. Geshmak
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YYJ -15 years ago
As explained in class, G-d as Tzur is usually associated in Tanach with his name Elokim, represnting the G-dliness often embedded and deeply concealed within the "rock" of existance, where man must struggle to discover the underlying spiritual core of all reality.
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s -15 years ago
What is the meaning--HBH is our Tzur--in the context of your drash?
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Wondering -15 years ago
No need to be defensive. My name is Jack, living in Kew Garden Hills, working in Brooklyn -- nothing to hide. I happen to be a techie, and have been working on different sites and "viewer counters." When someone directed me to the large numbers you were advertising (30,000) I was curious and went to check it out. My question is coming from a sincere place, and just thought it would be good to understand how the numbers are tallied.
And btw, statistics show that many people will press play several times (they may stop it and restart or for various other reasons), as well as press mp3 more than once.
AT the same time, more than one person may be viewing a particular webcast.
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shemaryahu -15 years ago
best so far
this is the best lecture i have heard so far, it combines gematria and chumash and kabbalistic thought. lecture was stimulating and provoking and coherent.
please do more in the same fashion
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hi -15 years ago
See also Rav Eleyahoo Munk on Chukas for his similar insight.
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joy -15 years ago
Rav Kook
What a beautiful line by Rav Kook! Stones that melt and hearts that are like stones.
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יצחק -15 years ago
עדיין לא נתבאר מדוע נאמר קח את המטה? וגם מדוע היה זה היפך קידוש השם
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יוסף -15 years ago
סלע ושם הוי"ה
כמדומה שהרב לא אמר הגימטריא לפי הסדר וצריך להיות כך: יוד פעמים ה' שהוא חמשים. ה' פעמים ו' שהוא שלשים. ו' פעמים ה' שהוא שלשים. וה' פעמים יו"ד שהוא חמשים. סך הכל 160, הגימטריא דסלע.
כלומר כל אות מכפילים עם האות שבאה לאחריה: היו"ד עם הה"א, הה"א עם הוא"ו, הוא"ו עם הה"א והה"א עם היו"ד (שבתחלת האות). כך נראה לפי עניות דעתי
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chaim -15 years ago
you mention it´s needed another kind of leadership for entering Isroel but then nothing is mentioned about.
why it shouldn´t be sanctified HaShem´s name by strucking the rock? It´s a miraculous way too…. And when HaShem asked Moses to talk with it they were alone, people doesn´t know which should be the right way.
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Neche -15 years ago
another explanation
There is another explanation: Moshe Rabbeinu, showed true leadership and order that G-d should never have a plausible complaint to the Jews, that even a "domem" (rock) listened to Me when I spoke but the midaber (yidden) didn’t… so he displayed true leadership and gave up his lifelong dream not to go into Eretz Yisroel in order give the Jews a pass for later in their history…
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Anonymous -15 years ago
maybe you can write "number of hits" as opposed to viewers. Sometimes it does'nt go through and I try 4-5 times also.
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to wondering -15 years ago
transparency watchdog
For complete transparency you should probably use your real name in your comment
In any event, they are not trying to exaggerate numbers, it seems that it is merely functional. Why would you need to click the play button more than once?
All the best.
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Wondering -15 years ago
Numbers of viewers?
In the name of transparency, I was wondering whether the number of "viewers" you display reflect actual viewers, or it adds a "viewer" each time the viewer (even the same one) clicks the play button. Because when I tried it myself, each time I clicked play the number of viewers went up by one.
For ethical purposes, it would be wise to reflect the accurate count of viewers, so as not to create exaggerated numbers.
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Daniel Kaye, Sydney Australia -15 years ago
Yishar Koach!
May Hashem Yisborech accept your words "Speaking to the rock" "Hertzieger Verter" words from the Heart which will surely enter the heart and cease to "Strike the rock" and give you and all Yidden revealed material and spiritual good, Moshiach Now! Amain! Again thank you! Yishar Koach!
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Intowner -15 years ago
Tzur Sela
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outoftowner -15 years ago
amazing class! but what's with the so called (inapropriate) pictures of "Moshe Rabainu"
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AB -15 years ago
The Class
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gavriel yitzhak -15 years ago
another difference between the 2 incidents cited is the word used for "livestock". In Beshelach, mikneh is used; in Chukat, b'ier. What is the significance of this?
mikne is also "purchased"; bi'er is related to fire, burning as well as the verb for rooting out, elimination e.g. bi'ur hametz.
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