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Speak to the Rock: Understanding Our Generation

Why Was Moshe Punished So Harshly for Hitting a Rock?

1 hr 41 min

Class Summary:

This women's class was presented on Tuesday, 6 Tamuz, 5778, June 19, 2018, at Ohr Chaim, Monsey, NY

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  • RM

    Rivka Miriam -2 years ago

    Where can you find this Tzemach Tzedek?

    Rivka Miriam

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  • S

    Sholom -5 years ago


    Beautiful shuir, however, based on the Tzemach Tzedaks explanation, it comes out that Moshe Chas vesholom had a disconnect with the new generation, which sounds hard to imagine.

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  • בפ

    בנימין פ -6 years ago

    בגמ' מכות י"א א רש"י ד"ה בלשון עזה וז"ל בכל יהושע כתיב 'ויאמר ה' ' וכאן נאמר 'וידבר ה' אל יהושע', ודיבור לשון עז הוא ע"כ

      מבואר בגמ' שם דבספר תורה מפי מרע"ה יש הרבה בלשון דבר (עזה ) אבל בספר יהושע בכל הספר יש רק ויאמר (לשון רכה) חוץ מהענין של ערי מקלט עי"ש הגמ' הסבר

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  • RB

    Rabbi B -6 years ago

    Hitting the Rock

    Thanks for a wonderful shiur.

    Just 2 points to add. Moshe and Aharon never said we shall bring out water. They said How can we bring out water? secondly, why is the word morim written without a vav. Perhaps the answer is that morim without a vav is an allusion to Miyam, their sister. Moshe and Aharon knew only too well (no pun intended)that the well only gave out water through the merit of their late sister Miriam. 'WE cannot match her merits,' they exclaimed.

    It seems there is a time to be humble and a time when not to be humble. A leader always has to put the interests of the people before his own.

    Best wishes.

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Women's Chukas Class

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • June 19, 2018
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  • 6 Tamuz 5778
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