Women's Class Parshas Chukas-Balak
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Yitzchok Shlomo for a speedy Refuah Shleima to Yitzchak ben Ester
This class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Chukas, 8 Tamuz, 5783, June 27, 2023, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Women's Class Parshas Chukas-Balak
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Yitzchok Shlomo for a speedy Refuah Shleima to Yitzchak ben Ester
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Anonymous -7 months ago
There is an argument whether the vesomim came between the cleaning of the lamps or the sprinkling of the blood came between the cleaning of the lamps. How can you say there is no argument regarding the korbonos said before shachris?
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Anonymous -1 year ago
@yaakov I suppose one can only say that when his journey is complete becuase when you reach that light you'll have a whole new perspective .and from the fact that you said that must be your still on your journey
peace and love✌️❤️😘
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Yaakov -1 year ago
it could be--you're a person with real emunah. That's a beautiful perspective. Thanks. but maybe it won't be light that will be seen in this lifetime...maybe in Olam Haba.
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Yaakov -1 year ago
A contrary Perspective
I would rather have less light in my soul and not have gone through the bad experiences
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Yossi -1 year ago
Wow thank you so much! I'm in yeshiva and spend the majority of my day studying iyun/nigleh and being able to listen to your shiurim is an incredible opportunity for me.may you continue to inspire and add more and deeper dimensions to all of our lifes
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Yehudis karbal -1 year ago
As always an inspiring class. Guiding us in the diffuculT questions of our lives
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YY Jacobson -1 year ago
Yes difficult parsha this is -- on so many levels. Thank you for sharing this. And much hatzlacha.
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Anonymous -1 year ago
So soulfull and equally brilliant... It was so fabulous that I listened to it 3 times.
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YY Jacobson -1 year ago
Wow. Thanks so so much. it means so much to me. I hope you pass on the inspiration to others!
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Devora Rittri -1 year ago
such a good ending, exactly the point i was looking for
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YY Jacobson -1 year ago
Yea yes.
Thanks so so much.
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Adi -1 year ago
So all Moshe basically wanted was Geulah! Geula for the yiden right there ! Just what a Rebbe is
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YY Jacobson -1 year ago
Yes. Exactly you got it. Thanks so so much.
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Anonymous -1 year ago
Then why was hashem upset at him? did he not want him to do it?
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YY Jacobson -1 year ago
The "upsetness" was the very plan. Moshe took the Jewish people into a space where they can experience a lack of full emunah, a lack of full kiddush Hashem, the absence of full light, which creates the ability for darkness and then the work of עבודת הבירורים. The work of finding the light inside the darkness, of peeling away the layers of shells and distractions to uncover the infinite within.
What does it mean Hashem getting "upset"? It means there is a diminished expression of His infinite presence and light. Think about when you are upset. And that is exactly what allowed the deeper waters to come out!
You understand?
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Yossi -1 year ago
Sorry I'm not really understanding why hashem was upset? Does hashem not want us to acces the deepest waters?is it possible hashem was upset at the very result of moshe not being able to enter the land of isreal
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YY Jacobson -1 year ago
Upsetness here means that the light was concealed. Which is what allows for mistakes and sin which is what allows for the deepest healing and wholeness.
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Anonymous -1 year ago
Beautiful class. Thank you.
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YY Jacobson -1 year ago
Thanks so so much. May we all experience only revealed goodness -- and may the fusion happen speedily.
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Y. -1 year ago
Clarity and Pain
Can you elaborate please on how can we get clarity faster ?!
(A healthy and allied with Hashem's will ).
How to get over the pain we cause others on the way. My clarity, "was earned", now what about their pain that I caused?
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YY Jacobson -1 year ago
I think we can sorround ourselves with a good support system -- people whom we trust, who care for us, and challenge us to become better human beings.
we can cultivate a deep relationship with ourselves and Hashem, with profound self respect and self love, allowing us to connect to others with respect and dignity and attachment.
we can work on repairing the last by full presence and accountability. And humility.
and of course we can engage in a path toward comforting our traumas and dealing with them. First and foremost through genuine self awareness. Which then allows us to make choices.
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Rachel -1 year ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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YY Jacobson -1 year ago
You are so very welcome.
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Amy P Jacobson -1 year ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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YY Jacobson -1 year ago
No reason is given. Part of the mystery of the red heifer.
Of course she was a very old woman at the time. She was 125 or 126.
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