Rabbi YY Jacobson
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This lecutre was presented to women in Woodridge, NY, on August 4, 2015 (19 Av, 5775), arranged by Torah Projects of Agudath Israel of America.
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Anonymous -7 years ago
Such a great shiur
This was such a great lesson (as it seems all of your lessons are). For me it was about so much more than marriages being "infected" by insecurity. It was about being loved and feeling that you are loved so that you can give love in return. It was about the woman being both a Leah and a Rachel. I didn't know the first mention of ahavah was between Abraham and Isaac and then becuase Isaac was loved, he could love Rebeccah in return and the story of love goes on. How important this thng called love is. Thank you for your wisdoms.
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